
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

The letter

(Shirou's pov)

As I walked into my room to lay down and sleep after a day filled with difficulty, I noticed a letter on my pillow. I frowned as I read the name of the sender.

Shirou: "Truck-chan."

I said with distaste in my mouth. How couldn't I? After all, she is my killer, and if that wasn't enough, she also sealed my memories. I don't have the greatest opinion about her, but maybe I shouldn't be so judgemental; after all, thanks to her, I have a second chance at life.

I'm still a bit salty that I ended up in Fate, but it could be worse. I could be in Attack on Titan, Berserk, or in the worst scenario, Dragon ball.

I'm going off-topic. I should read that letter. There is a chance that I'll get answers to some of my questions, such as why did she kill me and the reasons for my locked memories.

After my monologue about my feelings towards Truck-chan, I finally started reading the letter.

Truck-chan: "As you are reading, I'm probably dead.

My eyes nearly popped out as I read the first sentence.

What does she mean? Did she die, and if yes, why did she write that letter specifically to me?

Asking myself won't help. I'll get my answers as I'll read... hopefully.

Truck-chan: "I probably would say it if my life were in danger, but you can't get rid of your favorite goddess that easily, and I wanted to write it at least once in my life. Sorry to scare you like that.

I nearly tore apart paper in my hands. Who does she think she is. Well, she is a goddess of death; that's what she is, but that does not mean she can fuck around with me after what she did to me.

Truck-chan: "I know what you are thinking but let me explain first. I sealed your memories for your good, so you can really have a new beginning. As you can probably guess, you didn't have the best life before. You sometimes felt these feelings like it was your first time to be loved, but I won't tell you more. Your past life will only hold you back from enjoying this one.

How did she know what happened? No, maybe I should ask how she knew how I felt or did she expected it. Another option can be that she is observing me. I would also like to know why she wants to help me this badly. I can't trust her words blindly yet.

Truck-chan: "You also probably want to know why I helped you. It all started when I was a little truck toy. I was thrown away by some kid, and I was nearly destroyed, but some kind child picked me up. He fixed me and took care of me, but something happened, and we were separated.

I was once again thrown away, but because of our time together and my wish, I got reborn as a goddess so I could have a chance to meet him again.

Unfortunately, I become the deity of death, so I would only meet him after his death. And that boy was not you. I just wanted to have a tragic backstory. I hope that you like it."

This goddess likes to play with my emotions. If I didn't need to read this whole god damn letter, I would shred this to pieces.

Truck-chan: "Changing topics I want to explain your powers in more detail since our good friend R.O.B forgot to do it since he felt so ecstatic after he spun the wheel of reincarnation. Just between the two of us, I'm pretty sure this guy has some kind of wheel fetish.

Going back to your powers. You have all weapon-based noble phantasm, but you can't use the reality marbles of others. Remember, you are 'the bone of your sword' and not 'the bone of your world'. The more powerful the weapon, the more magical energy you need to use. You can, of course, overwork your magic circuits, but it will cause you pain, and as ROB said, your skin will darken, and your hair will turn white.

He did not make more magic circuits, but your body can take more overload, so technically, you could make Ea, but your eyes will burst out and maybe more.

If you want to use your power, you need to imagine what kind of weapon you want, and then you'll get the structure of said weapon in your brain, and each time you project the same weapon, it will take you less time to do it and be easier to imagine.

You also have Unlimited Blade Works. In there, you can project weapons at a faster rate and more extended range. The number of weapons you can also produce increases.

Besides these things, you possess Archer Emiya's skills, such as

Magical Resistance Rank: D

It's quite a weak skill, but it's better than nothing. It's at the level of an anti-magic amulet.

Clairvoyance Rank: C

Also known as Hawkeye. It improves both static visual acuity and kinetic visions.

Mind's Eye (True) Rank: B

A danger-avoidance ability that calmly grasps the enemy's strength as well as your situation during a predicament and deduces the available means of survival in that situation.

Don't forget to train even if you have all these skills, okay? Train hard, and maybe we'll meet one day.

Your favorite magical girl


Ps. I don't know what to write more, but I wanted to write Ps. It seems a necessity in such a long letter."

Even in the end, she still manages to annoy me. I didn't want to have an image of a truck in a magical girl costume doing 'cute' places.

I shudder at this thought.

First, I need to hide this letter somewhere. I don't have the most incredible memory (joke intended), so if I need to remind myself of something, I can just read it. After hiding it, I went directly to sleep, hoping that I could forget that terrifying image, but I had the worst nightmare of my entire life that night.