
Splitting Off

"You got Camara pregnant again? Already?"

Aethisia just laughed as she rolled her eyes at me, the Deerkin saying "That's rich coming from you, Mother~! But now I have even more reason to get a good job out here, don't I? Melia needed some blood siblings anyways, and I couldn't really~ hold back after Annie begged me to impregnate her."

That made Renna blush as she looked at my daughter, our complicated family tree only becoming more complicated with this latest event, and with Aethisia seeming especially proud of it it was clear there was going to be a period of time where Renna was going to need to adjust, which was fine with me.

"So yeah, last night was spent breeding the three of them for as long as I could manage, and Camara's probably pregnant again, which I damn hope she is; if not I'll put a baby in her tonight~!"

Grinning at me, Aethisia rubbed her hands together before gesturing at the gate as she asked "Do you need me to accompany you anywhere inside the city? Or am I free to explore around and search for a job?"

"Mm... unless you want some time with me, then no? You can go around and start hunting even though you say you won't be doing that..."

She playfully smacked me on the butt as she said "I promised I wasn't going to be hunting TAKEN women, Mother. Any singles ready to mingle will definitely be mingled, alright? Big difference there... and yeah, like I said, I spent all~ of last night breeding, so my balls are actually sore right now... though..."

Before we made our way up to the line, Aethisia smiled at us both as she said "I wouldn't say no to a kiss goodbye~!", which made me roll my eyes beneath my veil only to raise it so that my daughter could claim my lips.

Accepting her tongue and letting her lift me off of my feet slightly, I sank into her kiss and savored her soothing lavender flavor that was contrasting her aggressive embrace as she devoured my lips.

Her cock rubbed against my belly as she held me tightly, and I had to raise a brow as I wondered if she was telling the truth about not wanting to cum because it ached, though as she released me and licked her lips I reluctantly stepped back as well, even though I wanted to drop to my knees right now.

Turning towards the slightly blushing Duchess, Aethisia grinned as she asked "Can I get a kiss, Aunty~?", forcing a conflicted light into Renna's eyes as she looked between my daughter and I, only to swallow before she raised a warning finger and said "Remember that this isn't an invitation for more, okay?"

With that being said, Renna stepped up to my daughter and raised her arms, welcoming the Deerkin into her embrace and accepting her lips as they shared a kiss; a less aggressive one than with me for sure, but Aethisia still took advantage of her Aunty as one hand grabbed at that meaty ass while the other caressed those beautiful red locks.

They kissed for a few seconds before separating, and Aethisia clearly couldn't help herself as she asked "What did you think, Aunty~? Can you see why your sister begged me for my seed~?", earning herself a mild swat on her arm followed by me grabbing her ear as I hissed "Hey, don't be disrespectful!"

Aethisia just chuckled before taking a few steps back as she raised her hands to placate us, though neither of us were angry; if anything, I was aroused by her youthful arrogance while Renna was blushing as she stared at my daughter with an intrigued gaze.

"I... yes, I think I can understand it... but still, a kiss is a kiss and nothing more!"

"I know, I know~! Well, don't wait for me, alright? And vice versa; I'll make my way home by sunset, though I might be a little late depending on everything. Hopefully by tonight I'm an employed futanari~!"

Winking at us both, she adjusted her clothes and rushed to join the line, emerging from the forest and separating from us both, allowing Renna and I to have our time together as we too entered the city.

To alleviate Renna's lust she had me blow the gate guard and come back with her semen, the Nymph gulping some of it down as I kissed her sloppily before she pushed me to my knees, having me smear the remaining cum against her labia, which were drenched.

When we arrived at the apartments we got to work instantly, double checking everything inside of it and getting a list together of the things we should order for them to pick and chose from in terms of food, clothing and other things like boardgames, outdoor equipment, weights and things to help them pass the time.

On that list was a surplus of anti pregnancy medicine and sheaths of all sizes, though I noticed that Renna had pointedly made a secondary list that had a specific sheath size alongside the measurements of what was likely Arani for some better clothes, the Nymph trying to make me jealous.

It of course worked, and she begged for forgiveness as I pounded her juicy ass from behind in the middle of the first floor, cumming deep inside her a few times before forcing her to suck me off twice.

When it was all finished, we agreed that we needed to go our separate ways for now, with the Nymph heading off to place those orders and gather the slaves to move them into their new homes - alongside delivering a letter that Inik had written for Heather - while I made my way over to the parcel of land that was swamped beneath an abundance of Nature Mana.

I was quite happy with having a new thing to do today, and it being something that wasn't sex related at this moment was also refreshing, even more so since I loved~ building things and creating something that would be so much fun to operate!


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts