


Starting off with yet another rant, but this time, its to clear the air...

Astra does not truly ENJOY what is happening to her right now; she is being ra.ped, and she knows it. She fucking hates it.

However, she has nothing to use to get away from this situation besides her skills {Exhausting Womb} and {Vampiric Womb}, which means she needs to have sex with her captors in order to escape.

Additionally, the reason she 'claims' to enjoy it is momentary pleasure twisting her thoughts; if you were drowning in such pleasure that it was altering your mind, would you continuously claim to hate it? Remember, what she is feeling is AMPLIFIED by her skills, which she CANNOT turn off; {Pleasurable Mind} and {Sexual Deviant} are double edged swords that are currently screwing her over; SD makes her love all sex, and since she loves all sex, PM amplifies the sex she is CURRENTLY having, creating a dangerous feedback loop that continues to amplify her lust and pleasure.

However, the moments of clarity she has throughout these chapters, especially when Yiksa THREATENS TO KILL HER, rekindle and stoke that flame of hatred Astra has; in the here and now, that flame is outclassed by her boundless lust, but when its over?

An inferno compared to a damn candle flame; that's the difference.

Am I seeing this through the lenses of the author, where I KNOW what she feels, or did I seriously not convey that enough; did those moments not hit hard enough, or..?

Seriously, I don't want to sound like a dick, nor be rude, but was that really not clear? I thought it was, but...

So, yeah, just wanted to make that clear; Astra loves Rhefia, Camara, and Aethisia, she really does. She also hates Yiksa and the two Goblins, she really does.

Anyways, second rant over, just wanted it out there, felt like writing something still, didn't know which book to go to, so I'll just drop a second for this today I guess...


Yiksa proved to be near insatiable; her relentless use of my cunt was sending me over the edge constantly.

Even with both skills active, the Dark Elf seemed uncaring of the drains, her mind clouded with such lust that she continued to indulge, even as I stole 25% of her total stats.

When she finally sat down beside me, her dark gray skin coated in sweat, she stared down at my equally sweaty face, grinning.

"Damn... it's been awhile since I truly lost myself to a woman... You'll do well as a Matriarch. I can't wait to rebuild my Clan using you... haha~"

Her laugh was weaker than normal, and she continued to pant, staring at her hands in confusion.

"The hells... Kilka!"

Turning towards the makeshift camp, Yiksa watched as the Goblin rushed over, her pale green eyes wide with worry.

"Y-Yes Yiksa?"

The Dark Elf swallowed hard before gesturing to the fire, saying "Get me something to eat, and something to drink... actually, bring me my entire waterskin... I'm fucking parched. Quick!"

Nodding, the Goblin scrambled away, before returning moments later with a bowl of soup and a large leather pouch, which Yiksa snatched from Kilka.

Uncorking the waterskin, Yiksa took a few sips before sipping on the soup, her green eyes slightly unfocused as she swayed.

"Shit... alright, Kilka, watch her, feed her, whatever... just... don't touch her. You know the rules. I need... I need to sleep. Must've worn myself out today with the hunt..."

Her voice was unsteady, and she got to her feet before walking away, her movements slow and sluggish.

Watching as the Dark Elf entered a tent, I breathed a sigh of relief, the lust inside my body quickly washing away, being replaced by the deep hatred I held for these three women.

Kilka watched Yiksa walk away as well, before she glanced down at me, her pale green eyes narrowed.

"Yiksa say you new Matriarch. I respect Yiksa; respect her decision. However..."

Crouching, she stared intently at me for a moment, mild fear in those green orbs.

"You give bad feeling; I worry. Worry you change Yiksa. But... I respect Yiksa. So, I feed you."

Saying so, she got up and walked back to the fire, and with the momentary solitude I opened my system, hoping to find something that might help me.

However, even with another three levels in my Breeding System, I found nothing, so I upgraded my {Vampiric Womb} to its second level, increasing the draining from 1% to 2%; it wasn't much, but...

While Kilka was stilled turned away, I strained my arms, attempting to break free from the magical earth that sealed my limbs.

I could feel the earth tremble under my strenght, meaning...

Seeing her return, I relaxed my muscles and assumed a lustful expression, whining as she crouched in front of me.

"P-Please~! I... I'm so hot~! Please, fuck me again~! Breed me more~! I want it~! I want your cock so much~!"

The words I moaned to the Goblin made my heart clench, stoking that ember of hate in my heart, and I had to hold back a smug grin as Kilka looked back towards the tent, her cock springing to life.

"I... I can't breed you, but..."

Placing the bowl beside me, she pressed her cock to my lips, and I eagerly accepted her dick into my mouth, giving her the best blowjob of her life.

Because, after I drained her a few more times, both of strenght and energy, I would kill her.

So, I wrapped my tongue around her bumpy shaft, stroking it an sucking as hard as I could, moaning as she started thrusting hard into my mouth.

Kilka lasted only a few moments, her jaw going slack as she released a torrent of seed deep into my throat; those unused to my {Pleasurable Body IV} skill would likely be like this all the time...

Continuing to drain her cock of yet another load after the first, I watched as she fell backwards, panting hard as she stared at me.

Gulping down her cum, I smiled sensually at her, whispering "Breed me~! My ass is waiting for you~! Cum in me again, plant your seed in my ass~!"

Kilka gulped, her cock springing back up.

Nodding, she glanced at the tent again before moving behind me, and I lifted my hips for her.

When she inserted her cock, I held in my moans, so that Yiksa and Trisha wouldn't be alerted.

Thrusting her hips against my ass, Kilka managed to last a little longer than with my mouth, her two previous loads making that happen, before she grunted, spraying a third load into my body.

This time, she thudded to the ground behind me, and I clenched my muscles praying that I had enough strenght now...

Gritting my teeth, I pushed against the earth, my heart pounding in my chest as I felt some of the dirt trickle down my arms, loosening the binds.

It took a few tries, but...

My arms were free.

Pushing myself up, I summoned my axe and carefully chipped at the earth binding my feet down, freeing myself completely.

Now that I was free...

Grinning wildly, I turned and approached the unconscious Kilka, the hand that gripped my axe clenching on the handle.

Placing my hand over her mouth, I raised the axe and stared at her, watching as her eyes blearily opened.

With as much lust as I could muster, I whispered "Thank you dear~! You helped me so~ much with your cum! Now, your reward~!"

Slamming the axe down, I buried it in her chest before wrenching it free, her blood staining the area around me.

She tried to cry out, but I took her throat next, sliding the sharp edge along her thin neck and silencing her.

When she finally died out, I received a notification, making my grin widen.

[Level Up!

Level 33 (SS), Level 50 (BS)

You have 2 Skill Points and 3 Breeding Points!]

Considering I had only used two of the three Breeding Points earlier, I had an extra from my two new levels.

However, what really grabbed my attention...

[Killer I: You deal 10% more damage to Mortal enemies, and 15% more damage to Mortal enemies that you hate]

Besides that incredibly useful skill, I opened my Survival System, looking at the suite of new Skills awaiting me...


{Earth Magic I}: Grants access to Earth Magic, allowing the use of mana to control the Earth

{Fire Magic I}: Expand

{Water Magic I}: Expand

{Wind Magic I}: Expand

{Blood Magic I}: Due to a deep hatred and desire to kill, Host has unlocked the option to purchase Blood Magic, which allows the use of mana to control Blood, be it your own or others; currently, Host may only control Blood in close proximity and that is exposed to the air *Warning: Should Host use your own Blood, you WILL take damage; Costs 2 Skill Points*]

I grabbed {Blood Magic} instantly, wanting to torture Yiksa and Trisha as best I could in as little time as I could, and well...

An open cut, or many, could definitely allow that...

However, as my mind was pulled to the Breeding System, my grin twisted.


{Blood Slave I}: Due to Host having Blood Magic, you may place a Blood Seal on (1) sexual partner and force them to serve you; they MUST follow your instructions, or the Seal will slowly drain them of their blood, empowering the Host. More information provided when purchased *Warning: Blood Slaves are still capable of attempting to harm Host, but will experience severe backlash should they be ordered to not harm Host, which may result in their premature demise; Costs 3 Breeding Points*]

Without an ounce of hesitation, I purchased {Blood Slave}, more information about how to place the Seal, control the Seal, and more entered my mind, but...

Stretching my muscles, I glanced at the tent, stalking slowly towards the place that Trisha slept.

I would save the best for last...


I was going to draw this scenario out another chapter or so; to really get the Reverse part down, but damn did some comments just...

Make me want to move past this; it is my book, but having to read some comments just made me realize it'd be SO much easier to return to Rhefia and all of them, so this will be only one more chapter, which will be a little revenge for Astra.

So, yeah, that's tomorrow.
