
Reincarnated As Muichiro Tokito

What happens when someone reincarnates as Muichiro Tokito in Demon Slayer, but things in this world are different from the original story. Please note I'm just writing this for fun. P.S: English is my 3rd language so there will be quite a few of mistakes but it should be readable. [Cover is not mine] Discord: https://discord.gg/7Zws4xjx8T

FallenEclipse · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs


After some time, well, how long was unknown to me, I woke up in what appeared to be a house. I had no idea what is going on, it was probably reincarnation but why. I spent so many years in that place so why now.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a voice, but, it felt like it was in my head somehow.

[Hello, host]

I sighed internally, I read many novels so I knew where this was going. It was obvious I reincarnated or somehow ended up in someone else's body. I'll be honest, I'm kinda happy. The place I was in before was really boring, there wasn't even anything to look at.

Yo, system. Where am I? I asked. Information was one thing I didn't have and the system was obviously my best way to get answers.

[Oh, yes. You are in Demon Slayer, I'm sure you know the world, and you are Muichiro Tokito. Isn't that nice?]

I didn't answer, this made sense actually. If im right, the boy I saw before I passed out was probably Yuichiro Tokito. From the bloody mess I saw before, it's probably the time right after Muichiro killed the demon who killed his brother.

If my memory is right, Muichiro took two months to train before becoming a demon slayer, then he became a Hashira quickly after. That means that he either killed 50 demons in a fast period of time or he killed one of the 12 Kizuki. That or Kagaya Ubuyashiki made him a Hashira right after passing Final Selection which I doubt.

I groaned, the timeline was straightforward but most of the characters' pasts are a bit confusing. I know their pasts but not in detail.

Also, if Muichiro is 11 when his brother died and is 14 when Tanijro meets the Hashira that means the plot starts in 1 year, give or take. Let's say he was a Hashira for...

[Waw! You are really smart, you got all that from only the knowledge of you have. And you didn't even finish the manga]

No I'm not. It's just common sense, and I did finish it, I just only remember key things like who dies, the arcs, timeline, all that stuff. Like the Stone Pillar, all I know is his age and a little bit about his past.

[Yeah, I guess you right]

Anyway, I'll name you A. What can you do? I asked.

[Thanks for the name, and my functions are all LOCKED]




What? Then why are you even here, you're telling me you're just a voice in my head? I asked A.

[You hurt me master, and my functions can be unlocked. You just need to complete a certain requirement]

What is it?

[That's a secret, I'll say this though. It's a decision that will determine the rest of your life, and even how the system is formed]

That's so fucking vague it's not even funny, I swear to fucking God. Ah, fuck this. Wait, what about the old Muichiro? Is he in my head too?

[No, both you're souls merged into one. You are still you but you will develop his mannerisms]

Oh, I see. This is getting complicated, I wonder what I should do. I might just play it by ear for now. I hummed and looked to the side, I saw Kagaya Ubuyashiki. I blinked and he said, "Ah, sorry I didn't speak before, you seemed to be in deep thought and I didn't want to interrupt."

"Uh, that's okay, I guess," I said. He nodded and said, "Well, first I would like to apologize for your loss. Your brother, unfortunately, died before we arrived. You have my sympathy."

"Oh, it's alright. It's not like it's your fault. Uhm, how long was I out for?" I asked. I saw that my body was covered in bandages as well. "You were asleep for almost 2 weeks, as you can see, all of your injuries aren't yet healed, it will take some time for you to fully recover. Ah yes, I almost forgot."

He turned to the side and took something, he turned back and showed me two haori. One was mostly black with white patterns all over it, the other was mostly white with the same patterns but they were light gray.

(The haori Muichiro and Yuichiro wore)

I was slightly surprised, he put it there and said, "These are yours, I had them cleaned as well. I would like to ask, what do you wish to do now?"

I thought for a bit, I honestly didn't know. Then I thought about what A said about the system, maybe I need to kill Muzan or survive to unlock it. It should be worth a try, and I don't like being weak. "I'll become a demon slayer I think."

He said, "If that is your choice then so be it, but, don't you want to wait until you are a bit older?"

"Not really, the earlier the better. It's not like the world is going to wait for me. It's not like I have anything else to do." I said.

I wasn't lying, I was going to train anyway. Might as well, I don't have anyone I care for. I had no family in both lives, I was just going to full my life with training anyway. It doesn't sound healthy but whatever.

Kagaya said, "Well, if that's your decision. But, I would suggest you recover first. When you wish you can pick a technique and there will be someone to train you in swordsmanship."

"Oh, thank you," I said. He nodded and a woman with white hair came in and helped him out of the room. I looked at the ceiling and hummed, I wonder how long it will take for me to recover. Hopefully, it wouldn't take that long.