

Summoning the simple bow I had made a day prior, I stared down at it, admiring the sleek curves.

It was, again, rather simple; you could tell it was made from basic wood and grass-rope twine, but there was beauty in simplicity...

Placing an arrow, which was little more than a long, thin, and sharp stick on the bowstring, I raised the bow and drew back, my muscles straining as I tried to pull it all the way back.

Grunting slightly, I aimed for one of the trees I had marked, before letting the string go.

With a solid thump the arrow hurtled towards the tree, before splintering against the bark.

However, I grinned as I noticed that, while it hadn't been in the center, I had still hit the tree I aimed at.

Summoning another arrow, I shot it again towards the tree, nodding to myself as this time, it sunk slightly into the bark.

I shot arrows again and again, getting a feel for the bow; it's weight, the required strenght to shoot it, how the arrows flew... everything.

Moving back to stand on the opposite side of the clearing, I continued to repeat my 'drills', targeting different marked trees to try and improve my ability to switch targets.

Maybe it was because I had {Archer I}, but I thought I was doing pretty well all thing considered...

Shooting my last arrow, I panted slightly, stretching my strained muscles and placing the bow back into my inventory.

Grabbing my axe, I chopped down one of the marked trees, getting myself enough wood to craft a new one, as well as some more arrows.

I contemplated getting stone ones, glancing at the boulder that sat outside the clearing.

Pursing my lips, I nodded to myself as I moved towards it, removing a larger stone from my inventory and harvesting some more stones.

I needed to create stone spears for Rhefia and I, which would need these, as well as...

Looking around, my eyes widened as I saw some vines hanging from a tree further out.

Before I could walk out I reminded myself that I was in a hostile environment; caution was needed.

Checking my surroundings, I crept forwards and severed some vines, grinning as they opened up more, improved recipes for me to use.

Returning to camp after harvesting some more vines and grass, I started crafting some bundles of {Stone Arrows} and a {Stone Spear}

When I was about to place another {Stone Spear} in the queue, I noticed that by crafting the normal one, I could create two 'variants'; {Heavy Stone Spear} and {Short Stone Spear}.

I was puzzled by the short one, before I shrugged; likely I could make it for when our child reaches their teens, or for smaller races in general.

As for the heavier one, considering Rhefia's muscular physique, I think it might be better suited for her; I could always craft another if it was too heavy for her.

It didn't take long for them to finish up, and as I inspected them I started crafting another bow.

{Stone Arrow: Attack Value 4}

{Stone Spear: Attack Value 8}

Taking the spear from my inventory, I noticed that my Attack Value stat looked like [Attack Value: 2 (10)]

So I guess that means my 'base' value is 2, and it adds the weapons on top of that?

Huh, interesting...

Considering my HP was at 39, mainly because of the {Survivor} skill, I guess that one full attack with this spear would deal 10 HP to me?

I mean, that makes the most sense...

Anyways, after crafting the bow and heavy spear, I inspected each, nodding to myself.

{Basic Bow: Attack Value 2x Arrow Value}

{Heavy Stone Spear: Attack Value 14}

Out of curiosity I summoned the heavy spear, almost instantly dropping it as I grunted.

Placing it back in my inventory, I shook my head; of course the 'heavy' spear was heavy, idiot...

Sighing, I turned towards the woods, hoping to see my tall, chocolate skinned Dearkin...



Which one did I view her as?

Was she someone I loved..?

Or were we both just together for mutual benefit; her because she wanted someone to breed, and me so I had someone to rely on?

Pursing my lips, I entered our house, standing beside the small crib, thinking.

I mean, last night she had said...


Blushing, I recalled her saying "I love you...", her amber eyes glowing with warmth as she held me in her arms.

T-Then she meant it, right?

S-She really did... l-love me?

My heart was pounding, and I stared down at the empty crib.

If she loved me...

And I loved her...

Grinning stupidly, I rubbed my bump, realizing that I was extremely simple...

I mean, she said it...

Paired with those eyes, and how she acted...

She meant it to...

Maybe it's just... that simple and easy for...

What did she call them...


Maybe people here fell in love easily?

Of course, it might also be more she fell in love with my body, but...

Currently, that was fine with me; after all, I loved that thick cock of hers as well.

Smiling down at my stomach, I decided I wanted to craft a chair, so that I could sit right here and watch our child...

Children, plural...

I imagine I'll be pregnant almost as soon as this little one is born.

That idea filled me with warmth; after all, the worst that would happen is Rhefia leaving, but at that point I'll have a child who, according to the Breeding System, is utterly loyal to me.

But there was something in my gut telling me that she would never leave; recalling that possessiveness as she had growled that I was hers made me wet, missing her dearly.

Slipping a hand under my wolf pelt cloak, I swiftly found my throbbing clit, enjoying the jolt of pleasure that coursed through my body when I pinched it.

Sliding my other fingers over my slightly swollen breast, I started pleasuring myself right there, my moans leaking out.

I have no idea how long I stood there, since after a few tugs of my pulsing clit I had screwed my eyes shut as I tried to imagine Rhefia doing this, my body shuddered, spraying my ejaculate onto the ground.

Panting, I was about to turn and find something to clean it with when I heard "Well, that's not what I was expecting to return to..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts