
Reincarnated as the flashes twin brother (speedster system)

A man name Ethan Allen saved a girl and two kids in a car crash and he died but he meant God and got reincarnated with three wishes

Sancho_Pena · Movies
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3 Chs

Childhood and parents

When I woke up I felt slimy and warm all over me Hello host the [system] So it worked hey system may I name you I feel uncomfortable calling you system and will get annoying ( Ethan) Sure host you can give me a name if you would like to [system] Okay I will name you Jesse (Ethan) Thank you for naming me host my name is now Jesse [system] Ok so Jesse what can you do and where am I (Ethan) I can show you your stats and I have a shop and missions and you are currently in the womb with your twin brother Barry [system]

Okay how long till I get out of here (Ethan) Around 2 months host [system] How do I make the time move faster Jesse (Ethan) Host can go to sleep and I can wake him up when he is about to get out of the womb [system] Ok Jesse please do that (Ethan)

HOST WAKE UP!!! [System] Ahh What is it Jesse (Ethan) we are getting out [System] As light slowly shone it enfold him and he got out there was a lot of blood and he felt like he was super cold but the doctor quickly put him in a blanket and then Barry came out soon after

Congratulations mrs Allen you have 2 twin baby's both male (doctor) I was about to pass out and go to sleep but the doctor said what will you name them I will name the first one Ethan Allan and Bartholomew Allan Barry for short. (Nora)

As I heard this I said I guess hod gave me the same name huh well at least it won't be as confusing

(5 hours later ) as Ethan woke up he seen his mother feed ing Barry and she said Are you hungry here you go And then I thought no put me down woman but then I could feel I was hungry I guess I'm going to have to get breast fed oh no just get used to it yeah

Then a mission mission 10 SP eat your first meal Oh come on now I really have to drink well points is points (he won't get it for every meal only the first)

After he was done eating he thought okay so how can I get my powers earlier I think I have to let my mother die I don't want to mess up the time line to bad (it probably won't happen by PLOT) I also need money and I got some movie knowledge and how to make the iPhones so I can get money by investing in that and Amazon but I'm a kid so not yet and im not even 1 so I will need to train when I'm older maybe at 3 or so but for now I must try to Chanel the speed force since I have the system