
Heading Back Out


Rhefia looked at me with a frown before letting out a long sigh, followed by Sari huffing as she pushed Aka back out the door, the kit hissing at her Dama only to scurry away when she got a hiss back.

"Yeah, having you heading out to work and us staying here feels weird, but I am not heading back into that damn city right now. Fuck that."

The Deerkin crossed her eyes and looked towards Birchan, her eyes holding a complicated light as she added "Besides, while they might want to have a meeting with me I really don't want to have a meeting with them. This is fine."

"It might be fine but you will need to meet them eventually. Anyways, yeah, I dislike having you leave each day to head back into the city with your new toy."

Sari was also frowning at me, though she just grinned afterwards as she asked "That just means you know you need to make a day for us soon then, right? Cause I still owe you a date, and so does Rhefia, though it sounds like the big lug wants to stay home more."

"I'll show you a 'big lug', pussycat."

The Catkin just grinned at the Deerkin and said "That's if you can catch me once she's gone~!", her taunt causing Rhefia to reach for her instantly, only for Sari to bounce away as she exited the house with a smug expression shining on her face.

"When I catch you, I swear..."

Leaving it at that, Rhefia pushed herself off of the doorframe and sighed before saying "Really though, Astra, it does kinda suck that Renna gets all this time now... call me jealous or whatever, but I miss having you here all day."

I stepped into her embrace and gave her a kiss, our tongues intertwined for a few seconds as we showed one another that we still had that deep love, with Rhefia even going so far as to just hold my waist instead of my ass as she savored my lips.

Even as she pulled back she just whispered "And call me stupid but I miss those first few weeks when it was just us... the long days of hunting followed by a return home to you. The hours we spent mating before drifting to sleep...", causing me to blush as I wondered about a few things, though I kept them to myself for now.

Finally she patted me on the butt as she winked at me, only to look towards Renna and give her a fake growl as she said "You better savor every moment, you lucky Noblewoman!", something that made Renna blush as she smiled awkwardly, realizing there was a bit of a truth to Rhefia's words.

And yet we all knew that there wasn't actually any malice between the two, so as Rhefia ducked back inside for a few seconds before emerging with her daughters I gave her another kiss before watching as she winked at Renna as she made her way towards the training pit.

Renna's blush deepened for a second, and that made me raise a brow as I wondered if she would succumb to Rhefia's charm like her sister had, only to glance at the other member of our group today who had truly caused her sister to 'fall'.

Aethisia was leaning on her spear and watching us with a neutral expression, though when she felt both of our glances the white haired Deerkin smirked as she said "I know I'm handsome, but ladies please~!"

Clicking my tongue and rolling my eyes, I pinched her waist and beckoned for them to follow as we made our way towards the gate, only looking back when Camara shouted "Remember what we discussed!"

We waved our goodbyes to the family and left the compound, leaving everyone - including Christina and Duru - behind as we made our way to Birchan, where new things would be waiting for us!

Specifically my new club, as well as the preparations to move everyone from the Auction House over to the apartments, though I suppose Aethisia was striking out on her own as soon as we reached the city while Renna and I agreed that we needed to separate for an hour or two as well.

"What did you discuss? No sticking your dick in anything that moves? That might be hard for you..."

"Mother... really? I'm hurt that you think so lowly of my self control!"

Feigning being hurt, Aethisia shook her head and adopted a wistful expression as she 'woefully' said "And here I thought Mother's were meant to love unconditionally... where did my kind Mother go?"

Pointing my finger at her, I hissed "I'll give you 'kind', Aethisia!", the two of us staring at one another before sharing a laugh as we continued to walk down the path, with Renna rolling her eyes now as she said "Really you two? Though I must admit I am curious, Aethisia..."

She let out an exaggerated sigh now that Renna had shown interest too, eventually saying "The agreement was a simple one. Nothing too dangerous for a job, nothing that takes too much time or takes me from the general area, and no jobs that involve or require sex. The other agreement was to not search for and 'pressure' women into being partners with me, and she placed heavy emphasis on that second part."

"Pressuring people? I can understand why..."

My daughter let out another huff and gave me that same 'hurt' look, though when I added "I mean, Aethisia, it's quite clear you enjoy the idea of cucking someone, don't pretend otherwise. And the last thing I want is to have to hear about you getting hurt or in trouble because you wanted to fuck someone's wife and they either didn't consent fully or you swung a bit too high."

"I know, I know~! Both of you think I wanna fuck anything that moves but I know my limits~! Really, I do! Besides, if I get a job and have something to focus on then I won't have much time to fuck in the city! I'll just be rushing home to have sex with three beautiful pregnant women~!"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts