
Reincarnated as the Extra Character with an Epic Comeback

Abigail died in a disease where she gets to reincarnated as Briella Pawn, an extra character of the novel series she finished before she passed away. Briella known as the sacrificial lamb and a great burden to her comrades when it comes to ambush, but that is all about to change since she is the own author of its novel

LeonoreSacrasm13 · Fantasy
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" Run!"

" They're coming!" 

" help me!"

Voices mixed with the sound of agony and distress, the ground rumbles as they all running past me. I was completely petrified as my eyes witnessed something unnerving as my instinct kicked in, where I immediately hide myself on a barracks.  I closed my eyes shut tight and covered my ears, and crouched down as I listen to the tormenting sounds of people screaming in pain and agony 

It's been three hours since everything fell in silence. 

' Is it safe now...or should I stay in the barrack...No, I have to find Liria and the others' I grabbed a rusty rake as my weapon on the side and gathered all of my courage to step out of the barrack to find the others

I could smell the rotten flesh in the air, corpses of civilians scattered in the blood road, where the ravens flew down and feasting on the corpses, my feet could feel the sticky liquid of the blood. The wooden huts were abandoned and has ruins of claw marks on the wooden wall. I held my weapon closed to me, even my hands were shaking in trepidation

" Someone help!"

That voice, I slowly take a glance at the large beast luring at a bunch of kids, whose quivering in fear. It's Liria and the others

'I have to save her....no..I don't want to die..." I gripped the handle of the rake, if I die... I can't able to... 

' GODDAMMIT! It's now or never...!'

"HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I let out a hurling roar as my body bolted towards the beast, swinging the head of the rake at the beast's rear while it is still distracted 

The tines shattered on the hard skin of the beast, the head of the rake was dislocated from the handle due to the impact 


The feral beast let out an animalistic growl as it's attention is on me right now, I took a step back from it, even my whole body is still quivering, and wanting to cry so much, I must lure the beast out of the sight,

I tried to act brave even though I wanted to ran or tinkle, as I gave out a grin and pointed her index finger at the beast 

"Why don't you pick someone your own size! You Ugly Fuck!" She hollered " I bet you wont catch me because you are a wimpy beast!" she added as she sprints off, glancing one more time at the children who stared in awe

' Run you little fuckers! Don't waste my damn sacrifice for nothing!' She cried as she runs as fast as she can. The Beast had chased after her 

" SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!!!!!!!" I cursed to myself

' Well maybe God would reincarnate me as a new human, a powerful one...where nobody can step on me'

And then I got reincarnated in a popular dark fantasy novel, and I was reborn as a nobody Balla Gail, a village girl from the novel who is always humiliated by aristocrats, and sold by her parents to pay for their debts, she will die in the Chapter 3 where she was taken to the Hunter's Sanctuary that will be ambush by the winged devils. 

The Dark Fantasy novel called The DawnBreaker : Requiem of the Crown Among Thorns. A World filled with supernatural creatures that only exist in fiction such as vampires, werewolves, elves,dwarves, orcs, mages and demons. Humans strive to survive against the world of darkness and supernatural

The main protagonist Ulric Salvien had brought peace among the World, but an unknown will rise and gobbled the World of never ending Darkness. this is my favourite novel series from books to movies, but there's one question got into my mind 


I could see that large beast is still following me behind, glad I'm a good runner in my previous life. But I can't run forever from this beast. I don't want to die again because of  idiocy once again

luckily I'm in the forest right now, I could hide myself in the large trees , I climbed on the trees and covered my mouth, as the beast sniffed in the air, he is trying to find me using my scent, luckily the trees have a strong and nasty scent coming from it's fruits, it will help me covered my scent as I watched the beast went to the opposite direction. Once the coast is clear, I went down and observed the area before taking a run back to the village

Once I got away from the beast, I hurried back to the village, Liria and the others must have been worried until I stepped on a net beneath the dry leaves and instantly lifted me off the ground 

"what the?!"

"Looks like we caught something!"

I turned to the group, and one thing that caught my attention the symbol on their hunting gears ' The Holy Hunters' crest. Ever since the Dark Age, a group called the Black Order,  established by the Great Hunter Vale Vanrouge where a group of men called themselves as the Holy Hunters to hunt down monsters that terrorizing and threatening peace. They are unknown to the society that works under a Black Organization. The infamous leader of the Holy Hunters is the main protagonist in the story

One of the hunters cut the net, where I fell on the solid ground, as one of them took a glimpse of me

" A Child?"

"I thought we caught a large boar for dinner" whined the one who cut the net

This is my chance, if I had these guys, there's chances that I won't die again

"Please" I begged to them with my teary eyes as I manged to caught their attention " Help us...the whole village was attacked by a savage beast, it killed everyone on the village except for me and some children. Please Help Us Holy Hunters!" I cried out

The hunters glance at each other as the male hunter stepped in and put his hand on my head and I looked at him, he smiled " Can you lead the way?"

I nodded as I lead them to the broken village, crows were circling in the village, and their loud cawing which made it eerie...

"Liria! It's me, Balla. I've found help!" I shouted at them

But nobody replied as the leader tilt his head to his comrade who nodded " Guys! It's alright we're..." I felt something hit behind my head causing me to black out, as the only thing I saw before I passed out is the leader smiling coldly at me