
Where the hell am I?.

    "Dong Lin woke up with a start,then suddenly he felt an intense unbearable pain spreading throughout his body, which make him to open  his eyes  suddenly with force.

   A splitting headache was all he could feel at that moment, as he felt dizzy.


"Where.... am I? "

"Am I still alive? "

"Did someone save me?"

"Am I in the hospital? "

Suddenly the surrounding,  became  noisy,: it was as if many people  were talking and crying at the same time.

  "What is with the  noise?"  Dong Lin mutter to himself, as the pain in his head became  even more unbearable due to the noisy environment ....

  "The worst part of it, his whole body was completely bandage with dirty  old rags, and he seemed to be  lying down  on the  floor , felling the ice-cold ground underneath him.

    " With a splitting headache added with so many noisy people taking and crying in front of him, he couldn't take it any  longer and shouted  "stop! It's too noisy"!

      The moment Dong Lin word's  were uttered, the entire place fell silent - an odd silent  filled everwere,

"  Shut up! Can't  you guys shut up for once!? " Dong Lin repeated  himself  as he forces's  himself to get up slightly from the cold ground while  glancing  coldly at the deadly stunned unfamiliar people standing in front of him.

He also managed to roughly take a look at the unfamiliar people who were surrounding him, most of them were teenagers, children, adults and old elderly men and women and all of them were dressed up  in dirty gray ancient costumes.

   Before Dong Lin  could even ask what was going on, an ear piercing  scream echoed the entire place " Ghosssssttt!!! Dong Yin has rising from the dead.....!!!!!" the whole place suddenly became messy and it greatly confused Dong Lin who was still recovering from his dizziness and nausea.

     The people were running around like  mad men,  the older ones  with  no back bone throw away their support sticks and  ran like they were in their prime, it was as if  a  real ghost was really  present at that moment.

  Dong Lin who was looking at their outburst was terrified, he believed in supernatural things and  deadly scared of ghosts. 

" W-wait! Wait for me ! Please  wait for me! " Dong Lin scream as he also pick on his pace but still  couldn't catch up with the horrific strangers ahead.

Approximately an hour later!

" Huff huff! _"

" P-please! I beg you! "  Dong Lin was out of  breath as he struggled to stand up  for the ground,  he stretched  his hand towards the  pie of smokes that was heading  further away as he blank out.

    When he regain consciousness, He felt something sharp was poking his ribs and check, and he could also hear whispers all around him, he opened his eyes to see what was that but immediately shut his eyes due to the brightness of the sun.

His vision was blurry at first but when it became clear,  he wasn't alone  but was surrounded with the same people with grey clothes, and little kids were holding long sticks and was poking him.

" Yanyan, I think his real! " a kid with the  longest steak  whisper to the other kid beside him,

"What are you  taking about, his a ghost from the seas of the dead no way can he be real!"

   "Attack!!!!!!!!! The kid shouted signering the other kids to beat dong Lin till he confess his a ghost.

            "W-wait! what the hell are you doing you idiotic brat's"  Dong Lin yelled at them furiously as he tried  to untie his self from the tree he was tied too, Seeing Dong Lin sudden act of trying to escape, the people all drenched in fear as they all panic.

   The ghost, his trying to escape and kill us.....!!!!!!!but will would not let that happen,will should kill him first before he kills us, an elderly man yelled in agony why raising his stick to motivate the people.

     Before Dong Lin  could even  stop the misunderstanding, he felt a shape pain all over his body as the strange people beat him messylessly as blood  splashed everwhere.

        "Am I going to die miserable again in the hands of this foolish illiterate's" Dong Lin muttered to himself  as the pain grew even more unbearable and his vision stared fading.


      Suddenly, a angry voice which seems to belong to a lady sounded ever where, "Stop your stupidity all of you.....!!!!! Have you ever seen a ghost that bleed?! "

     "W-what his not a ghost?.... But I thought he died and suddenly got up, isn't that what  ghost do. O. M. G! why didn't  you tell  us, will almost gave Dong-yin a real death"  a blue haired man said  in a trimbling voice as he ordered  some men to free the point to death Dong Lin who could barely move after the  intense beating of his life.



Dong Lin was grateful for his saviour but immediately regretted it.  Everything happened in slow motion as he stared at the strang muscular looking sissy man in front of him.

      His curly black hair compliment his tan skin, his green cat-like eyes, his plump lip painted in dip red  color, his face was well curve like a squid and his voice sounded like that of a real sexy  lady , his slided light pink sexy dress showed the shape any woman who pray never to have... 

      Everything about his saviour made the seriously injured Dong Lin jump up in fright why screaming  out his lungs _ are you trying to give me a heart attack "What kind of Cosplay is this!!!!!!..


Dong Lin shouted in dispair, as he use his last strength remaining in him, to run away from the  crazy  people  behind him, trying to figure out  were he was since the place seems to be heavily covered in  trash and few hunts was the only thing in the surrounding.

     He had to leave or this people would kill him with their looks, Dong Lin was still figuring where he should go, when he felt a shape pain in his head as strange memories  flooded his mind,  he came to realize that  this new "him" was also know as Dong Lin, but with a  surname, yin. Dong yin,


    "His in a strange new world, replacing a dying soul...

    "He was  notoriously  know as the abandoned first son of the yin palace, a kingdom know for it's rare technique, called the  "golden dragon core" a technique  know for it's great  martial skills and also can be use for summoning  spiritual beast, and raising  level of cultivation, the technique has only be past through  generation to every first child either by blood or trough transaction of their family bloodlines, if the mother and father have this technique the child  would be  born with double golden dragon  core"called the double dragon heart.

  "But unfortunately, he wasn't  born with the golden dragon cole and with no cultivation skill, and was  called a burden to the  family, and was also mock by the people due to his uglyness, and being the son of a half demon.


        After he was abandoned by his family to die in vengan mountain when he was just three, he was found by Shuo-feng a seven year old sissy boy and mu-joe who was the same years as him.

      "This Strange new world he lives in, was mainly  divided into two, the demon word and the human world, which was shared into three parts.

"The higher human district...,

"The middle human district...,

"And the lower human district.....,


         "Among this district, Dong yin was among the lowest  district which was also referred to as the  begger clan.



        in fact, these memories were utterly disordered, but Dong Lin slowly  manage to put all the pieces together, he was still able to confirm and accept one thing......

           This is his world now, he have reincarnated into the body of Dong yin, a body who was regeted by everyone, and had live with  two strangers all his life.

       "even though he had fully accepted this new world as his own, he felt that there still a lot of things he hadn't recollected yet, for example he couldn't see all the things he had done recently, is there something still missing? he muttered to his self still filling dizzed from that terrible beating a full minute ago.

      Suddenly dong yin felt a muscular hands resting on his shoulders, "Dong yin is everything okay you look tired, Dong yin  turned his head towards the direction of the voice which sounded worried, it was that same muscular creepy cosplay  sissy man, that young boy back then who saved him.

     ''A- am okey, I'm just a little weak Shou-feng you don't need to worry is gonna be....., before he could finish his sentence, Shou-feng carried him in his arms as he slowly walks toward a shabby looking hut.

     W-what are you doing?! drop me down  Shou-feng am not a kid anymore,I can walk by myself, but Shou-feng  completely ignored his little tantrum and entered inside the hut as he headed towards a rock- like bed.

          "What the hell, am I going to rest on that?! Dong yin ask with a trimbling voice which sounded cracked, but Shou-feng still ignored his question and laid him down on the ice-cold bed, but at that moment Dong yin notice a bed at the Conner of the Hut,  it was covered with a soft looking bed sheets made from bear skin and it's pillows  were made from feathers.

     "Hum, Shou-feng  why can't I rest on that good looking bed instead? it looks  good for a weak boy like me to rest on Dong yin said with a smirk on his heavily bandaged face.


      "Hahahaha, do you really  mean that? If yes is the answer you going to give me, I'm not stopping you my boy but if you're tired of living in this world, you can go and  sleep there, and your Wishes can come through if the owner sees you. "you are doomed"!!!!

       "Ohhhh, I see, that bed most definitely belong to someone powerful  isn't it, he can't harm me, when my muscular handsome dad is around to wash me sleep, isn't it papa?!....