
Finding Wealth

"This is..."

As the two sections of the bull landed on her table, Gertrude slowly lowered her cleaver before eventually just letting it go, the Bearkin raising a brow as she ran her hands through the bull's hide, feeling up its muscles and getting a tell on its flesh.

"One silver bull thing that charged at me and got to intimately acquainted with the tip of my spear overcharged with Lightning Mana. I am more than willing to forgo payment for this entire thing-"

That made the Bearkin's head jolt back up, and she instantly glared at me, the air around her thickening with a hurtful promise as she clenched the edge of the table, almost cracking the multiple inch thick wood without even realizing as she dared me to suggest something she wouldn't like.

"-if you can prepare me half of the ribs as dinner tonight. I honestly forgot how divine they were and how deeply I crave them, until this big bastard walked right in front of me~! Oh, and I know the recipe to a good sauce to cover them in, but I uh... don't really know how to cook."

I knew that she was expecting - and preparing to attack me if I fulfilled her expectations - me to suggest some sort of sexual service in exchange for this corpse instead of coin, but the moment I asked her to prepare half of the ribs for dinner she relaxed a little, only to narrow her eyes again as she stared me down for a moment.

There wasn't any anger in that gaze as she remained quiet for a couple of seconds, only to eventually sigh and look down at the bull as she asked "So you want me to cook you dinner... instead of giving you money? What makes you ask that instead of just staking claim to the ribs, as is your right as the hunter?"

I glanced around the shop and noticed that the younger Bearkin was gone, so I gave Gertrude a smile and said "A few reasons; don't wanna share it with my family 'cause I'm feeling really~ gluttonous, don't feel like hauling it back home, and I want to get to know you a little~ bit better..."

That last part was really true, with the others being minor reasons I gave her, but she caught that rather quickly as she arched that brow even more, though the moment I gave her that smile she just rolled her eyes... without saying anything to shut me down though, which was definitely~ a plus~!

"So I'll return with some ingredients to make the sauce I was talking about - I might not be able to cook but I can make a sauce - as well as a small keg of beer! Does that sound good, Miss Gertrude~?"

Giving her an elaborate and fancy bow, I took one of her bloodstained and gory hands and feigned giving her a kiss, loving how that brow only rose even more as she just let me do as I pleased.


Astra PoV


The Manager buckled her pants and wiped the few beads of sweat off of her brow as we finished our 'quickie' in the back of the store, her cum trickling down my thighs after she gave me three thick creampies back to back to back.

Blowing her a kiss and waving goodbye, I fixed my clothing as well before checking out the various workbenches available to me, smirking slightly as I noticed how amazing my System was; each of them were recognized as workbenches and were - therefore - compatible with the System.

So I could make some extras to bring in tomorrow in the background while I went ahead and practiced my practical skills here and now while waiting for my new sex friend slash partner to show up and bend me over like the Manager had.

The box Miss Hertanc had given me was filled with all kinds of goodies, from perfectly measured ingots of gold, silver and some other metals to beautifully made bags that were filled with gemstones of all kinds.

There were elaborate cuts in there too like marquise cuts or asscher cuts, alongside the more basic squares, round and trilliant cuts that most people were used to seeing, and what made this all the more impressive was just how beautifully done each of them were.

All of them were almost flawless even after careful inspection, and to make it even better the gemstones were gorgeous on their own, let alone when cut and polished the way they were; this was easily a small fortune in my hands, and if I wasn't so blessed as to have a System to turn wood into gold with just enough time...

Splitting right here would be enough to earn me a good living somewhere else, and maybe I could pocket one of the more plain gemstones to sell off somewhere else for a little more money... but I knew this was a test.

No one hands off this much material to someone they don't really know personally and someone who was working for their political enemy, so I had a feeling I was being tested far more than Miss Hertanc had led me to believe I would be.

Especially considering what happened yesterday...

So I put the bags back into the box and took out a single ingot of gold, which I then slid into one of the furnaces I had lit to begin heating up as I then found the tools I needed, getting to work to prove my worth to this wealthy stallion in hopes of furthering my own wealth a little more.

Again, I could turn wood to gold and always create wealth whenever I wanted, but I wanted to start saving some actual money for my family to have access too whenever they needed literal money instead of good 'ol bartering.

Like providing a service or 'service' to someone in exchange for the things they wanted, so getting a safe loaded up with money was a priority of mine, especially if the way I earned that money just so happened to involve a giant Horsekin making a complete mess of my pussy...

Goddesses above did I want her to make a mess of my pussy today...


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts