
Reincarnated as the contract wife

FREE CHAPTERS!! The story will go through a major editing, therefore i paused the update on it for a few days. Once done, update will be regularly. Helena Lee is an orphan saved from her evil stepmother and sent to a school where they trained her to be the professional assassin for government black ops organizations. Her desire to have a freedom to love and have a normal life made her adoptive father offered her a freedom if she marry one of the Anderson Clan Heir Cade Anderson. However upon Learning he was in love with his secretary Helena refused the deal and moving on in her life. She met Daniel Anderson when her least expected it and was murdered before she has the chance to get to know him. She was reincarnated as Daniel contract wife in the alternate world that mirror the real world. However the second chance she thought was given to her were not a redemption but a punishment from the seventh Hell so she can atone for her sins before she enters the Hell. She will be stuck in a cycle of reincarnations whenever she dies until she is broken. She intend to make this loop stop, third time usually is the charm. 'She loves Daniel, even if its from far, she will always protect him and watch over him, but the evil twins from Hell keeps making their path cross, tempting her to make a mistake, so they can play her life like a doll in a decorated dollhouse. Please saves the novel to your list of reading. This is not the usual reincarnation story, this is a story of Helena!. If you love the story, buy me a coffee: Ko-fi.com/littlemissauthor This will boost my morale for more chapters. **The novel contain strong language that is not suitable for young readers/anyone that is against foul language. **mature content warning!!!!!!!(as the story progress) **no rape(our female lead will beat whoever try to do the despicable thing) **Blood scene and violent scene! For some readers, the descriptions will be too much, unfortunately it is crucial for me to included it in the story. I apologize for that. **please read at your own risk! **I do not own the cover, it is from pinterest, please let me know if the owner of image needed the image taken down, i will humbly do so. **i am new writer! and welcome any feedback but please do it gently, my soul can only take so much..(hehe).. **enjoy the story!!

Littlemiss · Urban
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120 Chs


Cael slowly approaching Helena that is still coughing to pat her back helping her to get some relief, however his hand paused mid air when Helena raised her arm to stop him. She stopped coughing and turned to look at him with more questions.

Taking a deep breathe, she rubbed her face and looked at him sizing him up

"i was dead when you were born, how can that be?"

"You have freeze the eggs before you went to get sterile remember?" Cael explained.

How can she forgot, The Cabal has made her gone through the procedure when she was 23 years old, in order to not interfere with the missions, Elites agents be it female or male has to go through the inhumane procedure, denying their rights to bear their own child in future so the missions will always becomes first instead of family. However Helena had secretly contacted one of her contacts in the medical field to have her egg extracted for surrogacy in the future.

She remembered the year she was dating Ethan, she was close in letting him know about her desire to have a child with him through surrogate mother, since she has planned to leave the Cabal, due to the unfortunate incident that happened, she has completely disregard it and forgot about the existence of it.

"How does Daniel knows about it?"

"After you died, Dad was frustrated, since he fell for you, and barely has chance to be with you, it was hard on him for a sometime, until uncle Daryl and uncle Raymond approached him about surrogacy, dad instantly agreed, and i was born soon after, he is such an amazing father a child could have ever wish for, he raised me to be the best person i cold ever be, even though i can see him everyday here, its not the same since he i my 'uncle' here and not my dad, and i truly missed the real him, but i am also glad i get to see you mom"

"mom? brat!!! don't call me mom!!, i cant do this, do you know i am not motherly? and since when did Daniel likes me, i barely know him...." in disdain she uttered but then she thought " but you know, i don't blame him for liking me, i am enchantress after all" she squinted her eyes giving him the most vain look.

Cael just laughed a little, based on stories from uncle Daryl and Raymond, his mom is truly shameless.

"Why not Ethan?" Helena suddenly asked.

"Uncle Daryl hated him, and he mention Ethan Wright is a weakling and not fit to be the father of your child, after he found out about me, he started to fight dad, but you know dad, he doesn't backed up. " proud feeling emerged whenever he recalled about Daniel. A man that has single handedly change the Cabal for the better in honor of his mom Helena.

Helena did not realized when she started taking an interest asking Cael about himself.

"Who do you look like?"

"I look like dad, but i have your eyes, i inherited the heterochromia"

She smiled unknowingly proud of her genes.

Times flies so fast, the two has not realized they have been in the room for few hours, conversing, a soft knocked was heard and Helena stand to open the door to peek at Cade that touching his nose to try to see Helena closely as he noticed she is more alluring now than she was already used too.

"Yes brother in law" Helena emphasize the word brother in law to put a boundary for Cade as she noticed his lusting gaze on her.

"Nothing, i was just checking my son" His lies was seen through by Helena and Cael.

Cael has always despise these husband and wife since he was reborn, total opposite from the other Cade and Molly who remembers Helena and even named their daughter Helena Rose, for she is the reason the other Molly grow a pair and be a strong woman and independent. Even the old Master approves of the name. Helena might not realized the impact she had given to everyone in the world. Her being gone from the world was devastating, also he has no heart to tell Helena regarding Lorenzo Reyes ending in the other world.

Cael looked at Cade again..

"i am fine dad, aunt Helena and i are just talking". His voice and expressions revert to his childish demeanor fitting the image of little Cael that is adored by everyone.

Helena turned to look at Cael and winked at him before turning back at Cade.

"Brother in law.. now Cael is fine.. can you help me telling my husband to wait for me downstairs since we will be going home later together, i haven't seen him a week, i miss him" she sheepishly smiled with a hint of shyness, for she is a truly master of the art of deception.