
Reincarnated As a Soul Eater

In 2190, the "gates" appeared on the Earth and the monsters started destroying humanity. But someone, who killed monsters, obtained magical abilities with which they will save humanity from disaster. They were called "Players". John Lilv, eighteen years old boy, who passed exams with the lowest result. He has no abilities to control magic, but he was a Player. Some day he saw some kind of glowing on the street. After he got to this light, he was shocked out because of red gate. It means that the monsters soon will broke out this gate. But the color was changed to back. After that John just cant escape this gate and he was pushed to this gate. [ Welcome! Gate System welcomes you! ] [ Condition got: Got to the Black Gate ] [ Started Reincarnating you to Soul Eater ] "Hey! System, stop!" [ This cant be cancelled... :) ] ... ... [ Reincarnation Completed! ]

Seder3214 · Fantasy
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Chapter III: Evolution?

Sighing heavily, Algard went on to kill monsters. He easily managed to find monsters thanks to his [Demon Sense], which was already Lv. 2, and because of this, the sensitivity radius has increased significantly.

Algard was no longer interested in ordinary goblins, he wanted to fight stronger monsters, because with their killing, a greater increase in stats would come. This factor alone made Algard's demonic blood boil. Fortunately, the smells from the various monsters differed significantly from each other, so Algard excluded the already familiar smell of Goblin blood.

He was interested in a very pungent smell coming literally 10 meters from Algard. Algard immediately picked up speed to reach the target in a matter of seconds in order to get ahead of the monster in the attack.

Noticing a huge monster behind the trees, Algard decided to pause and watch his victim.

"It looks like a mammoth"

Realizing what kind of monster he would have to fight, he went on the attack. In this fight, he decided to rely on his speed. With great speed, Algard got up to the mammoth's hind legs and scratched them several times with his [Demon Claws], after which, using [Chilling Squall], he was no longer afraid to show himself to the mammoth.

Although the mammoth tried to attack the jumping and attacking cerberus, he could not do it - something was slowing down his movements very much. By this time, his entire body was already covered with many deep wounds, the blood from which was abruptly swept away by an incredibly fast wind.

There was only one second left, and [Chilling Squall] would have gone missing, but that was enough time to scratch the mammoth one last time and kill it.

Sitting down on the ground with ease, Algard waited for the moment when the mammoth's body would fall. By using [Soul Pulling] again, Algard received even more rewards than from ordinary goblins.

[ The Soul of the Forest Mammoth Is Absorbed [Lv. 7] [x1] ]

[ +10 to magic, +5 to dexterity, +5 to stamina ]

[ Condition met: Collect 10 Souls ]

[Evolution is happening! ]

"I wonder who I will become this time"

[ You have successfully evolved into a Wolf Demon (Low)]

[ New skills gained: Roar [D+], Demon Claws [C] => Double Cut [C+] ]

[Roar: Demon Skill - Does not require mana. Creates a piercing scream that allows you to stun the enemy for 2 seconds. Rollback: 1 minute 15 seconds ]

Algard noticed that his eyesight had improved dramatically.At the sight of a wolf that shone black and red, everyone would be very scared.

In addition to the new skills, Algard felt that because of the new body, all his characteristics had become much higher.

[Current Characteristics: ]

[Name: Algard]

[Gender: Soul Eater, Demon]

[Class: Demon-Wolf (Lowest), Soul Eater (Lowest)]

[Strength: 17 (+8)]

[Endurance: 14 (+8)]

[Dexterity: 20 (+8)]

[Magic: 19 (+8)] - [Mana: 270/270] [ + 10 for each mana unit ]

[Soul Eaten: 0 (10)] - [Counter is updated after evolution]

[Skills: Soul Pulling [Lv. ?] [S], Double Cut [Lv. 1] [C+], Gate Network [Lv. 0] [?], The Sense of the Demon [Lv.2] [B], Healing Flower [Lv. 1] [D], Strengthening [Lv. 2] [C], Chilling Squall [Lv. 1] [D], Roar [Lv. 1] [D+]]

"Now I'm starting to think that becoming a demon has a place to be!"

With a touch of fun, Algard went further in search of strong monsters, but during this, in the human world, more and more people began to learn about a strong creature living in the Citadel of Skeletons, which kills Players in a matter of seconds.

"Is it true? I felt uneasy somehow"

"Don't be afraid, a group of D-class players will go to this dungeon! They will certainly kill the monster burying the newcomers!

On all channels, social. only one topic was discussed on the networks and simply on the forums:

"Are D-class players going to the Skeleton Citadel? But why?"

Also, along with this information, an interview with one of these Players was attached:

"Why are you going to go to the F-class gate?"

"We received news that mentioned a monster of rank at least D, which lives in the Citadel of Skeletons, so we are going to visit this place"

"In how many days are you going to start your adventure?"

"We planned to start after this interview, so we have to prepare everything necessary. Goodbye!"

"Thanks for the conversation! It looks like we're facing a big problem for newbies."

To be continued...