
Morning before the Market

"By the Goddess~! This is just..! So..! Perfect~!"

Aethisia grunted behind me, her hands digging deep into my ass as she slammed her hips forwards rapidly, gouging out my pussy with her thick cock as she took me from behind, my daughter picking up where we left off last night.

Arching my back further, I moaned into the bedroll as Aethisia pushed down on between my shoulders, the Deerkin groaning softly as she continued thrusting inside me.

"Fuck..! How can something as beautiful as you exist~?! This is..! Oh~!"

Feeling her tip scratching against my cervix, I moaned louder as semen spurted free from her cock and began to coat my insides, my Deerkin daughter starting our morning off right as she gave me a thick, creamy load from behind, her cock filling my pussy to the brim as she bred me.

When she pulled out, Aethisia moaned softly as she rested her slimy dick atop my ass, her girthy rod still twitching and oozing sperm that splattered against my butt, all while her hands massaged each cheek with obvious lust.

"Mama... Oh, Mama... Fuck it..."

She panted behind me before guiding her cock back inside me, grabbing my hips and pounding against my cervix desperately, eventually wrapping her arms around my waist and hugging me close as she fucked me hard, enveloping me beneath her muscular body.

"I love you..! I love you so much, Mama~! Really..!"

Her long tongue found its way towards mine, and I moaned contentedly as we began to kiss, my heart aflutter from my daughters honest words.

She made love to me for a few more minutes before pulling out once more, this time shooting her cum all over my ass and drenching me in her seed, marking me as her bitch with each rope that landed across my back.

Spanking me a few times, Aethisia crawled towards my front and made me clean off her cum covered cock, the lavender taste making my head fuzzy as she began to thrust into my throat next.

Cumming inside, she fed me her semen before sitting down, her magnificent penis still twitching as she stared at me, watching as I got up reluctantly.

"Mama, I love you."

Smiling at her, I nodded as I rasped back "I love you too, Aethisia...", which made her smile at me, her normally serious expression gone, replaced instead with a warm, gentle expression.

"Really, Mama... I love you a lot. For everything... A wonderful family, a safe, warm place that we can call home, even if it moves... Welcoming my desires for you despite being Dama's... Thank you..."

I swallowed, holding back some tears as I nodded again, approaching her and embracing her closely, whispering "You're welcome, baby... You're always welcome to have me."

"Mm... I would take you again, but you should get going... The sun's about to rise soon, Mama. When you're out, look after Camara for me, alright?"

I chuckled and nodded, stroking her cock lovingly before brushing my nose against hers, the both of us smiling at the familiar gesture.

"Of course, baby... I'll never NOT worry about my children, no matter how capable you might be. It's just... instincts, I guess. So, when I return..."

My smile turned anticipatory, and I began to pump earnestly at her thick, hot shaft, my palms lubed up with her semen and my drool.

"Why don't you make love to me again, and let me know just how 'capable' you are~?"

Aethisia growled slightly at that, her red eyes narrowed as she whispered back "If you don't leave now, I'll show you how capable I am and then some, Mama... I'll make you open your womb for me and bear my child. So..."

Groping my breasts, Aethisia squeezed my abundant chest before pushing me away, smirking as I pouted at her.

"Get going... Otherwise, we'll be in a tough spot after you get pregnant again~! Dama would never let you hear the end of it."

I chuckled again as I got up, nodding as I envisioned the complaints Rhefia would have about me going back on my word so damn quickly...

I mean, just a few days ago I was talking about wanting to find somewhere for us to stay before even thinking about expanding the family again...

Though, hearing how assured Aethisia was in her ability to breed me made me horny... though it really didn't take much did it~?

So, despite there being a fire in my womb desiring to be quenched by her fertile young sperm, I got up and cleaned myself off, a brief flare of mana getting the worst of everything off of my body, which I then covered with my clothes from last night.

My daughter got up and groped my ass through the dress, smirking at me as she leaned down for a kiss, muttering "Love you, Mama... Enjoy the markets, alright?"

Returning her kiss, I nodded and left the tent, exiting out into the predawn world and slipping into the cart, washing myself off with some water and soap before drying myself off with a towel, getting myself rather clean before donning a new dress as well as my veil.

Rhefia and Sari were lounging by the fire chatting quietly, their respective daughters in their arm - as well as the egg from Suu - and they both turned towards me as I approached, smirking.

"I have a feeling that you're going to enjoy the markets, Astra... Quite a lot of people looking to make a good deal there, and some are... well, some would rather pay in something besides coin."

Sari's words made me roll my eyes slightly, before I glanced at the egg in Rhefia's arms, asking "Are you going to remain back then? To watch over everything and the egg?"

"Mhm. I think we'll all stay back and hold down the camp. If need be, we'll spar out in the field together or mate with Heila. I think she's... not too keen on being out and about. Doesn't mind helping, but... she's a shy little thing."

I pursed my lips before shrugging, understanding that some people weren't as... 'socially oriented' as I was.

"Alright. Then it'll be Camara, Kalia, Yiksa and I? Prixisia already said she'd stay back as well, to make things easier on us at the markets. People don't like Lamia's for some reason..."

Sari chuckled, saying "It's a long history of things with them, plus the instinctive distrust and dislike of snakes. Most things fear them because, well, they could be Apex Predators depending on the location. Some snakes are far more dangerous than even a mortal, honestly. That's why. It also doesn't help that Lamia's look so different than us... Centaurs, Sphinx, Griffons, and more face discrimination because of their more drastic bodies, but not as badly as Lamia or Arachne..."

She waved her hand at me, adding "Not that you really should care. They're all rare as can be, honestly. Anyways, yeah, enjoy the markets. Don't make things to easy now, alright?"

Chuckling, I nodded before placing a kiss on Aka's brow, the little kit yawning tiredly atop Sari's knee, while Ehretia didn't even move from her place against Rhefia's chiseled chest.

Turning, I saw Kalia and Yiksa approach me with their crates, whilst Camara yawned tiredly as well before leaning against the cart, wiping the sleep from her eyes.

"Well, it looks like everything's good to go! Rhefia, Sari, the milk jugs for the babies only need to be warmed a bit before they can drink it, alright? And be gentle with them... Heila, if they can't do it, do it for them please. Otherwise... well, just have fun relaxing, I guess?"

They all nodded, before we loaded the cart with the crates and began our journey towards the market, where we would have some fun haggling over goods with the Birchan people.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts