
Reincarnated As Enemies

Freedom is something that everybody wants and deserves. but what will you do If your freedom is taken away? Steve and Louis, two teenagers that love fantasy series get reincarnated into a world that demon's were defeated long ago, and now they are treated as slaves. Our protagonists will confront the hardships of that new world and will try to peacefully make the races unite. Or will they? I'll be cooking guys

Coloma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


Steve woke up in a van. It was very tight for one, like those galvanized square steel houses before their renovation. He laughed a bit. There were pieces of metal rusting everywere, like if it hadn't been taken care of. It also smelled like cigarettes.

To his relief, Mia, Louis and his uncle were with him. All of them had their mouths covered, but only his uncle was tied up. "Maybe because they think we are just children.", Steve thought. He looked through the windows to see the front segment of the car, and there were no policemen, just four guys. Then he noticed that there were four policemen outfits near him. After realizing that they were no real policemen, he tried to open the van's door, but he stopped because he thought they would notice his attempt to escape.

Time passed and everybody was asleep, so he tried to wake them up. He started with Louis. Steve moved him enough to wake him up but not enough to make the four men notice it.

"Louis... Louis... wake up", he tried to say, but nothing came out of his covered mouth. He kept shaking him untill Louis slowly opened his eyes, then he looked at Steve. After that he sat down followed by him putting his hands behind his head and taking the cloth off. "Did you not notice that our hands are free?", he murmured. Steve tried to slap his face but he stopped him. "They will notice", he pointed with a serious face. Then Steve took the cloth out of his face.

"Mia... uncle... wake up", they murmured, but they wouldn't. Louis also tried to wake them up, and Mia did. He took out her cloth and they all tried to wake steve's uncle up, also trying to untie him.

When he woke up, he somehow untied himself. "Hey, how did you do that?", they all asked with an astonished face.

"Sorry I got you kids into this", he said with a sad face. "Let me explain... I work for the family mafia. I'm trained for this kind of situations", he explained, leaving us astonished. "WHAAAAAT!? THERE'S A FAMILY MAFIA!? That's so cool!", Steve thought to himself with an excited face. Louis looked at him with the same excitement. Steve knew he was thinking the same thing.

"Wait... are you... like... not afraid of me?", he asked.

"No! Why would I be? It's so-", Steve tried to say, but Mia covered his mouth.

"Dont shout! They will hear you. Did you forget that we are being kidnapped?" She asked angrily. The van took a sudden turn and we all hit its wall. "Ouch!", Steve thought covering his mouth.

They sat down again and started thinking what could they do. Louis suggested to jump out of the van, but they all thought that it was too risky. Then, Steve's uncle decided to wait until they opened the van and follow them. He said it was the safest option for them. Then he asked them to tie him up again and cover their mouths so they wouldn't suspect. And so they did.

And then, they waited... and waited... and kept waiting... but the van wouldn't stop.

Steve looked at Louis pointing at his fist. He understood that he wanted to play rock papers scissors to kill time. Steve won the first round with paper, but he lost the second one, that time using scissors. They kept playing for a long time.

Finally, after what it seemed an eternity, they stopped moving. They heard the four guys getting out of the van and how they aproached the door. Their footsteps sounded wet. "Maybe we are in a forest or a swamp", Steve thought, but what he was sure of is that they weren't near a city.

They opened the door. They saw 4 people, 3 men and a woman. One man and the woman were smoking. They were all wearing a black suit. The first man had a long black curly hair with brown eyes; The second one had a short black hair with the same eyes as the man before; The third man was wearing a fedora, so I couldn't see his hair. He also had blue eyes. Lastly, the woman had brown hair with a ponytail and was wearing sunglasses. "Who uses sunglasses in the middle of the night?", Steve and Louis thought. They almost laughed.

"Get out. Now.", demanded the woman with a rough voice. They all did as she said.

When they got out, they saw a mansion. The biggest they have ever seen, but it was in a really bad state, like it could fell apart in any second. It was also surrounded by trees. "Why is there a mansion in the middle of the forest?", Steve thought at the same time that Louis was wondering why the mansion was in such a bad state, while they were forced to get into it.

As they entered the mansion through the broken door, they noticed that there was nothing but weapons: pistols, rifles, snipers, even katanas. They kept walking until a trapdoor was visible in the ground. Then the woman looked at one of the men and he opened it.

I'll be cooking. please follow!

Colomacreators' thoughts