
Making Some Quick Coin (3)

Standing in front of me again, Renna stared at the fruits of my labor with a wry smile as she ran a finger over the gold rings, looking at the simple yet beautiful pieces of jewelry and shaking her head slightly.

"I can't believe this is real... You know many people have tried cracking the myth of being able to turn silver to gold, and while a few people have apparently come close or managed to create a process that was immensely expensive and thus deemed not worth the effort, this is probably the only way a mortal can do this..."

"Mistress, respectfully, it's far more impressive than that thanks to the starting material being wood. She has turned wood into gold. That is completely and utterly impossible."

Christina was also appraising the rings, the Queen Bee studying them closely before finally accepting that I had done what I had said I would do, which was create some gold rings to sell off at a jewelry store somewhere.

I just grinned at them both before accepting the rings back, placing them inside of a case I had made just now and cradling that in my arms as I asked "So what jewelry store can we go wring dry, hm~? Any Nobles you dislike own something nearby?", which made Renna's smile widen slightly as she rolled her eyes.

The answer came quickly though, and soon we were out on the streets walking around with a good amount of gold - not the coin, but real gold - in my hands, and although no one knew that, it was still an interesting thrill to feel as we made our way towards the Auction House.

Renna agreed that I should head on inside on my own since her appearing would be... not ideal, so I happily made my way in after getting some more confirmation from her, which was why my hips were swaying side to side and the reason my shirt was unbuttoned just~ a tad too much.

As one could expect from a jewelry store ran by and catered towards the Nobility, the inside of this store was posh and rich, the velvet cushions and golden accents everywhere radiating the tackiness that only the wealthy could pull off, while the workers walked around in gorgeous suits.

Futanari and women milled about looking at new pieces of jewelry and chatting with one another, be it for a simple social call or to get a custom piece made, and the moment I entered wearing my nice, yet still noticeably 'normal' clothing I instantly was given mild disdain through the looks I received.

Disdain that remained even as they drank in my curves, the wealthy customers and high end servants all holding onto that social element that I was 'missing' even though they clearly were ogling my breasts as I strode straight towards an open counter.

The tall, elegant Crowkin woman standing behind the counter didn't openly show me disdain per se, but it was lingering in her sharp black eyes as she gave me a practiced smile, her gaze lingering on my cleavage for a moment before it landed on my case as I gently laid it on the counter.

"Dear customer, how may I be of assistance today?"

Her voice was as smooth as silk, and while she leaned back a bit from the counter after I got closer, she continued to maintain that faux cordiality that only made me rather amused, though as I opened the case and asked "Are you interested in purchasing some jewelry off of me?" she leaned closer once more.

At first it was to politely say "We deal in high end pieces only, dear customer, however-" before trailing off as her eyes widened slightly, the sight of two dozen neat gold rings resting between smooth silk holders causing that polite 'please leave you peasant' to die between her lips.

I smirked beneath my veil as she slowly reached a gloved hand towards the box, the Crowkin staring at the uniform rings with awe before she paused as she asked "Dear customer, may I appraise them..?", the hesitant respect in her tone making that smirk widen even more.

Some of the customers nearby looked over with small sneers and calculating curiosity, while the servants who worked here were all staring at the Crowkin, waiting and watching her as she received a nod from me.

Lifting the first one up, she looked at it from all angles before setting it back down and picking up a second one; going down the line, she eventually held them up against one another and shook her head slightly in disbelief.

"Dear customer, might I implore you to inform me where you sourced these rings from?"

The disbelief in her tone was sweet to my ears, but I held it back from entering my voice as I replied "I made them myself. They're rather beautiful, aren't they? Simple bands, yes, but...", my eyes never leaving hers as I studied her expression.

She was trying to hide her surprise and failing a bit as she looked back up at me, about to ask me to not lie to her before closing her lips and instead just nodding once, returning to the rings and murmuring "Simple... yet identical..."

A benefit of the System was keeping all of the rings the same, and while they weren't enchanted to fit any finger no matter what, they were of an average size that meant they could be easily fitted to whomever wanted them.

And since they were plain gold bands, it wasn't the craziest thing ever to have a lot of them, but it was definitely a nice influx of something easy to sell for a good price, which was why the Crowkin gently - almost reverently - laid the ring back down and said "You wished to sell these to us, dear customer?"

"That is correct. Is that possible?"

The excitement made the Crowkin nod enthusiastically, though she coughed and composed herself as she instead said "Of course it is, dear customer. Might I interest you in a more comfortable location to deal business? Our manager will need to conduct this transaction..."

My own excitement grew, and as the Crowkin found herself staring into my cleavage once more I grinned beneath my veil and happily replied "That would be perfect, thank you~!", which was followed by her pursing her lips slightly as I shut the case and cradled it in my arms again, cutting off her view of the rings.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts