
Reincarnated as a wolf with a game system

After a dying from a car crash, Wendy wakes and finds herself as a wolf with a game system. Which she assumes that she has been reincarnated. She must learn to survive in the immortal world filled with beasts and people with powerful cultivation. How will she survive as a little wolf in this world? Read to find out. BTW this story is based on Wendy's pov

Rize_16 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Figuring out the game system

I opened the instruction manual and begin to read it but it despite the fact that I have never seen this language before. Surprisingly I understand it.

Maybe it's part of the reincarnation or the system. Or maybe it's my identify skill. Oh well as long as I understand the book and language.

Ok so first of all this world has two types of beings. Beasts and humans. Beast are basically the animal in the previous world. But the two beings are split in many different types.

For beast there are five types.

{Normal Beast}

{Common Beast}

{Rare Beast}

{Super Rare Beast}

{Ultra Beast}

Humans also have five types.






So I'm a Normal beast for now and maybe the evolve function helps me to slowly become an Ultra beast.

As for this handsome guy he looks like a Elder level at least. With that powerful attack of his, I better not threaten him. But who wants to threaten a handsome guy like him. I rather be his bride.

Ok let's see how to evolve next. Hmm it seems like for my first evolution I need to reach level 10 first. Maybe this like a after levelling up 10 times then I can evolve thing.

Next how to level up, hmm I need to clear quests and clear achievements. Ok and seems like that's the end of the instruction manual.

Let's check out the achievements and see if I can clear any to reach level 10. But before that , I need to check out the roulette.

Wow so many cool prizes. OK let's spin using my two tickets.


{Congratulations you won 2 plus exp ticket and 2 lucky tickets.}

Yes a plus exp ticket just what I needed. Let's try using it.

{You are using a plus exp ticket. You will get double exp for any quest or achievement clear. But this effect only lasts 3 minutes.}

Wow amazing but it only lasts 3 minutes so I will keep the other one first and let's not waste any time and clear some achievements. Open the achievements menu.

{Achievements menu}

[Reach level 10]

<Reward: 50 exp 1 stat point and 1 skill point>

[Eat at least 5 things]

<Reward: 25 exp and 1 stat point>

[Clear 5 quests]

<Reward: 55 exp, 2 skill points and 2 stat points>

[Use skills 20 times]

<Reward: 35 exp and 1 skill point>

I can only clear the second and last achievement for now. Let's start with the last one. We will use the rock as a practice tool.

Ready and {Scratch}, {Scratch}, {Scratch}, {Scratch}...


{Achievement clear}

[You have received 20 exp and 1 skill point.]


{You have level up and are now level 8 congrats}


{Your scratch skill has level up congrats}

Whew that was tiring but at least I levelled up. And the stone looks like a bear just got angry and scratched it. Ok next I need to find something to eat let's go find the hare like last time but before that.

'Handsome guy you wait here and recover while I go get some food for myself.' I said or howled to the handsome guy. Now time to get some food.

Hi just to let you all now that every week I will update the book 2-3 times as I need time to think of ideas.

And don't forget to vote with your power stone.

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