Nnn... ...
Everything is dark, I feel like I might be dead..
Well I am dead, so it should feel like I'm dead...
... I am dead right?
Well I must be, but I don't know, I thought it would hurt more. This feels... nice, It's warm almost.
I tried to look around but to my suprise I couldn't see (?).
It's like a void... of nothing... or maybe like water...
But these thoughts were quickly interrupted when, I felt someone kick me. Or maybe it wasn't someone.
Yo! Whoever's doing that you better stop!
Is this what death feels like?
Maybe... can I move? Okay. I feel my legs... ughhh... what a hassle... just to move... I need a break....
and once again I drifted off into what seemed like an eternal abyss. Forever floating to myself.
Until I earned a kick from some unidentified person (or thing.)
I kicked back at whatever kicked me first.
Huh?! You think that's funny do you?! Just let me die in peace!
I kicked furiously determined to give whatever (or whoever...) was kicking a taste of its own medicine.
How do you like it now?!
Who knows how long the kicking back and forth continued for.
When the kicking suddenly stopped, I felt an awful foreboding feeling,
I started to feel claustrophobic feeling trapped in my own space.
I felt something breaking and I started to freak out.
And then I felt air again, my lungs clearer than they had been in a long time, air was made of something so addictive, an invisible force compelling me to breathe.
Wait.... I feel... something wet touching me .
.... WHAT.
Is that a tongue... ? Like wet sand paper! Grossss....
Stop that right now, I command you.
EW. wtf.
Lick, lick.
Disgusting..... but strangely calming.....
... I swear... this day is getting weirder and weirder....
I drifted off into sleep, unknowing to what awaited me when I finally opened my eyes...
Um, Please don’t forget to point out grammatically errors! I always love learning more about the English language so don’t forget to correct me ^^