
Meeting the Family (6)


After a few moments of Sari so openly flaunting her ability to grab Astra whenever and however she pleased, the Dark Elf nearby coughed and glared at us, before she just pointed at the Hawkkin and asked "Are we just going to ignore the fact that this Hawkkin impregnated Kalia?!"

Everyone turned to stare at Yiksa as she turned back to glare at Inik, who just raised a brow as she replied "I don't think everyone ignored it so much as decided it would be best discussed later; perhaps over tea and sitting down?"

She was still holding onto Kalia's waist and wearing a confident expression as she stared down at the older Dark Elf, who was partially glowering at her as she brought the conversation back around to something that was probably far more important than Astra getting someone pregnant...

Though since no one seemed at all surprised about their Mother having a penis that fully functioned AND had gotten someone infertile pregnant, I have to admit I was a tad surprised on their behalf as I too looked towards Kalia; was this just something that they were now used to..?

Astra doing something spectacular and something that was so mind boggling like getting an infertile woman pregnant..?

But it is rather obvious that whilst they can just wave their hand and say that was just 'Astra being Astra' and laugh it off, when it was Kalia saying that she was pregnant, it was an entirely different matter altogether, and one that was to be taken rather seriously.

"What'd you say her name was..? Inik? Wasn't this the chick you bought Prixisia from?"

Sari was still fondling Astra's butt, the Catkin spinning her woman around and letting her look at the others, though I took note of how she relented somewhat when Astra reached down and scooped up the baby Catkin, whilst Rhefia scooped up the other two children, taking her spot beside the Catkin and violet haired woman.

"Yes, Inik was the slaver that we bought Prixisia from. When we first met her, she wanted to... taste Kalia for a discount, and Kalia agreed. Then-"

"Oh, is this the one who managed to make her so out of it a little bit ago? When you went into the city to sell things that one time?"

Kalia's cheeks darkened as Inik raised a brow, looking down at the Dark Elf in her arms as she quietly asked "'So out of it'..?", to which Kalia just pinched her waist.

"Yes, this is the one. It seems like Kalia made her decision, and whilst I might be the worst one to say it, I don't think rushing into something that important is a good idea..."

That made us all give Astra odd looks, though her eldest daughter was the one to say "I have to agree... Kalia, did you give it some thought before making that decision? If you did, then... I have no issue with it. Just... I hope you realize what exactly you are getting yourself into. Speaking of... I'll be back in a minute. I should probably wake Melia up now so that she can get fed..."

Turning around, Camara made her way back inside without waiting for an answer, though Kalia gave one anyways as she said "I... I thought about it a lot over the last few days, and when we were together yesterday, I..."

Reaching over to caress Inik's abdomen, Kalia smiled softly before turning to her own Dama as she said "I decided that I want to have a baby with Inik. It might be rushed, it might be something we struggle with, but I want to be with her for the rest of my life, and one of the ways to ensure that is to have her child."

There was something worrying about the way she said that, and something worrying about the smile she wore as she looked up at her partner, though considering the Hawkkin just smiled back at her and gave her waist a squeeze, I wasn't going to say anything about that either.

But... it was giving some credence to my slowly growing belief that there was something 'special' about this family...

"As long as you've thought about it, and as long as you both understand that this is a proper commitment that is going to require a LOT from each of you, then... very well. Just understand, Inik, that you have just... 'made your bed', so to speak. I fully expect it to be the one you lay in."

As I looked around and took in the neutral smiles from Aethisia, Rhefia, Astra and Yiksa, I felt like I was gathering more evidence for how interesting this family was, especially since Rhefia turned to me next and added "The same is going to be said for you, Lady Duchess. Just because you have some influence in the Queendom doesn't mean I am above the idea of... doing something to keep my family safe. No matter what."

I raised my hand before Shelur could think about moving, giving the Deerkin a nod as I said "I know, Rhefia. If I said something now, that would be jeopardizing the family that my baby would belong in. I don't want to raise this child on my own, nor without ever letting them know whom their Dama was. This is something I've dreamed about for a long time now. A very long time..."

Sari was the one to nod, the Catkin's prior amusement and lust gone as those yellow eyes held a gleam that felt like she truly understood what I mean, something that I wasn't expecting from her, especially not from what I've seen of her so far; although, that has only been a few minutes, so I can't really judge her that well just yet.

"Well then! Let's go inside and continue talking, hm? Let's eat, chat, get to know one another better... maybe Heila and Camara can watch the children for a few moments whilst we 'get to know one another better'..?"

The smirk on Astra's face made her family roll their eyes, but it didn't stop Sari from grabbing her ass again or stop Aethisia from smirking as she nodded.

Really, what kind of family was I getting in to?


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts