
Consolation (4)


I forgot the Goddess of Greed lmfao

Oh well, maybe I'll add that later, but just know her name is Aurumia and she's... well, greedy, and rather similar to her sister Gulara in that they both want to capitalize something to the full extent of their abilities.

Really, my bad for forgetting, thanks LunarCat17 for pointing it out!


Astra PoV

"We can't poison her, Yiksa. Kalia would be sad and angry if we did, and she would be able to cure whatever we did to her lover relatively quickly, so it would do little besides make Kalia mad at us. There would be no lesson learned, and only a rift created between us and them. It benefits no one."

Prixisia nodded and glanced at Yiksa, who just frowned as she hugged Prixisia closer and rubbed against the Lamia's tail, trying a different approach to consoling the woman who had just revealed her rather sad past.

Who was this Countess who had given her a 'job', and who was her sister, who was likely a Baroness now and ruling over the territory of a now dead prick?

It wouldn't take that long to figure it out; just a few questions to a few different people inside the city, or perhaps Renna would know, but the more important question was whether or not Prixisia wanted us to know, and if she wanted us to promise to help her get revenge..?

Was she thinking about revenge at all..?

Did she want to 'get even' with those who had wronged her, or did she simply want to leave that part of her life behind her and not have to think about it any longer?

Because if that was the case, then what would be the best course of action?

I could easily figure out who it was and get a course of action planned that would allow Prixisia to settle the score between herself and those two, but if she didn't want to settle that score and was content to leave it as is...

That was her decision, and not mine, though I wonder if she would blame me for figuring out who it was and making a little use of Renna's power to perhaps cause them a bit of a hard time going forwards..?

"Well... You said you don't really blame Inik, right Prixisia? Is that true, or..? Are you simply trying to push down your feelings and instead focus on keeping everything 'harmonious' here..?"

The Lamia licked her lips and frowned as she turned to the side, not wanting to meet my gaze for the moment as she instead just said "Yes... and no. I... Mistress, I can't blame her for her job; her treatment is a different thing entirely though. Her attitude and arrogance is grating, her desire to be on top is annoying, the way she carries herself irritates me to no end, but I don't... I don't despise her anymore. Did I enjoy being her pet 'snake' and taking her cock whenever she got horny? I... sometimes did. That doesn't excuse her though."

She seemed conflicted mentally, and whilst I was wanting to comfort her, it was now that I realized I really knew nothing about this woman I had saved; I had been so selfish in 'acquiring' her, but I hadn't... done anything with her, and that felt disingenuous of me since I was supposed to be her guardian and supporter.

And yet, here I stood, watching as Yiksa soothed the Lamia by stroking her arm and simply being there for her; it showed me that I really was rather conceited in my abilities as a person, and how flawed my thinking was.

To me, the answer to boosting Prixisia's self confidence and soothing her was to have sex with her; to let the Lamia take her twin cocks and spread my vagina apart before dumping her sperm into my womb, or to ride her tail and pound her pussy as deep as I could before I dumped my sperm into her womb.

But that wasn't the answer she needed at this moment, and it was the only one I could think of right now, which just made me feel bad; but, now was the time for me to learn how to come up with a different solution to this problem, and I could only get better by doing.

So I took a step forwards and reached for the Lamia's face, stroking her cheek and grabbing her attention as I asked "Prixisia, I agree that Inik is a tad insufferable, but what exactly do YOU feel about her being here? What do you feel about her dating Kalia and being with her? Does it anger you that she is able to do as she pleases whilst you're... well..."

Those slitted orange eyes fixed themselves to me as the Lamia replied "A slave? It does grate me a bit, but the more I think about it, and the more I look at it objectively, this is the safest I have ever been. No one can take me from you, no one can harm me directly without facing consequence... Besides, I have received your own word that you would treat me well, so no, being a 'slave' to you doesn't make me angry, nor does it make me despise Inik since she is a free woman.

All I feel about Inik now is that I don't want to see her that often, that I don't want to talk to her, but that I will tolerate her since Kalia is... a friend. I think she could have chosen better, but that is only because my preferences are different from hers. But there is nothing that I can actually say besides that... I got caught on the run as a criminal, and so I faced the consequences. I didn't just kill someone; I killed a Noble. I was framed, so if my anger was to be directed anywhere, it should be directed towards the one I had once trusted..."

Letting out a sigh, she leaned into my hand and gave me a tired smile as she added "Mistress, believe me when I say I will be fine, I just need time to get accustomed to her. Keep us separate, and maybe ask if she can rein in her arrogance, but otherwise... we should be fine. We should be fine..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts