
Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

An 18 year old shut-in finally leaves his house for the first time in, what seemed to be, years. He was kicked out of his home by his parents and was left to wander the streets alone until he can find a job and a stable life. But unbeknownst to him, that would be the last day of his life. Not everyone's story ends with a happy ending. But that isn't the end just yet. As he is reincarnated as a shadow dragon, the last shadow dragon of its kind. But this particular shadow dragon is different. More intelligent from the rest.

Live_Oliver · Fantasy
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35 Chs


Suddenly, several smaller bullets of energy were shot directly at me. The bullets were orb shaped, and each one had a different, neon-glowing colour. However, they were easily dodged as they didn't shoot as fast as actual bullets.

The wyverns were easily picking off the humans, one by one, until we had our first loss. One of the wyverns fell to the floor with all of its insides pouring from its chest. The alpha wyvern noticed this and roared at the top of his lungs.

In a flash, the remaining humans were decapitated by a strong gust of wind. The alpha wyvern then walked up to the dead wyvern and placed his wing on the corpse.

Surprisingly, the corpse turned into dust, and that dust was then collected by the alpha wyvern. Was he doing some kind of ritual to respect the dead?

Instead of what I thought initially, the wyvern looked at the dust in his wing before eating it in one swift chomp. My jaw dropped, what was he doing?!

<I can see from your confusion. You've never mourned the dead before.> The wyvern looked at me, <Us wyverns have the ability to decompose corpses into dust, and when we eat the dust we grow more powerful.>

<That... that's so strong!> I was at a loss of words. If these guys can simply consume the power of those they kill, wouldn't they be the strongest beings?

<However, we have our limits.> The wyvern sighed before signalling to his pack to follow him, <We all have a cap of how strong we can become. I reached that cap years ago.>

We've begun walking, but I don't know where we're going.

The wyvern then looks at me as I follow by his side, <But that's the difference between you and I. True dragons, especially shadow dragons, aren't usually born with a limit.>

The wyvern destroys the barrier around us and I decide to ask, <So I can become so strong I could destroy the entire world?>

<Long story short, yes.> The wyvern chuckles, <True dragons are commonly referred to as gods. Wyverns are faux dragons, an offshoot from the originals.>

<If that's the case... then how did the other shadow dragons die out?> I ask with confusion lining my words.

The wyvern looks down before responding, <Like I said before, shadow dragons aren't intelligent. They were extremely powerful, but so easy to trap. The small creatures who live in those villages created magic traps and easily killed the shadow dragons.>

<But if the shadow dragons are so strong, how can a little bit of magic harm them?> I respond with another question. Maybe I'll be able to learn everything I need to from this guy!

But something feels weird. His pack-member just died, but he seems unfazed. Just how many wyverns have died in this pack?

<Have you ever heard of 'Light magic'?> The wyvern asks with a serious tone. I respond with a shake of my head. The wyvern sighs before explaining, <Shadow dragons are usually highly magic resistant. Their scales are sometimes used as armour due to how reinforced they are. But light magic tears through their scales like paper.>

The wyvern growls as more humans appear on the horizon, <The humans used light magic to wipe out the entire shadow dragon race. I've witnessed it so many times. However, the humans have gradually lost their ability to use light magic over time as they no longer have a use for it.>

Most of the humans approaching are easily wiped out by the wyverns, and the alpha keeps on talking in my mind, <But, there are still the chances that a human might still have the genes capable of using light magic.>

Another wyvern is slaughtered by the humans. We only have 6 left in the pack. The alpha quickly turns the humans into nothing more than puddles of blood and guts before consuming the dust of his fallen member.

<I don't want to worry you, young one.> The wyvern hisses as he sees boats approaching over the distance, <But the humans here have called reinforcements. We're done for, we wont be making it out alive.>

He looks at me before waving, <But you're able to fly away. With your magic resistance, they wont be able to hurt you that much.>

<So go, young one. Leave us all behind, we've told you everything you need to know.>

"IS THAT A SHADOW DRAGON? KILL IT!" I hear a man's voice in the distance yell. The echoes fill the entire area as I hear the heavy footsteps of approaching soldiers.

<I wish you luck on your travels.> The wyvern looks up at me as I take flight. I turn my head around to watch as the entire group is mercilessly slaughtered. The humans then look up at me and fire their magic at me.

The magic is easily reflected, but I can see the sun rising in the distance. I need to get out of here fast, before I become the next casualty. But I swear on my life, the next time I meet these humans...

I'll kill every last one.