

Rhefia and I had resumed our morning ritual, much to the Deerkins delight as I laid face first in her lap, greedily slurping on her stiff cock.

Enjoying the way she ruffled my hair as I sucked her off, I gulped down her large minty load before draining her completely dry, only for us both to stiffen as Camara tentatively asked "M-Mama..? Are you awake?"

Swinging my legs over the side of our bed, I dropped to the ground and smiled at my daughter, scooping her out of the crib before grunting slightly.

Camara was growing rapidly; if before she was about as large as a two or three year old, around two and a half feet tall and around twenty some odd pounds, she was now three feet tall and around thirty pounds...

"You're getting bigger baby~!"

Nuzzling her cheek into my neck, Camara frowned for a moment as she sniffed the air, asking "Whats that smell..?"

Freezing, I glared at Rhefia as she dropped down beside me, making her shudder before kissing Camara's brow.

"Nothing little one. Now, did you want to try some meat again?"

Camara hesitantly nodded, before looking up at me and asking "Can I mama?"

Rubbing my nose against hers, I smiled gently as I said "Of course baby. Just don't eat too much, okay?"

Nodding again, Camara looked back at her dama and smiled, making Rhefia chuckle.

"Alright, I'll make breakfast."

Following behind her as she exited the house, I sat on the stairs as I looked around our clearing, nodding to myself.


Looking back at my little daughter, I smiled at her as I said "What do you think about our home? Would you like it to be bigger?"

Pursing her lips, Camara shrugged.

"It good small! Closer to mama and dama!"

Feeling my heart melt a little, I peppered my baby's face with kisses, making her blush before burying herself into my breasts.

Chuckling at that, I took in her two small antlers, which were now a few inches out of her skull.

Rhefia's were long, and only added to her imposing height; they were sharp and had many branches, which, admittedly, hurt when she accidentally prodded me with them at night.

Holding Camara closer, I continued observing the clearing, envisioning a large complex of buildings for us to call home.

After all, I would imagine eventually we would encounter other people, and our daughters would likely fall in love as well, having families of their own.

Some would, sadly, leave the nest to explore and find new things, while others would stay nearby and hone their crafts with either Rhefia or me.

However, that was a long time from now; I could only give birth once a month at this rate; maybe a little quicker if {Rapid Birthing} was further upgraded, but it'll still be rather... long.

Besides that, I didn't want to give birth to a child and not have the space or resources to care for them, so...


My Deerkin wife glanced over her shoulder, rotating a few skewers of meat over the fire.


"When you're done that, could you clear the land behind the house? I want to expand a little before..."

Gesturing to my stomach, Rhefia nodded, only to chuckle as Camara popped out from my chest, her head tilted as she asked "Before what?"

Pursing my lips, I took a deep breath before leaning down.

"Camara dear... Mama's pregnant again; another child is growing inside me."

For a moment she grew even more confused, before her eyes went wide.

"Y-You mean..?"

Nodding, I said "Another baby is going to be born in around a month..."

Her muddy crimson eyes watered, making my heart clench.

Leaning forwards, I hugged her tight as I said "We're not replacing you baby! We won't forget you, nor will we stop paying attention to you! I promise!"

"R-Really..? M-Mama and d-dama will still love Camara?"

Rhefia got up, wrapping her arms around us as she added "Of course little one. It's just... Mama and I love each other a lot, so the Goddess has blessed us with another child. Just like you; my little blessing. We'll always love you..."

Camara shivered between us, small tears pouring from her eyes as she clung to me.

"P-Please d-don't hic... stop l-loving Camara..!"

Holding her as close as I could, I swallowed as tears sprung to my eyes as well, my breathing turning shaky.

Eventually she calmed down, and I wiped her tears away gently, my daughter staring up at me with puffy eyes.

Smiling at her, I kissed her nose again before saying "Now Camara won't be lonely... Your sister will always be with you; she'll play and learn with you."

Seeing her eyes go wide, I chuckled as she hesitantly asked "R-Really?"

"Really. Maybe she'll even like rolling that ball back and forth with you."

Camara looked back at Rhefia, who smiled tenderly down at her.

Getting up, Rhefia stretched before going back to the fire, tending to our meal.

Standing up as well, I walked around the clearing with Camara, who was staring at the forest with wonder.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

"Beaut... iful?"

Bopping her nose, I nodded, explaining the word.

Continuing to tour the small clearing, I marked the trees I wanted Rhefia to knock down, gauging the space they would give.

I could expand the house another four feet to create an eight by eight cube...

That would also open up the possibility of expanding upwards; I could create stairs or ladders to go to a little room above the main area...

Nodding to myself, I moved back to the house, going inside and waiting for Rhefia to come in with our meal.


So this will likely be a... slowish start; in the sense that, there will be little action.

Mainly smut, like I've said, but also chapters that focus on the family.

Besides that, it'll be awhile till we meet any other characters, and I have to admit, some people had good ideas for races we rarely see in fiction.

I was already wanting to do an Insect Girl, but now I'm torn; Arachne are common enough, but rare in the sense of a romance option. Preying Mantises are also... nigh unheard of.

So those will likely be used, as will the sphinx... cause it's a Cat Girl but not, and also rarely used. Badger was also an interesting idea; feisty and territorial, as well as nigh unkillable lol.

Anyways, yeah, just a little notice or whatever lol~



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts