
Reincarnated as fumikage tokoyami

You know how it is. Someone reincarnates as Tokoyami and decides that she wants to have a new life without regretting anything, a harem (maybe) and strong abilities. I am a first time writer so if you have any advice please let me know. English is not my language, so don't wait too long, I actually use a translator to make it even a bit readable thanks to my editor,google translate

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7 Chs

CH:5 I AM Tokoyami (4)

-Hello Keiko, I haven't seen you for a long time- said the woman as she hugged Tokoyami's mother with a smile on her face-

-Yes, Rika, she hasn't seen you for a long time, and how is she doing now as a single mother? - Said Tokoyami's mother, Keiko, between hugs before letting go and sitting on the bench and starting to chat about the things they were doing during the time they didn't see each other.

- Blah blah blah blah -

While the women were having a women's talk I was seeing the girl or rather the baby of the pink woman {isn't this girl 'mina ashido'?... How can there be tremendous coincidence in this world? je.} Looking at the girl I realized that she was also looking at me, we had a staring contest in which I won since she blinked.it was obvious that I was going to win since I am a super reincarnated and the winner was already decided.

"gugugu" "it seems that my little mina-chan likes little yami-chan" rika said seeing her daughter laugh and raise her hand towards yami-chan.

"You're right, my little Yami-chan likes it too? RIGHT?" Tokoyami's mom said as she squeezed her cheeks and approached the little girl with her son.

As Tokoyami's mother approached the mother-daughter pair, the little boy jumped to conclusions since in his past life he had the nickname 'Mr. Obviously ', little Yami watched as the girl touched her face or rather her extra soft feathers. and he couldn't do anything since his mother wouldn't let him escape.

" Guagauag " "guagauag- {hey mina ashido, I know you're a baby and you don't understand anything, but I just hope your appearance in the future will be like the 'cutesexyrobutts' illustrations got it? You were so cute and sexy in those illustrations that I might consider you to be my girlfriend in the future, what do you think?" Yami said with the sexiest and most attractive look she thinks she has, although clearly in childish language and without ending up in jail for a pedophile and a dirty old degenerate.

"Look Keiko, yami-chan seems to like my daughter" said Mina Ashido's mother.

"Gugusgus{ I know I'm handsome and I have the best fur with the most beautiful feathers in the world, but it's not that bad, you should calm down--- shit that hurts! What the hell is wrong with you?! Damn crazy!} I couldn't avoid exclaiming from the rooftops (not so much) after the crazy woman almost gouged out my eye as if she thought I was an Uchiha

"Waaaaaaaa waaaaa waaaaa" (baby crying in case you didn't know, I know dogs bark differently in 'usa' it's wof wof or something like that and in Spanish it's gau gau. So I thought crying was the same thing xd)

"Yoshi, Yoshi, calm down Yami-Chan, it's over, it's over" Yami's mom said when she saw her baby crying.

"I'm sorry Keiko, I didn't think Mina would do that, I'm sorry" said Mina's mother, Rika, as she bowed in apology for her daughter's behavior.

"Okay rika, they're just babies, they don't understand, they don't know what they're doing. So I don't blame you" Tokoyami's mother said *with two 'eternal Mangekyou sharingan' spinning furiously (joke xd)* while holding her arms to Yami to calm him down.

As Yami's crying calmed down, his eyes looked like daggers, if looks could kill.... He wouldn't kill anyone but there was fury in those eyes, it seemed as if he wanted to hit someone very hard.

"Gugugu {this is not going to stay like this, I will look for you, I will find you and when I better prepare myself, I will call my ancestors (grandparents) who live in the basement under the house and I will have them annihilate your clan, damn" minaYUN CHEashido 'I will not rest until I annihilate you, or I will cease to be human, I said!} Tokoyami said with a rage capable of burning the skies.... Well, not so much but he looked like a rabid dog.

"I think it's better that I go home with Yami-Chan, he doesn't seem to be in a good mood, bye Rika, see you later" was what keiko said to Mina Ashido's mother, rika. Before going home to a grumpy Tokoyami.

"I understand, see you later keiko and again I'm sorry" was what Rika said still feeling guilty for what happened before.

After the failed outing that Tokoyami and his mother had in which he almost lost an eye to a pink monster, Tokoyami was in a bad mood, when his mother wanted to take him to the park he would start crying implying that he did not want to go and much less meet the pink monster. So Tokoyami the only thing he did was do typical baby things, like sleep, eat and shit and so time passed.

*7 months later*

At that time, Tokoyami learned to forgive and eliminated the demon from his heart, managing to go through a couple of levels in his cultivation.... Life was good for Tokoyami, it's already been 1 year since he came to this world. he can speak now, not perfectly but he can already understand half of what he hears and say simple sentences, nothing complicated.

After 7 months of the trauma that Tokoyami suffered, he was able to overcome it and they have even met a couple of times, although this time Keiko and Rika reached a mutual agreement and decided not to bring their children so close. The children began to call each other by name, although in the case of the little Mina Ashido she still cannot pronounce Yami's name correctly and it sounds funny when she does, unlike Yami who can say 'mina-chan' correctly.... And as for Yami, there is not much to say, if he still could not speak after a year it would be the shame of all the reincarnated beings,

Tokoyami was introduced to society as an intelligent baby, after a year of life he can walk without falling and talk like a 3 year old, a little genius.


time jump of a couple of years in the next chapter, I know that in Japan there is primary, secondary, high school and university, here in 'Argenzuela' it is primary, secondary and university. I'll skip a couple of years, but not that much.

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