

(AN: From now onwards I won't be writing all the chapters scriptwise anymore.)



That's the only word I could utter after seeing my current situation.

'Don't tell me, did I just time travelled.' I was shocked coming to a conclusion.

'But how? Last time I checked, OG Gojo only had space manipulation, unless...' I paused for a moment and then it came to my mind. 'What if including Gojo Satoru powers I also got some other characters power and their abilities too.'

I was thinking whose characters I might have gotten.

My first suspicion was Loki Odinson. I remember in Loki Season 2, Loki got a new powers known as Time Slipping in which he could go to the past and also the future. He could also freeze time with his new powers.

But later dismissed that idea. Well first when Loki time slipped, He's essentially glitching and being involuntarily molecularly disassembled between different points, thus feeling essentially feeling excruciating pain. Although even I am feeling some amount of pain, but not enough to feel like I glitched my way to future. And unlike him, my body kinda grown up from a 5 years to a whole 17 years old, which is weird even for me.

So I started thinking deeply of how did I never felt this power for 5 years and why did I felt now?

Thinking back now it was a bit weird when I always thought I might be smart because of my 6 Eyes, because of which I have such a great memory. But even if I do have 6 Eyes, it would still take me atleast years to use all that knowledge for further improve my abilities and it only took me 2 years. When I started learning every hand-to-hand combat known in the whole world, I learnt all those moves in breeze. Even, the ability teleportation ability, which was supposed to be the most toughest ability was much more easier compared to telekinesis.

From learning all this, I came to only one possible conclusion, I have the power of a character who is a master combatant, has a genius-level intellect and also has the powers of Space-time manipulations in such a level that a small kid could turn into a teenager. After analyzing all the abilities, I could only come to only one character who has all this trait.

Number 5.

Number Five possessed the ability of space-time manipulation and ended up trapped in the future staying there for more than 40 years, thus turning into a man in 70s, where he discovered that the world was in ruins. He eventually returned to The Umbrella Academy years later although he got stuck in the body of a 12 years old because of a mathematical error.

Suddenly I got an idea, if I have the power to time travel then I can go back in time. Yeah, I can go back in time and defeat Thanos. "But enough about the plans, I gotta find Grandma, it's been two years she would be so worried about me right now." By saying that, I left the decimated factory. But what I saw next froze me.

Outside, the whole New York City was a wasteland. Everything was in Ruins and above in the sky were Q-ship, Leviathans and most importantly Thanos's Ship, The Sanctuary II. Then I remembered on the front title of the newspaper written "Alien invasion in Manhattan" with a picture of Thanos commanding his Chitauri Army wrecking havoc.

But I was thinking, How? How did this happen? I remember in Avengers: Endgame, the Heroes defeated the Present Thanos in my time, then Past Thanos 2014 in the Year 2023. Then does this means The Avengers Lost.

Then I whispered "Grandma", without even thinking, I teleported straight to my Home in Queens. I was horrified with seeing my home completely decimated. I went inside and saw the Skeleton sitting on my Grandma's chair. I knew that it was my Grandma's body.

Looking at her body, I felt broken and alone, Grandma was my whole world to me after my parents blipped and now I lost even her.

I then saw in the room with a bunch of poster scattered. I picked up one of the poster. It had the picture of the 5 years old me and had written "Missing: If you find him Please call on this number-XXXXXX". I thought in my head, coming to a conclusion, 'My Grandma was looking for me. Even when the Aliens attacked, Grandma stayed here waiting for me.' When I got to know this, I felt more guilty over my Grandma's Death. I took the remains of my Grandma's body and buried her in our backyard. "I am Sorry Grandma." I said over her burial.

While I was mourning over my Grandma's death, I heard the sound of a loud boom coming from above. It was a Chitauri Chariot. It then crash landed near my neighborhood. I looked one last time at my Grandma's burial site and then, I teleported near the ship.

I braced myself for the arrival of the Chitauri soldiers. But to my surprise, humans emerged from the wrecked vehicle. Survivors had managed to hijack the Chariot. They then noticed me, and looked relieved to have found another person alive in this desolate wasteland. When I looked closely, I saw some people, who I recognized.

I introduced myself to the leader, "Hi. I am Damien Robinson. And you are?"

One of the survivors, who seemed the leader of the group (Although, she looked about my age), stepped forward and introduced herself. "Hey Damien, I'm Kate, Kate Bishop. Glad to see another soul alive in this mess." She looked around the ruined cityscape, her gaze lingering on the Chitauri Chariot that they had crashed. "We managed to hijack this thing and have been using it to scavenge for supplies, but it's getting harder and harder to find anything useful these days. So we were thinking of leaving to a safe location, when suddenly, those bastards identified us, and destroyed our engine. And then, well, here we are."

One of the other survivor chimed in. "Yeah, we've been trying to find a safe haven, but it seems like everywhere we go, there's more dangers waiting for us." He looked around at the others, a sense of hopelessness etched on his face. "We just want to find somewhere where we can grow food, have running water, and not have to fear for our lives every damn day."

To which a girl, from the team said, "That's why I am here, to get you to our safe haven" She said that by raising her hand. I knew her face, but hid it subtly. I said, "Who are you?"

The girl, a young woman with a determined expression on her face, spoke up, her hand raised. "Who am I?" She repeated, her voice strong and confident. "I'm Cassie Lang, and I have come to take you to our safe haven."

Kate said, "And that's why we are all in a hurry, we were all heading over there, right now following the girl."

The others nodded in agreement, and another survivor spoke up with a hint of hope in his voice. "Yeah, Cassie has been leading us for the past few days. She claims to have came from that place."

Now I was curious, thinking which place would be the best safe haven in this post-apocalyptic world, so I said, "And What is the name of this safe haven?"

Cassie, with a determined look in her eyes, answered, "It's a town called New Asgard."

I then looked at her skeptically, "I am sorry. But wouldn't that place be destroyed, Thanos might have gone there, and destroyed that place already, as it contains the rest of Asgardians."

Cassie shook her head, a small smile forming on her lips. "You're mostly right, Damien. But the thing is, after the Avengers were defeated, Our leader and a group of Asgardians fled to a hidden, secluded part of Norway. They used Bifrost to teleport New Asgard there, away from prying eyes and far from any potential threats."

What Cassie said confirmed my suspicion. 'So, The Avengers have lost huh. But the question is, how?'. But before I could say anything, 2 Chitauri Chariots coming towards us and started open firing on us.

The sudden appearance of two Chitauri Chariots caught us off guard. We scrambled for cover as the chariot's weapons started firing towards us. Kate, reflexes sharp, yelled out "Take cover!" as they all ducked behind the wreckage of the hijacked Chariot. While I just passively Activated my Infinity, through which, none of those blasters hurt me.

I used my Lapse - Maximum Energy Output: Blue and throwed it towards the two ships. The two Chitauri Chariots were caught in your Lapse attack. The blue ball of energy, with its immense gravitational pull, sucked the ships whole as if they were consumed by a blackhole. It was a powerful move that allowed us a moment of respite.

Cassie, awestruck by your ability, looked at you with new respect. "Damn, that was impressive! You got some serious powers there!"

I then looked at them and said,"If you don't mind? Can I join your group?"

The group turned their gazes towards you, assessing you with curious expressions. Kate, after a few seconds of contemplating, nodded. "Yeah, you can join us if you want," she said. Cassie chimed in, "We need all the help we can get, and your powers could come in handy." She thought, 'I should talk to Captain about this.'

I then questioned, "So. Where is this New Asgard, um Cassie?"

Cassie, a determined gleam in her eye, pointed towards the horizon. "New Asgard is northwest of here," she stated. "We've got quite a ways to travel, and the journey won't be easy, but if we stick together, I believe we can get there."

I inquired, "Do you have a transport?" Kate interjected, "That's the problem, our hijacked Chariot got damaged in the Chitauri attack. We have to rely on foot power now. But don't worry, we've made this trip a few times now, and we know the safest routes to follow."

The group began to discuss the logistics of the trip as we made our way on foot, following Cassie's lead. We knew it would be a long and arduous journey, but the promise of safety and a new beginning in New Asgard kept us all motivated.

An Idea sparked in my barain, I said "Hey Guys. What If I teleport us all there." The group halted in their tracks as they heard your suggestion. Kate raised an eyebrow, intrigued by your proposal. "Teleport all of us there?" she inquired, a mix of skepticism and curiosity in her voice. I said confidentially, "Yes."

The others exchanged glances, contemplating the idea of teleportation. Cassie, ever the adventurous, seemed to be excited about the prospect. "Can you really do that?" she asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.

I looked at her wryly, "You just saw me creating a ball which destroyed two enemy ships within seconds." Cassie, realizing the truth in your statement, chuckled sheepishly. "Yeah, you got a point there," she conceded. "But is it really safe? I mean, teleporting a bunch of people across a long distance..."

I said a bit confident, "I guess I could do it. Just tell me the coordinates."

Cassie, looking hopeful, nodded. "Alright, I'll give you the coordinates." She quickly rattled off a set of numbers and coordinates, the location of New Asgard. "You think you can do this?" she asked, a hint of trepidation in her voice. I just looked at them and playfully said, "It's either this, or a long arduous journey. Which would you choose?"

The group chuckled at your response, clearly appreciating your sense of humor in a situation where choices were limited. Kate, her lips curled into a smirk, said, "Well, I guess you don't have much of a choice, do you? Either we try this teleportation thing or hoof it across the wasteland."

With that, according to Cassie's given coordinates, I teleported us all exactly to the specific location.

In a flash of light, the group disappeared from the wastelands, leaving a slight breeze to rustle the empty surroundings. Suddenly, the group materialized in the new location, following the coordinates provided by Cassie.

We found ourselves standing on the outskirts of a small, hidden settlement. The houses were built from rough hewn but sturdy materials. The smell of saltwater from the nearby ocean filled the air, and the wind carried the sound of seagulls flying overhead.

Kate approached you and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Everything alright?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

I shrugged it off, "Yeah. Not gonna lie, this was my first mass teleportation. Anyway, Cassie, is this the place?"

Cassie, a small smile on her face, nodded and gestured towards the settlement. "This is it, New Asgard," she affirmed. "It's not much, but it's our sanctuary. Welcome."

Then suddenly, the guards surrounded us. The guards, seeing us arriving unannounced and suddenly out of thin air, instantly reacted with suspicion. Guns were raised, pointed in our direction. The atmosphere tensed as they perceived us as potential threats to the safety of New Asgard.

Cassie, sensing the tension, stepped forward calmly and approached the guards. She raised her hands in a sign of peace and spoke in a clear voice, "Easy there, guys. It's me. I'm back, and I've brought some friends."

The guards recognized Cassie and lowered their guns slightly, but their initial suspicion didn't completely disappear. One of the guards spoke up, his voice gruff, "Cassie, who are these people with you? And what's their purpose here?"

Cassie gestured towards us, her expression reassuring. "Don't worry, they're not a threat. They're survivors like us, and we've been through a lot together. We're here because we need a safe place to stay," she explained, her voice calm and sincere.

The guards, still cautious but now somewhat more reassured, nodded. "Understood," one of them said. "You'll have to see our Leader. He'll want to assess the situation and decide whether you can stay or not."

Kate, taking a deep breath, glanced at the group. "Well, it looks like we're heading to the captain," she muttered, her expression a mix of anticipation and a hint of wariness.

The guards, still keeping a watchful eye on us, led us to a large, sturdy building, the center of New Asgard. The structure had clearly been built with durability and functionality in mind, serving as a sort of central hub for the settlement.

Omniversal POV

The Leader, who was holding the Stormbreaker on one hand and a broken Vibranium shield. He was looking outside with his tired blue eyes. He muttered, "When would this end? Maybe I should - No what am I thinking? I can't give up. Not now. Not ever." He mentally said to himself, "Whatever it takes." The weight of his responsibilities weighed heavily on him, his mind filled with thoughts of doubt and exhaustion.

The guard, an Asgardian warrior, quietly entered the room and approached Captain America. He cleared his throat to gain the captain's attention.

"Captain," the guard began, his voice solemn, "There are some people outside who want to speak with you. They claim they're survivors like them. They're with Cassie, and she's asked to let them in."

The leader turned his gaze towards the guard, his expression hardening. "Survivors, you say?" he mused, a tinge of hope in his voice. "Take me to them."

The guard nodded respectfully and led the way out of the room. The Captain, his thoughts churning, followed the guard, his hand clenching and unclenching around the Stormbreaker, its handle etched with intricate runes.

It was none other then Captain America. The only Avenger, who survived the war.

(AN: He is wearing the Avengers: Endgame uniform)

Captain America trailed behind the guard, his steps taking longer than usual due to the exhaustion that clung to him. He had been fighting for so long, and the weariness was beginning to show.

As they made their way outside, the sounds of the settlement filled the air - the chatter of people going about their daily lives, the clinking of tools from the makeshift forges, and the distant cries of livestock. However, the underlying tension of life in an apocalyptic world was ever-present, a constant reminder of the struggles they all faced.

Finally, they reached the group of survivors standing outside, their expressions a mixture of hope and trepidation. Captain America took a moment to observe them, his gaze lingering over each person before settling on Cassie, a small hint of recognition in his eyes.

"So," he began, his voice firm yet tinged with a hint of weariness. "You're survivors." He looked at Cassie. "And you vouch for them, Cassie?"

Cassie, standing tall, stepped forward. "Yes, Captain. They're good people. We've been on the road together for a while, and they've had my back. They deserve a place to stay, just like us."

Kate, as the former leader of the group, took a step forward, her eyes meeting Captain America's. "Captain," she began, her voice firm yet respectful. "We've been out there for a while, fighting to survive. But now, we just need a safe place to rest, to rebuild. That's all we ask for."

Captain America's eyes widened slightly as he glanced at Kate. The sight of a young lady, barely in her early 20s, leading this group of survivors was unexpected. Despite his surprise, he didn't let it show too much on his face.

"How old are you?" Cap inquired, his voice revealing a tinge of surprise with a touch of respect.

Kate, her expression stoic and determined, answered, "I'm 22 years old, sir." Her response was firm and steady, betraying no hint of vulnerability. The Captain nodded, processing her response. Though he was surprised by her age, he had to respect the determination in her eyes. This young woman had clearly been through her fair share of hardships to lead this group.

"And how have you been leading this group?" Captain America asked, his gaze still focused on Kate. He was impressed by her leadership, especially for someone her age.

Kate, her expression remaining steadfast, explained, "We've been on the move constantly, never staying in one place for too long. We had to make tough choices and adapt to the ever-changing threats out there." Her voice carried a mixture of determination and exhaustion, as if the years of survival had taken a toll on her.

Captain America, his respect for Kate growing, nodded in understanding. He could sense the weight she carried, having to lead and make decisions in such a chaotic world. "It takes a strong person to endure all that," he commented, the weariness in his voice mirroring hers. Kate, though exhausted, gave a small smile, appreciating his words. "It's been tough, but we've made it this far," she replied, her voice a mix of both exhaustion and resilience. The weight of leadership was evident in her eyes, yet her determination remained unchanged. "That you have," Cap acknowledged, his gaze sweeping over the rest of the group. "And what of the others? How did they come to join you?"

Kate glanced at a certain white-haired kid, and nodded, silently signaling for you to respond to Cap's question.


I could sense the importance of the moment, as all eyes were on you now. Taking a deep breath, I prepared to explain your own story and how you came to be a part of this group led by Kate. I said, "Hi. I am Damien Robinson. And, what I am about to say is a very, very long story, Captain."

Captain America, hearing the beginning of your statement, nodded slightly. He could tell from your tone that the story might indeed be lengthy. He took a step forward, signaling that he was ready to listen.

"I'm listening," Cap said, his eyes locking onto yours, a silent cue for you to proceed with your story.


And that's it guys.

Sorry I took so much time. I was thinking about the Volume 2. Due to which, it took so much time. I might upload the next chapter tomorrow.