

I keep on flying, despite the constant blackouts I experience. Over the stormy oceans; over the salty waves. The dark clouds blocked the sun out of my vision, making it easier for me to fly. If it was sunny, I'd be dead already.

Hours of my life were spent flying in a fixed direction. I don't even know where I'm going; I don't care where I'm going.

I just watched my first friends in this world get murdered by humans, I want revenge. But, I need to grow stronger if I ever want to reach that goal.

My wings began to tear like stretched fabric as I coughed up warm streaks of blood. I was gradually flying lower each time, and it took more energy to keep myself in the air.

I wont be able to stay airborne for long. I need to land.

I begin to move around erratically, my wings were shooting out blood. I coughed up even more blood, and I could feel some of my scales peeling off. I was becoming weaker, my body needs to rest.

My eyes suddenly widen as I notice a nearby island. It's my only shot to survive, no matter what lives there. So I make a crash-landing. I throw my legs out, and I tuck my wings to my sides as my body crashes into the mud.

It hurt like a bitch.

Several of my bones are broken, and my scales have basically turned into plastic. Also, I can no longer fly with torn wings.

I can barely keep my eyes open, I'm that low on energy.

Every time my eyes shut, my brain felt nice and rested despite my eyes only closing for mere seconds.

That happened back when I was a human, too.

Sometimes, I never slept. And when the next day came, I was incredibly tired. Everything became quiet, and suddenly it was the perfect environment to sleep in. No matter how much I resisted to stay awake, I would soon fall asleep.

That's kind of like what's happening right now. But, instead of trying to fight it...

I'm going to go with the flow.

I slowly close my eyes, and my entire body relaxes. All of the sounds around me are nullified, and all of my senses shut down. My body was getting ready for a long nap.

Then suddenly, everything turned pitch black. So dark that I couldn't even see anymore. Everything that had happened in the last 24 hours has become a blur.

I pinch myself, but I couldn't feel anything. This isn't real.

Why am I trapped in some kind of void? Did I... die?

No, I couldn't have died. That would be the end of my story. Besides, if I was dead I wouldn't be able to pinch myself.

I'm in some kind of lucid dream, but I can't control anything. I feel cold, but I can't feel my own contact. What kind of contradictory place is this?

I try to use my abilities, but nothing happens.

I try to walk around in the place I was in, but I sometimes found myself falling. The floor I was standing on felt scaly. It was as if I was standing on a much larger version of me.


My eyes widen as I look into the darkness to see two beady, luminescent, and shiny purple eyes staring directly at me. Even one of the eyes was much larger than me.

The eyes slowly approach as more of the dragon comes into view. Pitch black scales, and curved horns that are shaped like trees with smaller pieces branching off of the main one. All down the dragon's back were rigid, dark spines that were also larger than me.

As the dragon's snout edges closer to my face, I begin to feel a warm presence. Is this who I think it is?

Is this my...


I reach out to touch the dragon's snout. But suddenly, brightness fills my vision as I wake up in the middle of a grassy plain. I was covered in dirt.

That was strange.

I looked around the new area I was in and saw herds of animals, but they didn't look like the ones back on earth. A pack of horned cows with fur coats were grazing close to me.

They don't pose much of a threat right now.

But, that was weird. I just saw my mother for the first time, is she still alive?

At least, I think that was my mother. She looked so large and strong, and her body was covered in dark scars. She was so friendly with me, didn't even try to attack me when I reached out to touch her.

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