
Discussing the Properties

Sari and I continued to walk around the city for another hour or so before the Catkin dragged me back to Colodi Park, her desires running high as she handed Aka off to Kalia and pinned me beneath her in the cart.

Almost ripping my clothes off my body, the Catkin grinned as she wrapped her hands around my throat and began to ravish my body, understanding that we had limited time and that I still needed to be able to walk and work after this was over, which brought her potential to have real fun down by quite a large margin, but...

Well, there was quite a lot she could do with just her hands, and considering pain was the end goal, Sari had no problem using me as her personal hole before tossing me aside, her lust momentarily sated after flooding my womb with her sticky, creamy cum.

Though, when I crawled over to her and began to suck on her studded cock, the Catkin just smirked and leaned against the cart, running her fingers through my hair as she fucked my throat for a few more minutes.

We finished up by the time that the sun was halfway down towards the horizon, leaving us a few more hours till dinner.

Sari took Aethisia out to the plains again, the two wanting to stretch their legs and hunt until dusk, while Rhefia remained behind to look after Ipoala, her priorities and mentality having shifted immensely after these last few months.

I could still remember how she used to be so careful around Camara when she was a baby, or how she yearned to gallivant through the forest on a hunt, providing for our table through long hours away.

Now, she was on her fourth daughter and much more mellow then before, wanting to spend more time at home with them then out alone in the woods, but that isn't to say she's lost her physicality.

I just think her priorities have shifted a little bit.

So, before I did anything else, I told her about the three properties, wanting her opinion on what would be best for us based just on what I could remember and on intuition, since we had never seen them before.

Unsurprisingly, Rhefia was more open to spending the Gold on untouched land and being able to set up our own house and fields, instead of residing in the city.

Though, that certainly came from the viewpoint of her still being a criminal within Birchan, but the reasoning was still solid.

She wanted to wait until everyone was assembled at dinner for us to discuss it more, so I took Ehretia and Aka and fed them their lunch before giving Ehretia back to Rhefia, the little Doe wanting to be with her Dama and her newest sister who played with her, while Aka remained with me, curling up on my lap as I sat down on front of my workstations and began to work on refining some more materials.

The little kit snoozed contentedly as I worked, and the sun slowly crept to the horizon as I got everything I needed to start making jewelry, with my first focus being something simple like a ring or bracelet.

Of course I took breaks to stroke Aka's lithe body and fluff her ears, which would make her purr softly on my lap, her tail swishing side to side as she sprawled herself out as much as she could.

When Sari and Aethisia returned, they came back with a juicy deer between them, which they set about bleeding into a bucket away from the campsite before sitting down, accepting the plates that Heila and Kalia handed them and digging into the food, listening to me as I began to tell them about the three separate plots of land that we had found, one of which was a prebuilt home.

The reaction to that was mixed, with Sari, Prixisia, and Heila all expressing the same sentiment that, while it might not be to our exact desires, the cost of building a new home was astronomical compared to the normal process of buying the house.

Of course, the others all just smirked at the three women, making them furrow their brows as they stared at the rest of us in confusion.

Aethisia and Kalia made it clear that they'd rather the land outside of the city, for a multitude of reasons.

Access to the plains for hunting, fields for crops, being away from the city for Rhefia, more space for us to use, more space for the Geri, our own house built to our specifications...

They made good points, but each point made the other three frown, not understanding why they were so nonchalant about building our own manor outside the city walls.

And honestly, after Camara agreed that it'd be easier to do everything outside of the watchful eye of the city, I was inclined to agree as well with the idea of buying a plot of land outside, especially since it'd be far less restrictive since it was our land.

As long as we weren't drastically altering the landscape or damaging and polluting the surrounding land, the government wouldn't mind too much with what we did.

So, as a family - and with majority vote - we decided to ignore Yutra Manor and instead construct our own manor, with the three new additions being confused about why we were so confident.

Rhefia just told them to trust us and wait and see, since we could get something decent up and running in no time once we reached the land.

Of course, just in case someone came to check up on us when we moved onto our land, we would do everything slowly and over time, but it wouldn't be too bad, especially not when I could dig underground and shore up a sizable basement for us to reside in.

Everything on either of those plots would be useful for us, and having our own fields was going to be reassuring again... though I believed we would need to construct walls around the perimeter of the land to keep prying eyes out from what we were doing.

The last thing I wanted was to deal with people wondering about why everything was going so smoothly so quickly...


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts