



Synopsis for the last few chapters, should you have chosen to skip.

Yiksa, a Dark Elf, banded with some Goblins to recreate her tribe, and she is doing so by capturing and r@ping women, and Astra was the first they came across.

After hours of being used, and stealing some stats from her captors, Astra's hatred for her captors unlocked a new skill for her to purchase; Blood Magic, and alongside that, a Breeding System skill Blood Slave, which she plans to use on Yiksa, who has impregnated her after threatening to kill her.

When everyone has fallen asleep, Astra begins her revenge on her captors, putting her new skills to the test and continuing to strengthen herself through her skills.


The clearing was rather empty; just a single fire, some scattered pouches, and two tents.

One was the tent that Yiksa had retreated into, while the other...

Walking forwards as quietly as I could, I glanced inside to see Trisha sprawled out on a bedroll, her chest rising and falling as she slept peacefully.

I smirked as I saw that, and I grew curious about what I could do...

Summoning a vial of Rabbit's Blood, I stared at the glass vial for a moment, wondering how in the hells I had it...

Before shaking my head, chalking it up to the system; after all, I've had many things that shouldn't be possible happen, like floating walls.

What's a glass vial compared to that?

Turning back to the asleep Goblin, my smirk grew dark as I approached her.

Lets change that, shall we?

Uncorking the vial, I focused on the crimson droplets and willed them to move, watching in amazement as they rose out of the vial and glittered in the low light like rubies.

I could control them with ease, and I grinned down at the sleeping Goblin, moving to sit behind her.

It was still too dark out to traverse the forest reliably, and I needed to let my body heal up a little; my muscles were screaming at me from having been in one position for so long, so...

Why not get multiple things done at the same time?

I could refine my Blood Magic, drain more from the Goblin below me...

Sitting behind her, I lifted her head gently into my lap, before trailing my hand down to her chest.

Using the blood, I sharpened it to a point and let it cut into her flesh, keeping the cut shallow.

She twitched, but otherwise...

Smirking, I nodded to myself before sending the blood into her body, wondering if I could still control it.

Which, I could; to an extent.

It was sluggish, but...

It was moving, and I could still alter its shape.

Next, I moved some of the Rabbits Blood towards Trisha's mouth, letting it trickle inside before pushing it into her throat.

Guiding it towards her larynx, I coated it in the blood before hardening the blood, not allowing her to create noise.

The feeling of something solid suddenly appearing in her body, Trisha awoke and tried to scream, only to realize she couldn't.

Glancing behind her, she froze as she saw my wide grin, fear entering her eyes.

"What~? Aren't you happy your Matriarch deigned to come and meet you personally~? Hmm~?"

My voice was warm, but the Goblin shivered as another droplet of blood sliced into her flesh, scoring another shallow cut across her midriff.

However, she shivered again when my hand went lower, towards her cock; I only needed her to ejaculate 'on' me to get {Vampiric Womb} to activate, and this would let me make sure that assumption of mine was correct.

Stroking her, I grinned at her as I moved towards her ear, gently nibbling on the tip of her long ear before whispering "What? Your Matriarch wants to pleasure her dear subordinate~! After all, you took such~ good care of me earlier, didn't you~! I need to return the favor now..."

Speeding my hand up, I continued to nibble on her ear, feeling her tremble in my arms.

Her fists slammed into the ground, making me use the remainder of the Rabbits Blood to slice into her wrists.

Replacing her own blood with the Rabbits Blood, I stopped her movements, making her eyes widen, fear and anguish inside those pale green orbs.

"Aww~! You look so~ excited dear~! Are you happy that I'm dealing with you personally, hmm~?"

My voice was quiet, and I chuckled as she came from my administrations, her body unable to refuse the pleasure I gave her.

Just like I was unable to refuse hours earlier.

My grin stiffened as I recalled my hours of forced sex, making me glare at the Goblin.

"You could have simply... never touched me. Never gone for me. This..."

Sending some of her own blood towards her face, I tilted my head as I stared at her.

I had drained another 2% of her stats, and her eyes were drooping slightly as {Exhaustive Womb} took affect as well.

However, she tried to scream as the blood cut her cheek, her dark crimson blood pouring from the deep gash.

"Is your own doing. You wouldn't be getting tortured and drained if you just... let. Me. Go."

Glaring at her, I grit my teeth as my anger resurfaced, and I growled in annoyance as my Magic reacted to that.

The various droplets of blood shot forwards, digging deep into her flesh and entering her body.

Burrowing into her own veins, it started clogging and bursting arteries, slowly killing her.

She shook hard in my arms, and as she was being slowly torn apart from the inside, I brought her to the edge again, managing to drain just a little more from the Goblin.

However, that drain, paired with the various wounds surfacing around her body, killed her, her eyes filled with pain and agony as she died.

Sneering down at her corpse, I wiped my hand off on her body before getting up.

Pilfering anything useful from the tent, I glanced at her body and wondered if I should take it...

Before shaking my head; I didn't care if there was some benefit to be gained from her corpse.

I wanted her to rot; same with Kilka.

As for Yiksa...

Taking a deep breath, I used my Blood Magic to lift all signs of my two kills from my body, storing them away.

Exiting the tent, I glanced at Yiksa's and grinned again, silently peeking inside.

Seeing the Dark Elf dead asleep as well, I carefully entered, just in case she was, for some reason, awake.

A vial of blood was opened in my hand, and I was already controlling it, waiting for an excuse to unleash a barrage of sharpened blood towards her body.

My technique might be primitive, but...

It worked, from what I had seen.

Reaching Yiksa's bedroll, I stared down at the gray skinned woman, her face peaceful as she snored lightly.

She was still sticky with sweat, but...

Sitting down, I reined in my disgust as I prepared to enslave her.

I needed two things to make that work; to have sex with her again, and my blood.

Thankfully she had ingested some before, and I could feel it in her body, so...

Grabbing her cock, I gently stroked it, getting it erect.

When she was prepared for me to start, I grinned as I slid her inside me, reaching my womb again.

Leaning over her body, I started gently gyrating my hips, using my cunt to get her off as quickly as I could; I needed her to be fully inside me and to climax before I could force the seal onto her.

So, I stamped down on my disgust as thoughts of the future entered my mind; how I would keep her alive over the years, using her for whatever I wanted, however I wanted.

If Rhefia or one of my girls wanted to have rough sex...

Well, rougher than I could take, they could use Yiksa.

If I needed someone to explore a dangerous area before my family, I would send her forwards.

Yiksa would serve us well, until she either kills herself or dies from natural causes.

I don't plan on ending her life.

Nor will I let Rhefia, unless she is adamant on a swift punishment.

I want to draw it out for the rest of her life, making her regret ever choosing the life she did.

Thinking so, I stared down at the stirring Dark Elf, my features softening as I assumed a mask.

Her emerald eyes flickered open, and she stared at me in surprise.

"W-What... how?!"

She tried to get up, but I pushed her arms down, laying my chest on hers.

"Ahn~! I... I was so~ lonely... Please Mistress~! Please breed your bitch some more~!"

Her eyes lowered towards my chest, and she pursed her lips before grinning.

"I guess you seduced Kilka to let you free~? Naughty naughty~! But..."

Licking her lips, she watched as I raised my breasts slightly, letting them sway in front of her face.

"I guess I can forgive her~! Such a loyal sow now that I've bred you, hmm~? Taking the initiative to pleasure me as well~! I got lucky!"

Speeding up so I could end this farce quicker, I moaned before burying my face in the crook of her neck, not trusting myself to keep an aroused facade in front of her.

Slamming my hips down, I waited for her to cum again, before...

"Shit~! Damn, you're so fucking tight~!"

Feeling her balls clenching below me, I grinned as I felt her spray another load inside me, and I sat up, not hiding my grin anymore.

She was blinking as she rode the aftereffects of her orgasm, before gasping as she felt my blood inside her start to move.


Pulling it through her body and onto her flesh, I watched as a red tattoo was formed above her cock, where her womb was.

The skill {Blood Slave} was both a normal skill and a pleasure one, but for now, it was only normal...

I knew what the upgrades would be, and I couldn't wait to use this Dark Elf for my own personal gain.

But for now...

Yiksa stared up at me in confusion, before her eyes widened as I growled "Did you really think I was just... going to let you get away with what you did? Huh?"

Leaning forwards, I grinned crazily at her, making the Dark Elf shiver.

"Thanks for the awakening of some pretty useful skills, Yiksa~! Now, I own YOU, not the other way around... If you go against my orders, you die. It's as simple as that..."

Her green eyes were filled with confusion, before she tried to push me away.


I slammed her arms back into the earth, and she tried to struggle some more, before...

Creating a blade of blood in front of her neck, I growled "If you want to live..."

Letting the blade press into her neck, it cut into her flesh slightly, making the Dark Elf freeze, realizing that I could kill her here and now.

"Stop. Struggling. Or else I'll start taking off pieces of you, starting with that eyes. Sound familiar?"

The blade lifted from her neck and moved towards her right eye, gently pressing into her cheek.

The Dark Elf trembled, fear in her eyes as she stared up at me.

Seeing that, I grinned at her.

"You said that to me, but instead of struggling, you threatened to kill me if I didn't open myself up to you, correct? I order you to respond."

Yiksa glared at me for a moment, before her mouth opened.

"I... I did! W-What the hells?!"

Chuckling, I let the knife dissipate, storing it away.

"I told you; I own you now. You're a Blood Slave, and you need to do as I say. I order you to never attempt to harm me or my family again. I order you to be subservient to me until I say otherwise."

Getting up from her lap, I sneered in disgust as I felt her cum inside me, and I glared at the Dark Elf.

"Get up."

She tried to remain laying down, her eyes holding a fearful will and defiance, but...

Her limbs moved on their own, and she lifted herself from the ground.


The fear in her eyes outgrew the defiant gleam, and she shivered as I chuckled again.

"I told you. You. Are. My. Slave. Your body is mine; your blood guarantees that. So unless you know of a way to live without blood..."

I approached her, stroking her cheek.

"You are nothing more than property. Do you understand that?"

Her glare intensified, and I watched as she tried to raise a fist.


She tried to punch me, but her eyes widened as her flesh boiled around her raised fist, and she dropped back to the ground, screaming in agony.

Stopping it after a few moments, I chuckled as I said "I ordered you to never harm me again. That's the price for daring to do so, Yiksa. Do you understand that now? You have no will; You have nothing."

The pain and fear in her eyes grew again, and to prove a point...

"I order you to lick my foot."

I wanted to break her, and seeing that she used to be so proud and sure of herself...

My grin grew as she crawled forwards with stiff movements, hate in her eyes.

Extending her tongue, she tried to pull away, only to groan as her blood began to boil again.

Pressing her tongue on my foot, she started licking my dirty skin, before grunting as I kicked her away.

"Fucking disgusting. Oh well, this will be rather fun~! Won't it..."

Crouching in front of her, I grabbed her jaw and turned her head towards me, meeting her fearful glare.

"Yiksa, my slave~?"


Returning home next chapter, which includes healing the family.

Then we tackle everyone reacting to... what happened and Yiksa.



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts