
For The Humour Of It

I felt the sand paper tongue of my mother licking me before I opened my tiny eyes and stifled a yawn. I'll have to face it sooner or later... So I'm a dog? Or maybe I'm a wolf... probably the latter now that I think about it but maybe My mother is just a really wild-looking dog, actually on the subject matter of my mother, she has a really concerned looking face, her deep blue eyes and light grey fur stretched into a scowl.

She nudges me to my paws. Encouraging me to play with her other children— my sibling as well, but I can barely crawl let alone walk, and besides I have problems okay?! Problems that NEED solutions so I've gotta think about this...

Damn... so if I got "reborn" what was I before... okay, um, I was human.

My name... ... no idea.. Mary, Marisa, Marie, Marianne— it was Marianne, okay, my name was Marianne ...

what was I doing? ...Walking... where? Where was I walking.... I can't remember.

Though somehow this situation seems oddly familiar I just can't place my.. finger on it.. or should I say paw on it?

I glance towards my mother once again, she was growling at a strong looking wolf.

They seemed to be chatting, hm... they're probably having an argument from what I can tell... what? I can't speak wolf! How would I know? Everything that isn't right in front of me is extremely blurry! A puppy's eyesight is anything but excellent, you know?

Ahh, now I realize why this is familiar it's exactly like those isekai novels I used to read. Except I'm a gross mutt, not really a hero or anything ... mmm, for the humour of it! [Status]!

[ Rhubbiran Wolf Pup ]

Level: 1/10

Age: 2 weeks

Status: weak

Titles: [Runt]—New!


Attack: 2

Health: 3

Agility: 2

Mana: 3


[ Skills: [Bite lvl1 ] [Sprint lvl1 ] [Claw lvl1 ] ]

Nnnnnn..... damn. That actually worked...wasn't really expecting that...

Hm... okay. Now that I can see my... status, I can determine the fact that I am in-fact a wolf... rhubbiran, doesn't sound like any country from earth, or species I've ever heard of and now that I look closer.... I'm super weak! Waaahh... and...I really shouldn't be angry about this but, NO CHEAT SKILLS? COME ON! NOT EVEN AN APPRAISAL SKILL? WHAT KIND OF CHEAP REINCARNATION IS THIS?! ...ahem I apologize for my outburst...

... the title [Runt].... is that why I'm so weak?

Ugh.... why can't I just be human again... maybe kick back and just enjoy some instant ramen noodles, read a book, ... haaaaaah... this is gonna be hard... I don't wanna eat raw meat like some wild animal... but I don't want to die... (again...)

Tomorrow I think I'll explore just a little bit, I need to find out where I am...

Please correct me on any spelling mistakes!

I’ll be dropping another chapter sometime tomorrow.

Thank you for reading!

Also, would you rather multiple short Chapters a week or a single long chapter every week or so?

BlueBellecreators' thoughts