
Familiar Faces

Guiding Kalia down the road just a bit longer, I stopped and looked around, finding myself taking in the surroundings and wondering if there was anything of interest nearby, with Kalia doing the same as she looked this way and that.

The street was much of the same to the previous ones; stalls lined the wide walkway between each of the doors for the shops, while those said shops advertised their wares to the people through simple signs and rather on the nose nomenclature.

For instance, 'Sunny's Herbal Apothecary' and 'Ferrusa's Ironworks' were two of the stores that we could see, and the two of those stores even went on to add a green bottle with a sun and a large anvil on their signs, making it even easier to know what those stores were from.

Even the paint matched the stores too; Sunny's had a nice, vibrant yellow brick exterior, with large planters filled with aromatic herbs resting beneath the windows, while Ferrusa's was painted a dull grey with crisp red accents that drew the eye.

Just seeing these stores got me wondering about the store that the Duchess wanted to open up in the future; what color would go best with it, what should the sign look like, what should our display pieces be?

Thoughts about business compared to thoughts about sex were taking over my mind at the moment, and that realization made me come to yet another realization; I... wanted to remain in Birchan for a rather long time, so that I could see these things begin to take root and blossom into beautiful flowers that everyone could appreciate.

There was still that yearning to explore the world, but now it was being tempered by the yearning to build something meaningful and permanent inside Birchan, to create a home that I could always return to no matter what.

To create something for not only myself, but for my family as well, and that would take time... time that I quite a lot of, all things considered.

It's only been a few months since I appeared in this world, after all, and while the average lifespan of a human might have been roughly in the 70's from what I could scrounge up in my memories, they didn't have access to mana nor to the blessings of Goddesses, and they certainly didn't have a System to help them...

Who knows how long I could live?

And if I was living for decades, then my family would remain with me each step of the way; that much was something I was willing to guarantee.

With the skills I had, and the access to pure mana straight from the Weave, I would not let them succumb to aging without a fight, and that was something that I was willing to devote my life to.

"Mama, look over there! That's a long line of people... I wonder what store that is?"

The words of my beloved Dark Elf daughter pulled me from my thoughts, and I turned to look where she was pointing, locating it immediately.

Like she had said, there was a long line of people heading into a single store, but unlike the other stores, this building was constructed separate from the rest, and made from higher quality materials as well.

Smooth white stone had been used to build up its exterior, the texture of the chiseled details and the use of chiseled pillars giving the building some depth, while the large, triangular roof that had been chiseled as well, and from here it looked like the triangular pediment housed dozens of kneeling figures all worshipping a larger, grander figure that held out a set of balanced scales and a single coin in the other hand; if I had to guess, that was Monentata, Goddess of Merchants, meaning...

"Is that the auction hall then? All those people are rather well dressed, aren't they?"

I nodded, staring at the long line of women and futanari dressed in nice, clean cloth and silk, while the rimmed hats and parasols made it rather clear they didn't want to let the suns rays bathe their skin directly.

"I would guess so. I would also guess that we would need some kind of invitation or proof of funds to get in; those muscular guards at the front of the line are checking not only for weapons, but also for some kind of paper..?"

We couldn't see too much from afar, but it was enough to get a general idea on what was happening, but we wanted to see more, so we began to approach the ornate building, curiosity brimming in our minds.

But, as we were approaching, Kalia and I noted the slightly familiar scent of smoke coming from nearby - Kalia more so then myself - and we turned to see a smirking, olive skinned Hawkkin with red feathers walking towards us, her brown gold eyes narrowed as she took another hit from her pipe.

As for me, I noted another familiar scent approaching, one that was rather recent on my mind as well; lemons, and the sharp tingle that went down my spine confirmed it as I turned, seeing the Wolfkin from before grinning at me wildly, her own dark brown eyes narrowed too as she looked me over.

"Well well well~! If it isn't the Elf I played with before~! Ah, and her beautiful Mother as well~! Finally came to Birchan?"

Inik took a step closer and dragged in another puff from her pipe, her arm finding itself around Kalia's waist as she pulled her closer, smirking down at my daughter and blowing a soft plume of smoke into her face, amusement dancing in her eyes.

The Hawkkin turned back towards me, only to chuckle as the Wolfkin glared at her, wrapping her arm around my waist and pulling me back a step, the two futa's staking their claims on us in mere moments, without a word from either of us.

"Miss Marchant, I do recall asking for you to remain on that street..? Surely you recall that..."

The Wolfkin gave me a sharp smile, making me shudder before I gestured towards Kalia, saying "Well, we wanted to look around, and I did return to that street, but..."

"Oh, I know~! I could smell your scent in the area... Were you waiting for me to return or something? You seemed really~ aroused there~!"

Snorting, Inik grinned as she butted into the conversation, saying "From my extremely limited experience with this family, they love~ sex quite a bit. This little slut here came from being degraded and let me use her for an hour without qualms~! And her Mother gave her to me for a discount..."

The Hawkkin smirked at me as she took another hit from her pipe, the warm scent of whatever she was smoking filling the air as she held Kalia closer, adding "Give her to me again, Miss? Goddess knows I'm due for a good cumslut..."

I just looked towards Kalia, who was blushing hard as she remained in Inik's embrace, not putting up a 'fight' or even seeming reluctant to be there; if anything, she was happy, and I didn't say anything, giving my answer that way.

After all, while Kalia had Inik groping her and embracing her, I had the Wolfkin rubbing at my slit, her fingers brushing against my clit as she stared at me silently, asking her own questions.

None of us spoke for a few moments, making Inik grin as she tapped the ash out of her pipe and said "I'll let her go in an hour again, Miss. C'mere you Elf whore..."

"We should get going too, Miss Merchant~! I even went out of my way to prepare some medication for myself... An hour should be more~ than enough time to breed you..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts