
Making Some Quick Coin (2)

"Astra, I already said I don't mind that! It's one of the few things I can provide to you that you don't have readily available at your fingertips! So if you want something, just ask for it and I can get it for you!"

The passion in her voice made me blink a few times beneath my veil before I chuckled softly, unable to help myself as I pressed myself further against her to show her that I appreciated that, and after a moment I said "And I appreciate that immensely, Renna, but it's something that makes me feel... not that great. Makes me feel like I'm taking advantage of you..."

My red haired loved pouted and turned towards me completely, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer as she said "Then take advantage of me and use my coin for whatever it is that you want! You don't seem to really understand that I am serious when I say this, Astra... I have more money than anyone would know what to do with for multiple lifetimes! I'll make more money in a day than you can spend in day even if you try to buy all available land inside of the city!"

She pressed her brow against mine and stared into my eyes as she added "Seriously, I make more money than most Noble Families have in their coffers after years of saving. I can make even more money if I need to through deals and the services I offer to the Queen as her Duchess, the materials I have stored away only accumulate more value than you can imagine with each passing day! So please, spend my money and enjoy it, because I already have what I want!"

My heart fluttered at that, and while I knew exactly what she meant by that I wanted so desperately to hear it, so I leaned further into her embrace, rested my hands on her hips and quietly asked "And what is it that you have, Renna..?"

The Nymph went crimson at that, but she didn't back down as she licked her lips, her blush not receding at all as she whispered back "I have you, Astra, and I have a baby inside of me... I'm pregnant, and I have a woman that I love with all my heart by my side now. That's more important to me than any amount of coin could ever be..."

My grin was probably the widest it had ever been when I heard that, and without any hesitation whatsoever I flipped my veil up and kissed my lover, savoring her lips and hugging her close to myself as I gave her my response to that statement.

The feeling of the two slaves staring at us made Renna push me away a moment later, the Duchess acting like she hadn't just let one of those slaves fuck her like a whore in the back room just minutes ago, though that made her all the more adorable and cute to me as I kissed her again.

Smacking my lips against hers and grabbing at the same ass that had been getting pounded by Duru, I hungrily kissed my lover before finally pulling back when she pinched my waist, a laugh replacing her soft lips on my own as I held her still, drinking in the gorgeous woman I had managed to make my own.

"You're incorrigible sometimes..!"

She let out a huff and looked away from me, but when I placed a kiss on her cheek and whispered "You don't really believe that..." she 'reluctantly' nodded, those sky blue eyes flicking over to me before she huffed again.

"Well then Renna, let me be your sugar baby~! Spoil me with that coin if you want, but I still want to make some money of my own~!"

Before she could say something about that, I placed a finger on her lips and continued to speak, loving the way she pouted at that even as I said "Not because I don't want to allow you to spoil me, but because I want to do it myself. You know what that's like, right? Being able to make your own money and how much more rewarding it feels... that's what I want. But if you wanna open that coin purse of yours and shower me in gold, I won't say no if that's how you feel~!"

Another huff made my Nymph look all the more adorable before she let me go and asked "Fine... How long do you need for this? Is it something that can be done here, in this private building?", to which I gave her a nod and made my way over towards the center of the room.

"I can do it here, yes. It shouldn't take too long either, not if I do this... and this..."

Plopping down two different workbenches, I began to create a second jeweler's table on the normal crafting bench while the jeweler's table I already had began to churn out wooden rings, 10 at a time.

Renna didn't seem too surprised by that as she instead just took a seat and watched me from the side, but both Christina and Duru were definitely surprised, with the Antkin gaping at the sudden appearance of these things while the former drug lord narrowed her eyes and tried to understand what had just happened.

I didn't bother explaining anything to them as I instead set a timer in my mind and got to work, churning out hundreds of wooden rings and enjoying the slow conversion from wood to iron, which was smelted down into ingots and used to make iron rings that had the chance to become silver.

I only took thirty minutes to reach my first gold ring, and by that point I had switched over to entirely metal rings, creating hundreds of them that made Renna shake her head in wonder as she watched me closely, all while Christina knelt between her legs and lapped at her cum soaked pussy.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts