
Reincarnated as the contract wife

FREE CHAPTERS!! The story will go through a major editing, therefore i paused the update on it for a few days. Once done, update will be regularly. Helena Lee is an orphan saved from her evil stepmother and sent to a school where they trained her to be the professional assassin for government black ops organizations. Her desire to have a freedom to love and have a normal life made her adoptive father offered her a freedom if she marry one of the Anderson Clan Heir Cade Anderson. However upon Learning he was in love with his secretary Helena refused the deal and moving on in her life. She met Daniel Anderson when her least expected it and was murdered before she has the chance to get to know him. She was reincarnated as Daniel contract wife in the alternate world that mirror the real world. However the second chance she thought was given to her were not a redemption but a punishment from the seventh Hell so she can atone for her sins before she enters the Hell. She will be stuck in a cycle of reincarnations whenever she dies until she is broken. She intend to make this loop stop, third time usually is the charm. 'She loves Daniel, even if its from far, she will always protect him and watch over him, but the evil twins from Hell keeps making their path cross, tempting her to make a mistake, so they can play her life like a doll in a decorated dollhouse. Please saves the novel to your list of reading. This is not the usual reincarnation story, this is a story of Helena!. If you love the story, buy me a coffee: Ko-fi.com/littlemissauthor This will boost my morale for more chapters. **The novel contain strong language that is not suitable for young readers/anyone that is against foul language. **mature content warning!!!!!!!(as the story progress) **no rape(our female lead will beat whoever try to do the despicable thing) **Blood scene and violent scene! For some readers, the descriptions will be too much, unfortunately it is crucial for me to included it in the story. I apologize for that. **please read at your own risk! **I do not own the cover, it is from pinterest, please let me know if the owner of image needed the image taken down, i will humbly do so. **i am new writer! and welcome any feedback but please do it gently, my soul can only take so much..(hehe).. **enjoy the story!!

Littlemiss · Urban
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120 Chs

Little Cael (4)

Helena indifferent expression puzzles him even more, based on his observation and characteristic, she is the one and only Lilith.

"Brat, what are you talking about" Helena looking at him also trying to see his intentions and she is shocked when Cael mention her code name, in this world no one knows about it. The Cabal did not even exist.

"Daryl Koo, Raymond Wong, Lorenzo Reyes" Cael testing her again to see her reactions, and as he is expected her indifferent is too flawless, the legendary Lilith is in front of him, that can only mean one thing, the old Helena has indeed died from the falling incident. He looked at Helena in front of him with tears brimming under his eyes.

Without wasting anytime, he signaled Helena to sit and what he is about to say might either be true experience for her or he can sound like he belongs in the mental hospital, however he needs to let her know..

"Sit Down.." Helena was a little stunned when Cael was mentioning the name that only few people knows. She subconsciously sit wanting to hear more of what Cael has to say.

"I was transmigrated into this world last year, after the Cael from this world died of high Fever"

Helena looked at him with jaw dropping moment, she wasn't alone, but how can it be, he is too small to be enduring what he has been enduring now, even for her, it was so hard to adjust in this new world, cant imagine the child as young as him. Her heart suddenly soften towards Cael that still lowering his head with trembling shoulder, his eyes droop a little containing the brimming tears he held so as not to drop it. His feeling is a mixture of joy and sadness also dejected, mourning over the loss of the old Helena, she was kind and gentle, always trying her best to help him coup with this foreign world, a big difference from the Helena he is currently seeing in front of her, he is lucky since he has inherited old Cael memories, and it looks like Helena genuinely did not inherit any memories from previous Helena.

As it seems like the old Helena selectively deleting it, as if she wanted the new Helena to experience world not expecting anything.

"i am not a 5 years old boy, i am actually 18 years old" he said with grimace recalling woken up in a 5 years old body.

Helena raised her eyebrow in puzzlement even more.

"So you are reincarnated 13 years back to this parallel world?" she asked, mother nature sure is f*cked up and twisted to do this to a growing kid. At least she was only go backwards for 2 years, making her a 25years old lady instead of 27 in the other world.

Cael nodded weakly, there is one more important thing he needs to tell her, but not till she directly admitted she is the Lilith he was assuming from the very beginning. Helena is not a mind reader but she understand Cael was hesitant to continue until she shares her story.

"i was transmigrated here too 4 months ago, unfortunately, the old Helena died from the fall from the balcony, i was stabbed on the neck by Francesca Lee, i will kill that b...."she covered her mouth censoring the curse words she uttered.

Cael has confirmed it, that is exactly how Helena died previously making Daniel bring is wrath onto the Lee's family. Based on a story he heard from Raymond, Francesca was not having a good ending before she left the world.

"How do you die" it felt awkward talking to Cael, regardless he was a 18 years old in the other world, he is still in a body of a 5 years old, talking death seems a little off for her limit.

"There is an attack in the Cabal, and when the grenade was thrown, it was directly landed in the computer room i was working, and it killed me instantly"

"You in the Cabal?? what the hell are you doing joining them, they are ruthless!!"She suddenly felt her rapid breathing was about to explode making her standing in rage. She knows to well on how Cabal works with young operatives.

"It is not the same after my dad took over, so many things changed, i am not field agent, i am a computer expert, Uncle Daryl and Uncle Raymond retired few years after you died too."

Her eyes looking at him, she tilted her head holding her chin..

"Cade took over the Cabal? What about Lorenzo? what happen to him? and how does Cade managed to take over the Cabal?" questions after questions was thrown at Cael that was sitting scratching his head on how to tell her the next information.

"My father is not Cade" His answered had Helena widen her eyes in disbelief, no wonder he doesn't seem to care much about the two serpents on the table.

"Then who are your parents" Helena crossing her arm leaning on the wall trying to recall any other Anderson beside Daniel that she knows off based on her investigations. She felt her throat parched and pour herself a glass of water on the table when Cael mentioning his parents.

"My parents are Daniel Anderson and Helena Lee, and i am Devon Anderson.." he flinched when he uttered the word and continue carefully saying "Hi mom"

Part of the water Helena drank stuck on her throat and the remaining spurted out, she banged her chest coughing while trying to get everything stuck to be release from chocking her. Cael also known previously as Devon felt a slight helpless seeing his "mom"'s face turned red enduring the cough. He can only shrugged his shoulder waiting to continue his explanation.