
'Hidden' Ability

Humming happily to myself as I walked down the street with Kalia, I wasn't aware of the sinister plot that was brewing inside Pura Emporium after I had left, still ignorant and living in bliss that I had no clue about... anything regarding that store or that shopkeeper.

Honestly, the only thing that was on my mind was that Wolfkin from earlier, wondering if she was still looking for me on that street or if she had thought I had left without thinking about her; sadly my desires swept away my concept of time far too often, so I had gone well over the hour or so timer that she had told me, so...

I was hoping she was still looking, giving me the benefit of the doubt, but who knows what she was thinking; all I had done was get bred by her like a good little bitch and that was all.

We hadn't talked or swapped stories or anything; just had wonderful, creamy and rough sex as she tried to put her pups in me after stuffing me full of her cock...

That was the depth of our knowledge of one another, and all we had done was planned another time to have more wonderful, creamy and rough sex together.

But, even if she wasn't there I was content, my body sated for the moment with the amount of sex I've had today, which wasn't the greatest but was certainly a much higher quantity then normal, as well as with such a diverse group of people as well.

That Bisonkin destroying my pussy, the Deerkin stuffing my ass, the Wolfkin knotting me, creampieing that Mousekin, getting used freely at Freyishtra's Bazaar...

Then there was the starting loop of the two guards taking turns using me earlier, which led into Aethisia washing their scent away with her own as she bred me...

Today was so~ packed with sex compared to my other days that I was already happy, and it was just reaching past noon, meaning I still had a LOT of time left in this day to have fun!

Maybe when Kalia and I get home I can give her some more loving, before I ask Sari to put me in my place again..?

Or have Prixisia stuff my pussy with both her cocks while Rhefia pounds my ass from behind, giving me three cocks total in my lower holes?

Ooh, or have everyone take turns ejaculating in my mouth to give me one of the most delectable 'desserts' this world had ever seen?!

My humming continued on as I thought about that, before I wondered about laying in a bathtub and having it filled with cum like that woman in the Focus Store did as a form of payment; what would that feel like?

Watching as my entire family stood over me and stroked their cocks before cumming on my body, bathing me in their semen and thoroughly engraining their scent into my skin?

"Mama, could you be any more~ obvious that you're horny?"

I glanced at Kalia and tilted my head, which made her chuckle as she added "Mama, the scent around you - your scent specifically, not even the scent of your previous partners - is incredibly thick... I think most people are wanting to pull you aside and have their way with you..."

Hearing that, I looked on either side of the road, and sure enough all eyes were on me, the futas staring hard at me while their cocks hardened, lust filling their eyes as they watched me from afar, while the women licked their lips and cast more seductive glances my way, clearly wanting to have a taste as well.

As soon as that realization hit I swallowed hard, logic and reasoning going to war with lust as I contemplated what I should do; should I rein it in and calm down, or should I just... enjoy everything~?

It was quite the dilemma, but I eventually decided that sending an entire street into the throes of lust wouldn't do me any favors, while the realization that if any damages occurred thanks to me I would likely be held liable in one way or another, and getting into any legal trouble now would be disastrous - even more so than normal.

I wouldn't want to throw away the trust of the Duchess, after all, and any investigation into me might just shed light on Rhefia, which would be equally as bad as losing the support and appreciation of the Duchess.

So I took a few deep breaths and regulated my thinking, canceling as many of the unneeded skills as I could and watching in interest as the people around me began to look away, confusion taking root inside them as they wondered why they had felt such a fathomless amount of lust for me.

It... was a complicated emotion that welled up at that realization for myself, and I looked around some more before guiding Kalia further away from the street, surrounding ourselves with new faces and losing some of the people who were still hoping for sex in the crowds.

Actions have consequences; that was what was bouncing around in my mind, and I wondered if I needed to find ways to suppress my urges in public so as to not cause such a scene again for people who weren't particularly looking to be sexually aroused.

On the surface it looked warm and fluffy, but who knows what those people might have done to me or to Kalia if they had been exposed much longer... that was what scared me, though I knew that I was - for the moment - overreacting to what had just happened.

It would seem that [Pheromonal Gland] was a rather potent skill, and when paired with the other skills that I couldn't turn off or usually left on, well, it went on to create a rather... 'dangerous' atmosphere for the rest of the population.

All it took was me getting rather excited about something with all of those skills on to turn an entire area into an orgy, and that... was a scary realization.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts