

Playing a little with my baby inside, I waited for Rhefia to enter with our meal, which came in a few minutes.

Sitting down together as a family, Rhefia and I watched as Camara braved down a few greens as well as enjoyed her few cubes of meat, only to latch herself back onto my breast as I continued eating.

Rhefia and I exchanged knowing glances, and I felt my womb ache as her giant cock reared its head, only for her to get up and turn around as Camara released my nipple.

Handing Rhefia the bowls, I sat down with Camara and played some more with her, rolling the ball back and forth and telling her some stories.

"-helped save the princess as she was stuck in a giant stone tower!"

Crawling over to me, Camara stared up at me with wide eyes, asking "And then?! Did the Doggy get saved by the Demon?"

Grinning, I scooped her up and nodded.

"The Demon did save her Doggy Princess, yes! After she defeated the mysterious and evil Dragon, the Demon took her Doggy Princess home, where they lived happily ever after!"

Giggling, Camara stared up at me from her crib, asking "Did Goddess bless them with many babies?"

Leaning down, I rubbed my nose against hers, smiling as I nodded.

"According to legend, the Doggy Princess had a dozen children with the Demon; that's how much they loved each other!"

With sparkling eyes, Camara stared at me, only to bounce up and down as she pleaded "Another story! Another story!"

Sighing, I pulled the rocker over and nodded, delving into yet another story.

Halfway through, Camara's eyes were drooping, and after a few more lines my daughter had fallen asleep, breathing quietly as she lay in the center of her crib.

Gently kissing her head, I pulled her blankets over her small body before getting up, looking down at her tenderly.

My heart was filled with warmth as I took in the sleeping form of my daughter, and a stray thought entered my mind, coming from those stories.

What would I do if someone captured my daughter?

I couldn't just send Rhefia out to get her back!

No, I needed to be the one to get her back; she was my daughter!

With a seed of resolve growing in my heart, I exited the house, approaching Rhefia as she chopped down a tree.

"My love~"

Waiting for her to finish, I found myself instead thrust against the tree, my Deerkin wife all over me as she kissed my neck.

Giggling at her desperate need for my body, I readily accepted her cock into me, clinging to her warm body as she thrust up into my womb.

After a few pumps inside, I asked her "R-Rhefia~ C-Can you teach me ah~ Fffucckk~!"

Trying to get out a sentence as my wife was hammering my womb was quite... difficult.

Smirking at me, she continued slamming my weak spot, making me moan as I clamped down hard on her thick cock.

Glaring at her, I moaned again before finishing my sentence.

"T-Teach me to fighttttt~!! Ahn~!"

Hearing that, she slowed down, a frown on her lips.

"Why? I can protect you and our children well enough."

Coming to a complete stop, Rhefia narrowed her eyes in displeasure, staring down at me.

Taking a few deep breaths, I met her stare and said "I want to be able to protect our children as well! If... If anything should happen to them, I want to be able to help!"

Continuing to stare at me, she eventually sighed before nodding, making me smile.

However, she doused that smile swiftly as she said "We'll start after you birth this child... and maybe the third. Then I'll train you."


Staring at her, I rapidly turned into a moaning mess as she hammered my womb, leaning down to growl "You'll learn eventually, but..."

Grunting, she pushed me further against the tree, smothering my body with hers and permeating my nostrils with her scent.

"Until then, I'll protect us. So just support me and care for our children~! Damnit, I'm gonna~!"

Feeling her balls clench against my ass as she buried herself to the root, she sprayed her semen into my womb.

Accepting her seed, I unconsciously whined as she pulled out, her semen dripping down my legs.

Panting, Rhefia stared down at me before sighing, embracing me.

"Listen... it's just... I can protect us; I swear it."

She draped herself over my body, and I grew confused as, for the first time, my wife seemed...


"Are... you okay?"

Sighing again, Rhefia turned quiet as she rested on me, before taking in a deep breath and smiling.

"Yes~! Alright; I'll teach you when this little one~"

Patting my stomach, which was slightly bloated now, Rhefia continued "Is born; then we can go on a hunt and train a little... maybe."

Rolling my eyes at her, I pursed my lips as she turned around, my heart clenching as I realized that she wasn't really ready to open up to me.

She was ready to have children, to start a family and live in the woods...

But not open up about her past...

At least, not yet.

Letting her walk towards another tree, I sighed as I realized that my wife was more complicated than I thought...

With that in mind, I took the few trees she had chopped and placed them into my inventory, before glancing back at the house.

I wanted a little more room, so that the two girls could have their own beds, and so Rhefia and I might get our own space...

However, that might be to much to ask for as of now; the clearing was slowly expanding, yes, but it wasn't ready to contain an actual home.

For now, our quaint little shack shall have to suffice I suppose...


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts