Sorry for no upload yesterday, I went out to an Arcade with some friends and time just... slipped away lol; I was planning on writing when I came home, but got a headache so I just chilled instead.
The plus side is that I won a few nice anime figures lol, so there's that~!
That night, I spent some more time refining the materials before having everyone make sure there stuff was sufficiently packed and ready to be moved, since I had a feeling that we would be moving out of the city tomorrow after purchasing the land.
There wasn't a doubt in my mind that we would be buying one of the two plots by dusk tomorrow, so I wanted to be able to get our carriage out there as soon as we could tomorrow night.
Because of that, we didn't have as much fun as Rhefia, Sari, and Aethisia wanted tonight, but they were also a little giddy about being able to leave behind Colodi Park and get back to the 'wild', where we would be capable of doing whatever we wanted to - within reason, anyways.
We'd be parting with a large amount of coin, but that wasn't too bad either since the markets would become a reliable source of coin for us, as well as the ever reliable wonders of selling sex for coin.
With an increase in the ability to grow foodstuffs, a more accessible location to hunt in, and our own land, I was looking forwards to the feasts we could hold for ourselves, as well as the opportunity to potentially ferry food from the house to the markets to sell, or maybe purchase a small storefront to cook food and sell.
Restaurants were usually a profitable business if you knew what you were doing... though I guess most things are profitable if you understand what you're doing, but the point is food is something people NEED, so it'll sell.
From rich cuisine to simpler things like sandwiches, we could make a diverse storefront to sell meals to all kinds of people with all types of tastes.
That wasn't even including my desire for a storefront to sell our personal goods from, namely Camara's figures and eventually my jewelry, as well as processed materials that we had no need for.
That was the dream for me, to be able to have a place to sell things so that I could meet all kinds of people and experience all types of things, even if I knew that eventually I would be leaving the store behind as I traveled around.
Though, it wouldn't disappear, nor would I sell it; I could certainly either rent it out to someone else or hire someone to run it while we were gone.
Anyways, with a head full of wonderful ideas regarding my future in Birchan, I eventually drifted to sleep with Aka and Ehretia in my arms, the two babies nestled securely against my chest with their Dama's lying on either side of me.
When the sun arose, so too did we, and everyone gathered their things and packed the carts before following Sari and I to the Birchan Land Office, where they waited outside for us as we went in, the medallion that the Elf gave us in hand.
Waiting for our turn, we showed the Dogkin receptionist the medallion, making her nod as she turned and retrieved some papers, before escorting us towards a side door, where we got to see a tall, thin chocolate skinned woman sitting on a luxurious couch.
Draped in lavish green robes, the woman smiled warmly at us before gesturing to the table, where three papers were spread out, waiting to be reviewed.
"Hello~! My name is Trabyia, and I'll be your realtor and guide for today! Sit, drink; I had a basic herbal tea prepared for you, or water if you'd prefer."
We both accepted the cups that were on the table and took a sip, appreciating the soothing flavor as we introduced ourselves to Trabyia.
"My name is Astra, and this is my wife Sari. Before we begin, I'd like to apologize, but could we take Yutra Manor out of the agenda? After some discussions with the rest of my family, we decided against it."
Trabyia nodded, her smile not faltering as she took the papers regarding Yutra Manor off the table, leaving just two sets.
"That's alright! Ah, and it's a pleasure to meet the two of you~! Now, to get to business!"
Clapping her hands, she slid forwards one of the papers first, saying "This is the smaller, and cheaper of the two plots; the one located at the end of the Potaam River. 65,000 square feet of land that has access to fresh water, a beautiful view, fertile land and relatively flat - save for a few hills - as well. Like you had been told, it shares one of its borders with a forest that is under the Queen's protection, meaning that ANY harm done to that forest is considered a severe crime. That is a warning to... be careful around that area. Now, besides the large amount of land, the plot is only a few hundred feet away from one of the main roads, so it is visible to passing merchants and travelers, but it shouldn't be to the point that they're actively walking on your property.
For 265 Gold, this property has much of what you would need for a house and a large garden; if you want anything larger than fields of two fifty square feet, you need a permit to do so. Otherwise, the land is well kept, bathed in sunlight, and looking over the Potaam River's endpoint, which is a nice, shallow pool of water around four feet deep and twenty feet around. Besides that, the Queen is offering a rebate on the property because of the forest, and an additional sum if measures are taken to keep your alterations from affecting the forest."
Sari and I glanced at one another, before Trabyia slid forwards the other paper, starting her summary of this plot next.
"Located near the center of the Potaam River, this plot of land totaling 90,000 square feet is on sale for 300 Gold. Connected directly to the calm Potaam River, this land is flat and fertile, nestled between two separate properties that are off the beaten path by a bit. The first is a farm owned by the Queen for the Royal Family, and the second is a Noble's retreat from the city. You won't be seeing much of either of them unless you go looking, because they have grown trees on the edges of those properties to maintain a sense of privacy for their lands.
The nearest main road is a mile away, so this is a plot a bit away from the city, but there are many side roads that connect the various hamlets and farms to the main road, so you needn't worry about not being able to get to Birchan easily. It'll just take a few minutes by horse or cart.
For the land itself, it's fertile, flat, located away from prying eyes, and well kept. The earth is stable in the area, no notable issues with the land that we've recorded. All in all, it's amongst the more desirable plots we have, and if not for the price and being one of the further plots from the city, it likely would've been purchased already."
Smiling, Trabyia clipped both sets together and stood up, glancing at her pocket watch and saying "We have plenty of time then for these two plots, so let's get going! I've arranged transportation and protection - just in case - for us to go see all the properties. Shall we get going?"