
Reincarnated As Enemies

Freedom is something that everybody wants and deserves. but what will you do If your freedom is taken away? Steve and Louis, two teenagers that love fantasy series get reincarnated into a world that demon's were defeated long ago, and now they are treated as slaves. Our protagonists will confront the hardships of that new world and will try to peacefully make the races unite. Or will they? I'll be cooking guys

Coloma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Not a dream nor imagination

There was fire and death everywere. The enemy empire's fought with everything they had. And there was him, the tall demon emperor, with his long silver hair, piercing red eyes, big black horns and a long black thorn out tunic with red simbols, demostrating the tough battles he faced. He led his army towards the United Race Force to annihilate them, while they did everything they could to slow them down.

When all seemed lost for the United Force, brighter than the sun, the hero and his party arrived. The blond hero of blue determined eyes was tall, but shorter than the demon; he had a bright slim silver armor with the Berant kingdom's emblem, a hand of a bear, and an even brighter sword. Every part of his equipment seemed to have been taken good care of. They broke through the demon's army with a huge explosion made from the hero's sword, and went straight to face off the emperor.

The emperor, angered for his fallen army, snapped his fingers and the seven demon kings went to face the seven party members while the hero rushed towards the emperor. Each party member was stopped by a demon king, launching attacks and provocations at each other.

With the free way made by each individual fight, the hero rushed to fight the emperor and two mock swords clashed. Two tall teenagers, one taller, with brown hair and brow eyes, and the other blonde with blue eyes, both wearing a blue shirt and black shorts were fighting in a backyard with mock swords. Swinging at each other until the blonde managed to hit the other's torso with his sword, making him fall to the ground.

"Ouch! Louis, that hurt!", complained the brown haired teenager to the blonde.

"You fall for the same move as the last time, Steve", the blonde pointed

"Stevie! Did you loose again?", asked a small teenage girl. She had a long orange hair with a headband making it stay still. She was using casual clothes, a hat and glasses.

"Yeah. I lost again, Mia. And stop calling me Stevie!", he answered to the ginger with a sad face. "But I won't loose again!" He shouted to Louis.

"We'll see about that", said Louis, mocking Steve. He extended a hand to help the brown haired to stand up.

Steve grabbed the blonde's hand and got up. Then he called his uncle. "Uncle Josh! Is the food ready?"

"Yeah, it is! Come so we all are able to eat", said uncle josh. He was around his forties. He weared a straw hat and a wite shirt with blue jeans.

When they all were in the table Steeve profusely thanked his uncle for letting them stay in there in their vacation. "It's a pleasure for me to get to know your friends.", uncle Josh answered. Then, he brought the food to the table and served everyone.

"Enjoy", he said. And everyone started eating.

A while after that, they had all finished their food, but there was an annoying sound. The bell was ringing and the police was behind the door.

"Hey uncle, why is the police here?", steve asked. Louis and Mia wanted to ask the same question.

"I dont know", he nervously answered while the police stopped ringing the bell and started breaking the door.

"We should run!", suggested Mia, but it was too late. The policemen broke into the house and grabbed us. They put a cloth in the mouth and nose of each one of them they tried to fight back but it was useless. "My conciciouness is fading away" steve thought.

And he passed out.

I'll be cooking guys. Please follow!

Colomacreators' thoughts