"I still don't like her."
Yiksa drew our attention with that proclamation, the Dark Elf frowning and staring at us both as she continued to say "I really do think that Kalia could do better than some... some crass Hawkkin who seems to think of her as little more than a fuckable piece of meat! The way she looks at her, the way she acts, the way she speaks!"
Letting out a growl of frustration, Yiksa's lips curled even more as she expressed her frustration at our daughter's choice of partner, only to look away when I raised a brow at her.
I had... moved far enough away from that animosity I had once held for her, but the actions she had taken were still engraved into my mind, so hearing her talk about a good partner just felt ironic as I stared at her, something that she knew she had little right to judge considering what kind of person she had been.
"Yiksa... if you could move on and grow from what you were to what you are now, what is stopping Inik from doing the same? I think you'll start to see 'results' after what happened today within the Hawkkin, and I think Kalia will make it as clear as crystal to her lover that there really are times and places for certain actions. If she continues to remain unchanged and continues to be unbothered and crass to our daughter, then we can consider 'speaking' to her. But until then..."
Clicking her tongue, the Dark Elf looked away but remained quiet, acquiescing to my wishes and making me sigh as I continued to look between the two who I had considered as my Concubines; it only made me realize more that I knew so little about them, though with Yiksa it had initially been by choice.
A choice that eventually fell into a habit, but at the same time having Rhefia as a wife meant that my nights were predominantly spent drowning in minty goodness, whilst Sari's inclusion further filled my nightly schedule with vanilla; and then there was Camara and Aethisia, my two darling daughters who craved their Mother's love still, and Kalia too usually wanted to indulge in the warmth of my bed.
The problems of a family as large and as intertwined as mine were making themselves known in this moment, the two in front of me feeling so familiar yet so unknown as we looked at one another, trying to figure out what should happen next.
And yet, despite the cause of this issue of ours being my thirst for sex and desire to experience it in its entirety, it was also the solution to this current problem, and it was a solution that Prixisia herself presented as she pulled me closer and took a firm grasp of my ass, her other hand allowing her to lift the small piece of cloth covering the twin slits that hid her magnificent cocks.
Seeing those two fleshy appendages slide on out and stand tall, I bit my lip for a second as I contemplated my options, only to nod as I slid my dress off my body and presented myself to her, accepting the Lamia into me as she grabbed at me with both hands and lifted me up.
"Mistress, really... believe me when I say that I will be fine. Truly. I just need time is all. The past is the past and there is no need for me to worry about it so, not when there is so much to be excited for in the future. Especially not when there is so much to be 'excited' for in the present..."
Smirking at me, Prixisia's forked tongue flicked out from between her lips as she pressed both of her cocks against my pussy, the Lamia leaning forwards and tasting the air between us as she muttered "If you weren't aware, raspberry is quite the common ingredient in some places as a symbol and taste of 'love'. It can be so sweet yet so tart at the same time, so juicy and full and rich... and yet, it can be fleeting and leaving you with a yearning for more."
I gasped as her twin cocks spread my lower lips apart and coiled together inside me, their thickness and heat drawing a moan from me even before the Lamia bared her fangs, that predatory glint in her orange eyes and the liquid that dripped from those fangs sending a shiver down my spine.
It also made me fleetingly realize that Shelur was insanely gifted, since even two cocks at once still felt like less than the gigantic green penis that hung between her legs, but I cast aside the thoughts of the Orc for now and instead focused on the Lamia that had sunk her fangs not into my neck, but instead into my tit.
I gasped again as I felt a heat infuse itself within my breast, and before I could ask why she wasn't biting my neck and inducing that lustful high within me, I felt my tit swell before my milk began to just leak from my nipple, dripping down my chest and lathering my stomach in that white liquid.
Pulling away, Prixisia smirked before doing the same to my other breast, the Lamia injecting me with something that caused my milk to flow freely, and as soon as she was done she glanced at Yiksa and said "Have a taste... she's going to need to be milked soon anyways~!"
When she looked back at me, the Lamia was already within my womb and enjoying herself immensely, and now that I had the Dark Elf standing beside us sucking on my boob, I could only moan and stare at Prixisia with slightly confusion and lust as I started to rock my hips back and forth.
"Mistress, did you know that a Lamia can alter its venom to induce other effects? Blessed Thistle, for example, could help a woman begin to produce milk even if she isn't pregnant, so long as the dose is strong enough~! And Mirrored Dandelion can cause that milk to take on the 'flavor' of the woman producing it..."
Her long tongue ran up and down my chest for a moment, before she leaned closer and whispered "Raspberry milk... it is quite the interesting flavor, Mistress~! And its meaning... why, I think it almost seems planned that a woman like yourself has it as a flavor... someone as filled with love and 'love' as yourself..."