
Different Kind Of 'Wealth'

Kalia PoV

"C'mon... I didn't mean it like that, and you know it!"

Inik followed me outside and continuously pestered me as I ignored her yet again, this time because of her comments from before as she poked my belly and joked about it being 'too soft'...

After her other comments about the rest of my body from this morning I was just being a bit troublesome, I'll admit that much, but she deserved it as I returned to my orchard and resumed taking care of all the nice trees that didn't make me feel a little bad simply by existing.

Sometimes I could tell her hands were twitching with the need to just grab me and spin me around to face her completely, but she was holding herself back lest she do something else to further sour the mood, and that was her punishment for right now.

I wasn't truly mad at her or anything, but this was more 'training' for her to stop being so crude all the time without any repercussions; even Dama Rhefia stayed well away from commenting on anything of the sort whenever she teased Mama, and none of the others had ever said anything similar to Inik either, so...

She needed to learn to stop pushing certain areas, and I had learned that she listened but rarely retained from words alone, so here we were, standing beneath a tree as I gently plucked another juicy, ripe apple off of a branch before it was launched over at the Hawkkin, forcing her to catch it lest it sail into the grass and burst.

Not a lot of power in that apple, mind you, but just enough to let her know I was a bit angry, so as she caught another and dropped it into the basket she had grabbed on the way out, she continued to plead with me, only stopping after the first tree had been picked clean so that she could go grab the second basket.

Watching as she rushed to place the first back in the house and retrieve the second, I leaned against the trunk and contemplated if I should pull back a little only to feel someone tap my shoulder, surprising me just a bit.

"You might wanna ease up there, Kalia. We're a simpler kind of people than you women, and our minds are also simpler. Remember that she doesn't mean bad by whatever it was she said, and if anything..."

Aunt Sari gave me a smirk and looked down at the glowering kit in her arms as she asked "You think your sister is pretty, don't you?", the soft tone that the usually sharp futanari took making me raise a brow before I looked down at Aka, who was still glowering even as she looked up at me.

Her scowl dropped a little as she looked me over, the simplistic mind of the kit showing itself as she stared at my boobs first before focusing on my face, and after another second or two she nodded and said "Really pretty! Like Mama but grey!"

I chuckled at that, only for Sari to lean closer and whisper "Your Mama is pretty soft too, Kalia, and I love her for that... my type has always been a soft woman or a muscular futanari, and I imagine that's rather universal~! Big butt and thick thighs... nice stomach leading up to some giant tits... all of that screams 'soft' to me~!"

Giving me a grin, the Catkin turned around and walked away after that, leaving me to consider her words as I looked back towards my partner, who was running back with a determined expression as she cradled multiple baskets to ensure she had the storage needed for today.


Rhefia PoV

"She's a little manipulative, don't you think?"

Watching the Hawkkin run back outside after gathering all the baskets she could find, I smiled a little as I asked that to both Heila and Yiksa, the two standing just beside me as they nodded silently.

"Isn't that just how Dark Elves are? Pardon me for that, Yiksa, but... sometimes people say things and they just seem to be true, no?"

The other Dark Elf smiled wryly at that, and she nodded again before letting out a sigh as she replied "We built a reputation at being everything people consider 'dark', after all, so that's fine. But yes... perhaps being a bit manipulative and sneaky just flows in our blood more than others."

"More than just manipulative considering she uses her body as a reward to someone who is clearly addicted to it. But hey, no one here advocates for healthy relationships anyways~!"

I grinned at them both and watched as Yiksa rolled her eyes while my little Doe just smiled back at me, her belly still drawing my attention as I realized this was just how she was going to be for the rest of time...

Heavy with child and always clinging to me like a Doe should - at least in my eyes - while also taking care of me hand and foot as I protected and provided for her - even if I 'provided' simply by banging another woman so well she loved me so deeply that she let me freeload off of her.

That was what I wanted from her and what she wanted from me, while Yiksa over there was just happy to be here since her other fate would have been a discontinued existence if Astra hadn't been merciful...

We had all been blessed by her mercy and her love, some more than others, and that was something I was immensely and eternally grateful for, which reminded me I needed to pamper the busty violet haired slut whenever she returned...

Until then, I gave the Dark Elf a smile before guiding her and my Doe back downstairs, showering them in sperm as I went back to my oh so productive lifestyle of having sex with whomever was available to pass the time~!

Something that Aethisia would have loved~ to be able to do since some of those people that were available were - of course - her little harem, who had all agreed alongside Aethisia that they were still free game.

So of course I just went and started taking my eldest for myself yet again after pumping Heila full and leaving her to rest with my newest daughter to enjoy one another's company while I enjoyed someone else's company~!


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts