
Reincarnated As Jasper Whitlock

In the shadows of vampire existence, where eternity and bloodlust intertwine in an eternal dance, two souls crossed paths in an unexpected twist of fate. Jasper Whitlock, a brave soldier turned vampire during the American Civil War, and Marcus, a twilight fan fiction fan. To also declare that I do not own any copyright on the Twilight book series and I am only writing a fanfiction about this book series, all credit and recognition belongs to its corresponding writer Stephenie Meyer.

Zorkel · Book&Literature
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Chapter 4: Facing the Unknown?

With determination in his eyes, Jasper answered Marcus' question. "The first thing we need to do is better understand this world we find ourselves in. The rules and dynamics may be different from what we know in the world of the Twilight Saga. We need to learn to control our new powers, get to know other characters in this story, and discover if there are any clues that will lead us back to our own world."

Marcus ascended, taking in the importance of the situation. "You're right, Jasper. We can't just sit here and do nothing. But we also have to be careful, we don't know who or what brought us here or what their intentions are."

Jasper approached in agreement. "Exactly. We must keep a low profile, at least for now. We will observe and learn everything we can. And when the time is right, we will look for answers and a way to return home. well in your case return home and in mine get my body back, well that is if you want to go back unless you don't want to in which case we will look for a way later on how to get out of this problem Let's not worry about that "

Marcus thought about what Jasper told him and although it is true that he had no reason to return to his planet since from a very young age his parents left him for reasons that he never understood, and his grandmother who was the one who raised him since he was a child. He died recently, so if he didn't have much to come back to that would be a matter for another time for now he had to focus on the present and discover his abilities as well as his gift as a vampire.

They both set off, and they would have to do it quickly since at any moment his captor or in this case his Sire or coven leader Maria could arrive.