
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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591 Chs


Leaning against the doorframe was Rhefia, her lips pulled into a smirk as she looked me over, one hand on her cock as she slowly stroked it.


Blushing furiously because she had witnessed me masturbating, I desperately covered myself, glaring at her a moment later.

"For the last few minutes... You were moaning my name, you know."

My eyes widened, and I stared at her in disbelief.


I was..?

It made sense though...

I was masturbating thinking of that thick cock she's stroking, pounding and stirring my pussy as she bred me again...

Shaking my head, I glared harder at her, making her chuckle.

"Come on; let's mate. I got us a few good rabbits again, but they need to bleed fully. So, let's..."

She grinned at me, pointing towards our bed.

My face went crimson, and I nodded, slipping the pelt off my shoulders and revealing my bountiful breasts to her.

Rhefia stripped quickly as well, climbing up beside me as I laid on my stomach.

Feeling her about to penetrate my pussy, I grabbed her wrist, muttering "W-Wait..."

She narrowed those beautiful amber eyes at me, frustratedly asking "What?"

"W-We can't use that hole anymore..."

"Why?" she growled, her lips drawn in a snarl.

Gulping, I stared at her in slight fear, quickly saying "B-Because of the child! I-It's growing too big..."

At that she relaxed, before sighing in annoyance.

"Then what..?"

Gesturing at her hard cock, I gulped as she said "I'd go insane even if you use your throat..."

Nodding, I slid my hands down to my ass, spreading my plump cheeks and revealing my anus.

"I-If you g-get this w-wet, you c-can fuck me h-here..."

She stared at me in surprise, before a wide grin appeared on her lips.


I nodded "Really..."

Licking her lips, she leaned down, burying her face between my cheek.

Moaning at how swiftly her long tongue glided over my ass, I tried to relax my body as much as possible, only to stiffen as she slid her tongue inside.

Biting into the sheets, I laid there and, ashamedly, came from Rhefia licking my ass, making the Deerkin laugh.

Watching as she used my juices to lube up her cock, I raised my hips a little, enjoying how she instantly grabbed my waist.

"Ready? Honestly, I feel pretty pent up, so sorry in advance..."

I nodded, my heart fluttering at that...

Was she going to pound me into the bed then?!

No holds barred, just using me as a personal fuckhole to pleasure her cock?!

Moaning at the thought, my eyes went wide as I felt something hot and slick press against my ass, before gasping as it spread it open and slipped inside.

My hips spasmed as I came from her penetration, moaning loudly into the pillow as she slid herself to the base.

Her cock throbbed inside my ass, while her balls rested against my moist cunt.

Her hands were still wrapped around my waist, and hearing her panting above me as she penetrated me made my heart soar.

"Goddess be damned... Why does this feel so damn good..?"

She grunted, pulling her thick cock from my ass.

Her flared tip scraped at my insides, making me moan as it threatened to pull my insides out, only for me to scream as she plunged herself back inside.

Rhefia started slamming her cock deep into my ass, her balls slapping against my pussy lips as she thrust into me, grunting in pleasure.

"Oh my..!~ A-Astra, it's so... fucking tight~! Fuck~!"

Growling above me, she sped her thrusts up, making me scream even more into the pillow, her tip scraping my insides perfectly.

Leaning over my body, she thrust down deeper into my ass, her balls slamming hard against my pussy, sending me over the edge quickly.

Cumming from this deep anal penetration, I could only moan as she desperately humped my ass, her cock gouging into me before...

Letting out a low shout, Rhefia buried herself to the root, her cock pulsating as a large, fresh load of her minty semen flooded my ass, making my head spin.

Keeping my ass in the air, she returned to pounding me again, wanting to satiate her lust.

That night was the best so far, her cock never going soft as she filled my stomach with her seed, sometimes pulling out to paint my body with her semen, or spraying her cum over my pussy lips, making me moan as it seeped into my vagina.

When she finished it was dawn, and we passed out in each other's arms, me exhausted while she was fulfilled.


Waking up with a groan, I held my extremely bloated stomach and rolled out of bed...

Falling onto the floor and landing on my back.

Groaning, I gingerly got to my feet when Rhefia rushed inside, looking at me with worry.

"What was that?"

"I... fell..."

She moved towards me, helping me over to the stairs before lowering me onto the step.

"Sit... Food will be ready soon..."

I nodded, watching as she returned to the small fire and turned over the skewers, glancing over at me a few times.

Smiling at her, I held my stomach and sighed; she had filled me up so much that...

I wasn't hungry.

Which wasn't good.

How were we going to deal with her lust now?

I mean, even if she remembers to pull out, she cums so much that even a few loads will fill me up...

Sighing again, I pursed my lips before opening my Breeding System, hoping that maybe something was there to help me...

[Level Up

Level 8 (SS), Level 10 (BS)

You have 2 Breeding Points!]


{Elastic Vagina}: Expand

{Sexpierence I}: Expand

{Seed Absorption I}: Your body absorbs semen (10%) faster, and it can provide some nutritional value

{Weak Spot Targetter I}: You can see partners weak spots

{Closed Womb}: You can open and close your womb as you wish; this can prevent pregnancies]

Smiling again, I took {Seed Absorption I} and {Closer Womb}, already able to feel some of the seed turn to energy inside me.

Getting up, I sat besides Rhefia, leaning my head against her shoulder.

She ruffled my violet hair, still staring at the sizzling meat.

For a few minutes we sat there, and I found myself wondering if I was correct last night...

"Do you love me..?"

Without realizing it I had muttered that aloud, and she froze beside me.

When it finally registered that I had asked that, I too froze, my face crimson as I stared into the flames, occasionally peeking over at her.

She was pursing her lips, her amber eyes narrowed as she pondered over it.

Worry filled my heart, only for me to stared at her in wonder as she grabbed my cheeks, pulling me into a kiss.

However, unlike most of her kisses, which were deep, lust filled actions, this one was gentle and loving, her lips lightly pressed against my own.

Feeling something wet slide down my cheek, I continued to stare at her as she brushed away the tear, a smile on her lips.

"Yes, I think I do... I love you, Astra."

My heart beat rapidly, and I blushed under her stare, before leaning forwards and kissing her again.

Pulling her on top of me, I laid on my back and welcomed her into me, chuckling as her eyes went wide.

"Should we..?"

Her thick cock filled my cunt, and I nodded.

"Shower me and our child in your love... we can take it..."

What followed was a slow, gentle session, her minty scent permeating my being as she clung to me.


So as a heads up, it'll be just Rhefia for awhile; like she said earlier, Geard Forest is relatively uninhabited, so think of this as the 'tutorial' location.

We'll be here for awhile, but eventually we shall explore this interesting planet...

After she has a kid or three



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts