
Reincarnated as a wolf with a game system

After a dying from a car crash, Wendy wakes and finds herself as a wolf with a game system. Which she assumes that she has been reincarnated. She must learn to survive in the immortal world filled with beasts and people with powerful cultivation. How will she survive as a little wolf in this world? Read to find out. BTW this story is based on Wendy's pov

Rize_16 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Save the guy

OK let's buy the skill. Open skill menu. Ahh...i can't find the skill. Wait never mind found it.

{Would you like to buy identify for 2 skill points?}

Yes buy.

{You have bought identify <level 1> congrats}

OK now time to use the stat points to increase my stats. 2 for agility, 2 for stamina and 2 for strength. Done!

Now let's use the identify skill and cure the handsome guy.

[Minor Food Poisoning]

[Cure: Tassel Flower]

Huh food poisoning. That means the robbers sabotaged his food earlier on. Luckily it is only a minor food poisoning.

Anyway I better hurry up and find the tassel flowers. So let's go deeper into the forest to find the tassel flowers.

Identify skill on.



[Rose Lily]


[Elegant Tree]

Nope why is it so hard to find tassel flowers.

'Tassel flower come out wherever you are.'


Not like that's going to help.

[Tassel flowers]

[Can cure minor food poisoning and prevent high blood pressure]

Omg that really worked. OK let's see I will take ten of them and later store the extra into the item bag of the system.

Now let's hurry back or the food poisoning might get more severe. And he might die.

When I arrived back, the handsome guy was clutching his stomach and groaning. He looks terrible.

OK let's put the flower into his mouth. It's not working maybe I need to mash it. Nope how about rolling it into a ball.

Not working. Let's try use my recovery pill.


<Quest cleared>

{You have received 30 exp, plus 1 level, 8 skill points, 8 stat points and roulette ticket}


Achievement unlock

{Gained one level up 2 recovery pills and 3 lucky tickets}


{You have level 3 levels up}

[You are now level 5 and your hp has maxed out]


{Your identify skill has level up to level 2 congrats}

Wow so many rewards at one this is great but before I check things out. Let's me find a cave to hide out while the handsome guy fully recovers.

He sure is heavy or maybe its because I'm a tiny little wolf cub. Luckily there's a cave nearby or I would die of exhaustion. I will place him on the ground here and go near the entrance of the cave to check things out. Since I don't want to wake him up yet.

Ok now let's check my stats first.

{Level 5}

Species: Wolf Cub

Hp: 600/600

Cultivation: None

Special ability: None

{ Stats }

Agility: 3


Stamina: 3

Stats points: 14


Stratch [ Level 1]

Bite [ Level 1]

Identify [ Level 2]

Skill points: 16

{ Items in bag}

Welcome package

Introduction manual

Routlett ticket

Lucky ticket (5)

Recovery pill (8)

Tassel flowers (7)

Ok so let's start by opening this welcome package. Open welcome package.

{Are you sure you want to open welcome package}


{You have received evolution menu, 2 level ups, 1 routlett ticket and plus one skill level ticket (1)}


{You have level 2 levels up}

[You are now at level 7]

Ok next let's read the instruction manual to find out a bit of this world and my system. Then I will check out the roulette.

If you have some idea about for my story? Feel free to comment it and let me know.

And if you have any feedback please comment it as well.

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