
"Shameless son of the yin family....!!!!

      "Hum" when have you started

calling me papa, that seems so rare to me Shou-feng said with a surprise look on his face, then suddenly it him,  Dong yin was mocking him.


       Is time to sleep ape and stop wasting my time, can't you see it's already getting dark he said with a angry tone and stomed at of the room looking furious, living the stund Dong Yin alone.

     "┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐What the crap! Did he just called me  ape,  and just left me all alone, Dong Yin said as he pulled himself together to lay down on the torture  beneath him as he look at the sky through the  little  window in the hut.


         A thick bank of clouds hung over the valley in gathering gloom,  it was already getting dark as the atmosphere became even colder.


        " what the fuck! do they what to kill me, he said in a cold  tone as he scammed the room, there was only a little  space that contained  two beds and a wooden table and a broken mirror at the side.

     On the table, there was nothing other than a old jar of water and three wooden porcelain bowl's.

       "Shit! What a proverty have I been  born too,  Dong yin said as struggled  to get up from his bed, and dragged himself in the old straw shoes on the ground toward an old, broken bronze mirror he took a look at his reflection.

       "His whole body was completely  covered  in bandages which was seriously covered in blood, stating how  serious and deep his injuries were...

    - He stretched his hands towards the  bandages and started untiring it,  and he was completely shocked, his skin was as pale as snow but was covered in bruises, a pair of stunning freakishly blue eyes, and a v-shaped face, pink lips and thin eyebrows with long messy black  hair that almost touched his toes a his perfect run way body making him a flawless beauty.

          "W-what the hell!, how could this be me? This look noting like how I look like in my memories?! Wait a minute, I look like how I use to be back then added with  some kind of mysterious beauty making me look even more irresistible,  O. M. G!!!.

         "Before he could open his mouth to say another word he felt a splitting headache added with a shape pain that spread throughout his body it was as if his flesh was being sliced from the inside, the pain became even more unbearable as he felt his breath thighting.

       "I, i can't   breathe what is wrong with me, Dong yin  said as he curled up in a Conner, then everything went blank.