
Love Of / For a Mother

We put together everything we needed for the market together that afternoon and dusk, piling the various goods together and taking inventory of what we had, before deciding on prices before hand with what we wanted to sell.

Prixisia and Heila were a major help there because both of the women let us know whether we were getting too ahead of ourselves with prices or not, like when we were wondering how much 1 Silver of wheat should actually be.

The two informed us that five pounds for a silver would be far more reasonable than three pounds per silver... though I still argued that four pounds would be leaving us enough room to haggle with customers.

Additionally, we needed to weigh and organize the produce by pound so that we could actually give out what was needed, and that was another part where Prixisia and Heila both stared at me in shock as I just... 'summoned' wheat out in front of me and proclaimed it as a pound.

Kalia took those bushels and stuffed them into the crates that I had crafted minutes earlier, bundling the stalks of wheat or bushels of corn together to then stack into the crates for transportation tomorrow.

Besides that, Camara began to gather all of her statues, figures, pendants and even rings into her own crates, each piece covered in a cloth to protect them from one another as she moved around the camp with slight trouble thanks to her very obvious pregnant bump.

According to my readjusted research, she was due in a month or so, perhaps even earlier than that, so my daughter would be making me a grandparent in nearly record time...

Something that I tried not to think of too hard, but something that was an undeniable fact.

Besides the wooden goods and the produce, Heila had been preparing various ingredients together for the two of us to begin a baking extravaganza, where we would bake various breads and sweets that could be sold cold without problems; sure, cornbread tasted best when served warm, but no one would say no to a small loaf of the bread being kept warm by the metal tray it was in.

Cornbread, milk bread, poundcake, and various berry breads were being planned out by the Doe, who would be assisted by me as we baked into the night.

As we did that, Aka sprawled herself out on Yiksa's thigh and basked in the warmth of the fire, while Ehretia watched us move about with a curious expression, her little head going this way and that way.

The others didn't return until the sun had set and the moon had begun to rise, their joyous laughter and confident strides as they reentered the camp drawing our eyes instantly.

Sari laid the large carcass of a deer on the ground, whilst Aethisia and Rhefia laid a monster carcass beside it, the antlered feline rather long and covered in tight muscle.

My daughter instantly made her way to my side, leaning down and pulling me into her muscular embrace as she began to kiss me, her hands roaming my back and ass freely.

Lifting me into her arms, Aethisia continued to kiss me as she carried me into her tent, the Deerkin not saying anything to the others, who only watched with small smiles as the white haired woman claimed me as hers for the night.

"Mama... It's been awhile, hasn't it..?"

Removing the veil from my face, Aethisia passionately kissed whatever she could as she held me in her arms, while her fingers dug into my ass.

"Mm~ It has, baby... Though, you've been spending more time with Camara than anyone else, and ah~ understandably so..."

She nodded, her teeth pulling at my earlobe as she began to pepper my cheek and jawline with kisses, before whispering "Then I should make up for the lost time tonight, right Mama..? Do you want to take the lead, or should I~?"

Lowering me to the ground, Aethisia grinned at me as she shrugged off her clothes, revealing a toned chocolate body that was laden with muscles, while an impressive pair of testicles and a large cock adorned her crotch, a dusting of white fluff drawing even more attention to her wondrous sex.

Aethisia took a step closer to me, watching with a smirk as I got onto my knees and tossed my clothes off to the side, my body bare to her as she approached.

The scent of lavender tickled my nostrils as she brought her cock tantalizingly close, her tip almost brushing against my lips before being pulled away.

"Answer me, Mama... I want to know what I should be doing to you tonight..."

Swallowing, I stared at the mesmerizing penis that swayed in front of me before looking towards her pale crimson eyes, saying "W-Whatever you want, baby... Do whatever you want to Mama..."

Her smirk widened, and without another word she brought her cock back to my lips, forcing them open as she muttered "Then get me ready to breed you..."

My response was simple; I puckered my lips and took her into my throat, kissing her pelvis as I swallowed it all down, coating her girth in saliva before pulling back, sucking on her tip like a delicacy.

Stroking my hair, my daughter smirked at me before pulling my head closer once more, slipping back into my throat and holding me there before relinquishing again.

We repeated that a few times, getting her penis sufficiently lubed up for the mating to come, the two of us relishing the intimacy of foreplay before the main course.

To continue, she pushed me down onto my back gently and crawled between my legs, her long tongue gliding over my slit before being plunged into my depths, exploring my insides and scooping out my juices for her to taste as she pleased.

Gripping her branching antlers, I moaned loudly as I pulled her deeper, the Deerkin smirking as I forced her to bury her face into my pussy, eating me out enthusiastically before pulling away.

My labored breathing and flushed cheeks let her know I was close, so I pouted at her before moaning again as she pressed her tip against my pussy, wanting to make me cum from her cock.

Grinning at me, she thrust inside before grabbing ahold of my breasts, supporting herself using them as she began to pump my pussy full of her impressive penis, filling me to the brim and scratching every itch I had.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her close, kissing her as she slapped her hips into mine, her plump balls filled with her sperm knocking against my ass with each deep thrust.

Aethisia sped up, and I melted into her embrace as she pressed against my cervix and started painting my insides with semen, ejaculating inside me hard for the first time tonight.

Emptying her first load inside, Aethisia swiftly resumed making love to me as we began our night in earnest, my daughter showing her filiality to me as she took me intimately for hours on end, our lips and hips connected in passion the entire time.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts