
Important Discussion (1)

"Well, let's head on in. Heila, were you already making something, or..?"

Astra gave Aka a small kiss on the brow before walking towards the house, her two wives following her closely whilst the others all turned to do the same, with Yiksa remaining beside her daughter and watching the Hawkkin closely... only to have a bit of anger appear in her green eyes when the red feathered wing covered Kalia's back.

It was obvious what she was doing with the Dark Elf girl behind that wing, and the small smirk as she flaunted her lover was enough to almost make Yiksa lash out, but Prixisia calmed the older Dark Elf and gestured for her to head inside too.

The orange Lamia wasn't showing much emotion to the Hawkkin, which I had to admit was surprising since they had some obvious history between them thanks to their decisions in the past, but I just decided to ignore that for now as I gestured for Shelur to join us.

The house was well made and spacious on the inside, though it wasn't large enough for all of us to sit at a single table, which made Astra blink a few times as she looked around her home before sighing.

"I guess we need to expand a little more... I was planning on it anyways, but... wow. And with a few more babies on the way, and these three getting bigger..."

She glanced down at Aka in her arms, the Catkin nuzzling against her tit and enjoying the warmth of her Mother, something that spread to the rest of us as we smiled softly at the sight, only for that warmth to turn to a heat as Astra took a seat and idly pulled her tit out, allowing her daughter to suckle.

"Renna, come here~! Sit beside me. Everyone else, find a spot and sit~! We have some things to go over now, alright? Some... really important things."

Rhefia and Sari frowned as they watched me take a seat beside Astra, but as soon as I did, we all blinked in surprise when Astra reached over and pulled out my breast, freeing it and gently peeling Aka from her own tit, the kit mewling softly before she too blinked in surprise as she was placed onto my lap.

Staring up at me with crimson eyes that were similar to her Mother, the kit tilted her head and tried to figure out what was happening, before her eyes landed on my equally large breast that leaked a little milk as soon as I met her gaze, embarrassing me.

But not as much as when Astra nudged the kit forwards and encouraged her to latch on, which she did without hesitation as she grabbed my boob and began to drink, her rough tongue and small fangs prickling my sensitive nipple.

Before I realized what was happening, I grabbed her head and gently pressed her against my tit, allowing her to drink what she wanted whilst I stroked her back, comforting her and encouraging her to do as she pleased, even if that meant fondling my tit and squeezing it to get more milk out.

Biting my cheek, I felt my face flush slightly as I looked up and saw everyone staring at me, only for them to look to Astra when she took off her top completely and allowed the other two children to sit on her lap and drink as well.

"So, the first thing we need to talk about is... well, it's a bit surprising, honestly, but I have to say it's a welcome one. Rhefia, earlier yesterday, during the opening of the Festival, I got to talk with Magistrate Gia Augustia, the Queen, and Goddess Dryatra, and they all had the same things to say..."

Seeing that she was just glossing over what she had done by handing Sari's kit over to me and bared her seductive body for all to gaze upon, we were initially flabbergasted before eventually finding ourselves waiting for her to continue, her words capturing us quickly as curiosity took root within us.

"Few people actually believe or seem to care about the 'crimes' you committed, and the Queen admitted that she knew it was a false claim by that Giselle woman, but due to a few... complicated laws and her desire to remain on her daughter's side, she didn't do anything about it."

That made us all stare at Astra blankly, the woman nodding her head somberly as she added "Not only was she aware it was false, but she also seemed to be unbothered by the loss; on one hand, I despise how she willingly put you through such agony and shame for little reason, but on the other..."

Leaning into her chair, Rhefia stared at the ceiling as she muttered "If she hadn't, I would have never been in Geard, and I never would have met you. You likely would have fallen prey to those Geri... in either way. And then..."

She glanced over at Yiksa, who just frowned as she was reminded of what she had done, before Rhefia said "And on the other, I can now understand why she did what she did. If Camara, Aethisia, Ehretia, Ipoala... honestly, any of you children, if any of you picked a woman with some... legal trouble, and I had to chose between you or what was 'right', I don't think I could bring myself to go with what was 'right'. I'd rather just run again instead. No offense, Lady Duchess."

Rhefia glanced at me, her amber eyes holding a weight that I had seen many times before, and a weight that I found admirable even if it sometimes was used for the wrong things...

"I understand, Rhefia. There have been a few times where I was tempted to do something 'wrong' for my sister and her wife. As long as you don't plan on doing undue harm to the Queendom and its people..."

I left that open ended for her, and she nodded before returning her stare to Astra, a complicated gleam entering her eyes now as she asked "And what else did the Queen say? Are we to just let this remain as is, or did she have some kind of idea? Also... how exactly did you get an audience with both the Queen and the Goddess?"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts