
More Skills

Wiping my lips clean of Rhefia's semen, I looked up towards her blissful features as she lay on the bed, dragging in a few shaky breaths.

I had stimulated her balls and cock for almost half an hour, building up her orgasm before swallowing it all down as best I could.

Her amber eyes were slightly hazy, and I grinned at the fact that, for once, I had taken control of the relationship, even if it was just for what will eventually become our morning ritual.

My stomach was filled with her thick seed, so after getting down onto the floor I stretched, enjoying the feeling of being filled.

Moments later she slid off the platform, collapsing against my back as she muttered "That was... incredible..."

Smiling at her, my heart soared under her compliment, and I kissed her cheek.

Taking a whiff of her minty scent again, I felt my head numb slightly from it, making me pull away.

Did I have a thing for smells..?

Shrugging, I grabbed my wolf pelt and peeked outside, nodding at the early morning light.

Even though we had fucked almost until dawn, we both were incredibly energized and refreshed when we awoke to the suns first rays.

Thinking that, I blushed as I held my stomach, wondering if Rhefia knew how long I 'should' be pregnant for...

But, considering I was a Human, which she never heard of, I could always just say we have faster birthing cycles...

"R-Rhefia, what are you going to do today..?"

Hesitantly asking her that, I stared at her face for a few moments before looking away, embarrassed.

Cupping my cheek, she smiled gently at me before saying "Hmm... I think I should go hunting today... the birds and rabbits will be done when we have breakfast."

Nodding, my shoulders slumped as I heard that she'd be gone again.

"What, you don't want me to go~?"

Gulping, I nodded timidly, staring up at her from under my lashes.

I just felt... safer, when she was here with me.

I didn't know what'd I do if those wolves returned...

Nor what would happen if I met another sentient... Demi-human? like Rhefia.

"It'll be alright, Astra. Geard Forest is extremely unpopulated, both by monsters and Teranling alike."

"Teran... ling?"

Frowning, Rhefia asked "Did you never learn about others..?"

I shook my head, trying to look away from her.

Worry wracked my mind.

What if she found something out because of that?

Would she treat me differently?

Would I be alo-

"Actually... did you have... anyone to teach you anything?"

Her eyes were narrowed again, but they were filled with concern.

"I... I don't remember anyone..."

Gritting my teeth, I tried to look away again, only for Rhefia to grab my other cheek and keep me looking at her.

"What do you mean by that?"

Her voice was dripping with worry, making my heart clench.

"I just... woke up here, in this clearing, a few days ago... That's it. I..."

Gulping, I stared at her, only for my eyes to widen as she wrapped me in a hug.

Holding me close to her, I melted in her embrace, swiftly wrapping my arms around her broad back as I buried my face into the crook of her neck.

"It's alright, Astra... I'll teach you what you need to know... After all, we're mates now, right?"

I nodded, kissing her neck as confirmation.

However, that one act sent her over the edge again, and I yelped as she twirled me around, sheathing herself inside me as she pressed me against the wall.


After another few intense rounds, I glared at Rhefia as she pulled on her clothes, smirking at me.

"What? You provoked me, so I retaliated appropriately~"

Letting out a huff, I was about to walk away when she pulled me back, giving me a kiss.

"I'll be back in a few hours, so don't miss me too much."

Blushing again, I nodded, unconsciously letting out a small whine as she released me.

Watching her walk away into the forest, I frowned at how quickly I found myself missing her.

Slapping my cheeks, I opened my system for the first time since building the house, as well as after...

Well, heated, passionate night...

[Level Up

Level 8 (SS), Level 8 (BS)

You have three skill points and five breeding points!]

Opening the Survival System first, I selected {Forager III} and {Archer I}, wanting to be able to get more materials and utilize this bow I made.

As for the breeding points...

Scrolling through the Breeding System again, I pursed my lips, wondering what to take.

Well, I decided rather quickly to invest three of those points into {Rapid Birthing III}, which increased my reduction from 1/4 to 1/2 of the time, meaning...

[Pregnancy Timer: 1 Month, 7 Days]

Staring at my stomach, I grunted slightly as a warm energy swirled around my womb, and I let out a groan as I felt something expanding inside me.

My belly was now a bit larger, but I couldn't tell if that was all from the baby or from the copious amounts of semen bloating my womb...


I needed to get Rhefia to either pull out or...

I blushed furiously as I slid a hand towards my ass, wondering if we could use the other hole...

Shaking my head, I looked over the other skills, deciding to take {Pleasurable Body II}, using both my points to acquire its first stage, then upgrade it.

Now Rhefia would fell 10% better whenever we had sex...

I have no idea how it works, but I hope she likes it...

Grinning at the thought of her coming home tonight and finding out I felt better than before made me happy.

Moving towards the tree line, I marked a few trees with my axe, creating rudimentary targets for myself.

First things first, I needed to get accustomed to my bow, as well as crafting one for Rhefia, and a spear too...


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts