
Reincarnated As a Soul Eater

In 2190, the "gates" appeared on the Earth and the monsters started destroying humanity. But someone, who killed monsters, obtained magical abilities with which they will save humanity from disaster. They were called "Players". John Lilv, eighteen years old boy, who passed exams with the lowest result. He has no abilities to control magic, but he was a Player. Some day he saw some kind of glowing on the street. After he got to this light, he was shocked out because of red gate. It means that the monsters soon will broke out this gate. But the color was changed to back. After that John just cant escape this gate and he was pushed to this gate. [ Welcome! Gate System welcomes you! ] [ Condition got: Got to the Black Gate ] [ Started Reincarnating you to Soul Eater ] "Hey! System, stop!" [ This cant be cancelled... :) ] ... ... [ Reincarnation Completed! ]

Seder3214 · Fantasy
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Chapter II: Gathering Human Souls

Gathering his thoughts, Algard headed further over the heads of the monsters. His next victims were 3 goblins Lv. 1 and 2 goblins Lv. 2. Algard killed those three goblins by jumping on the neck of the first one, biting it completely so that the goblin could no longer breathe, and with sharp jumps did the same with the other two.

The two remaining goblins tried to hit Algard with their wooden swords, but due to the speed of Cerberus, they could not even get close to him. At the same time, Algard used the Demon's Claws and swiftly ran at a couple of monsters. With two sharp movements of the front paws, the goblins were left with only lifeless bodies with deep wounds on their chests, from which blood flowed in puddles.

[ You killed Goblin [Lv. 1] [x3], Goblin [Lv. 2] [x2] ]

[Devour Souls? [x5] ]

Again, just like last time, Algard had to mentally say [Soul Pulling] in order to absorb the souls of the monsters he killed.

[ +2 to strength, +3 to stamina ]

Abruptly, Algard felt that he was hungry.

"Damn... I'll have to eat goblin meat... Bue"

After biting off part of the goblin's flesh, Algard began to eat his food unrestrainedly. Surprisingly, the meat was not so bad - it tasted a little like chicken, only, however, raw.

[ Degree of saturation: 100% ]

"Phew! At least now I'm not hungry..."

"Hey, can we get some rest?"

- "It would be nice, but we need to find a safe place..."

- "So let's set up a tent here?"

- "Okay..."

Hearing a human voice, Algard felt uneasy.

After all, now he can't just calmly approach and talk to them as if he were a human.

[People have been discovered. Goal: To kill gratuitously]

"What?! No, no... Why would I kill them..."

A pungent smell, similar to the aroma of roast pork in barbecue sauce, filled Algard's nose. Without feeling it, he began to walk slowly but surely straight to the people.

"Damn it! That smell... So inviting..."

Trying to recover, Algard tried in every possible way to close himself from this smell, but, alas, nothing helped. He was already one meter away from the people. Drool began to flow from his mouth as he watched these people happily interweaving their sausage sandwiches.


"Who's here?!"

"You heard it, didn't you?"

"Everyone heard..."

While they were standing in a stupor trying to figure out where the sound came from, Algard had already resigned himself to his fate, and with a sharp lunge he scratched the neck of one of these people with his [Demon Claws].

- "Damn! Ryan, are you okay!?"

The girl quickly ran up to a member of her team falling to the ground, and picked him up in her arms.

"Lei, don't stand there! Attack this monster!"

Giving an order to her team member, she started casting a healing skill, but before this could happen, she fell to the ground with Ryan, with her neck torn apart.

Not having time to jump back, Algard tried to dart away from the sword flying towards him.

Quickly using [Soul Pulling], he absorbed the souls of the fallen people, while receiving

[ +5 to Strength, +3 to Dexterity, Healing Flower [D] and Strengthening [C] ]

[ Healing Flower: Spends 30 mana. Allows you to restore 20% of your maximum health. When using the skill, you become vulnerable for 3 seconds. Rollback: 25 seconds ]

[ Fortification: Spends 20 mana. When using the skill, you get +6 to defense for 10 seconds. Rollback: 2 minutes 30 seconds ]

"Damn it! Now is not the time for notifications!"

After using [Fortification], Algard jumped at Lei with a roar, while he was not ready to defend against the blow yet. Trying to cut Lei with his claws, Algard collided with the armor that protected Lei from the blow, but there were noticeable holes and cracks on it after the blow.

Having stumbled and jumped into the same part of the body again, Algard was hit by a sword, and his front left paw was severely crippled. Suffering unbearable pain, having carried out another blow, Aldar finally managed to chop off Lei's right hand.

"Oh, you! Damn monster!"

Lei was clearly angry about what had happened, so taking the blade in his left hand, he furiously ran at Cerberus, striking him three precise blows, which unfortunately left only a few scratches on Algard.

Due to a large hemorrhage, Lei did not last even three minutes after falling to the ground.

"Damn... Monster..."

"[Soul Pulling]"

A bright blue soul flew out of the man's body and flew into Algard's body with incredible speed.

[ +7 to strength, +4 to dexterity, +6 to magic, Chilling Squall [D] ]

[ Chilling Squall: Spends 45 mana. Create a gust of wind that can sweep away and slow down the enemy for 5 seconds. Rollback: 1 minute ]

[Current Characteristics: ]

[Name: Algard]

[Gender: Soul Eater, Demon]

[Class: Demon-Cerberus (Lowest), Soul Eater (Lowest)]

[Strength: 17]

[Endurance: 9]

[Dexterity: 11]

[Magic: 9] - [Mana: 160/190] [ + 10 for each mana unit ]

[Shower Eaten: 9]

[Skills: Soul Pulling [Lv. ?] [S], Demon Claws [Lv. 3] [C], Gate Network [Lv. 0] [?], The Sense of the Demon [Lv.2] [B], Healing Flower [Lv. 1] [D], Strengthening [Lv. 2] [C], Chilling Squall [Lv. 1] [D] ]

[ Condition met: Absorb the human soul ]

[ +8 to strength, +4 to stamina ]