
Reincarnated as a Saiyan in RWBY

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TheKonnan17 · Anime & Comics
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212 Chs

Chapter 99 - Dream???

Blake was comfortable laying on Shallot's legs and was drifting away to sleep and when she opened her eyes she saw that she wasn't on the ship with Shallot and the others. She looked around and could see that the surroundings weren't something that she wasn't familiar with. She looked around and saw that she was in a cabin somewhere.

The room had a window and outside had a large body of water with such a bright sun. The smell from the sea breeze was wonderful and she felt peaceful here. She could see her Gombal Shrouds hanging on the wall in a glass case like an ornament.

The place felt cozy and seemed like a lodging home for relaxing. Her body started moving on its own. She felt like she was part of a very lively film. She walked through the door in front of her and could see a familiar appearance sitting on a rocking chair reading a newspaper in a language she didn't know.

"Mom!!! Dad won't teach me how to go Super Saiyan!!!"

Blake was wondering what is a Super Saiyan and thought that this must be a dream. She turned and saw a small girl with black cat ears on her head and a monkey tail on her backside.

Blake: 'Is that me and Shallot's child.'

Blake: "What do you need to learn that for Sabi?"

The little girl Sabi huffed her cheeks and the man in the large man in the chair laughed. The man stood up from his chair and he was massive. He stood at the height of 8'2" tall. Blake was surprised seeing that Shallot was so tall.

The door leading outside was pushed up and a small girl came running in and dashed towards Shallot. Behind her was a little boy the same age. They look almost identical with the only difference being that one had male clothes and the other had boy clothes on. They both had tails behind them.

Two kids: "Papa"

Shallot took a knee and waited for them. They ran into his arms and he picked them up while laughing while picking them up. Sabi was pouting off to the side and Shallot went over to pick her up and sat her on his head.

Shallot: "What are you two doing back so soon Carole and Escar. Where is your mother at?"

In soon after was another person. Blake turned to see that it was Neo and following behind her was Ruby, Yang, Velvet, and someone she wasn't expecting to see who's stomach seemed to be bloated.

Blake: 'What is she doing here?'

Blake: "How much longer before we can leave this world? You said that that you used a lot of your energy to protect the ship to get us here but it was the wrong world and it would take 4 years. I think it's been a year and a half since we've been here so far."

Blake heard her own voice feeling like she should try to remember as much as she can but was also thinking is she able to remember so much when she wakes up. Blake had started walking towards the door to look for someone but while she was walking she could see something coming towards her.

Blake: 'Is that a cannonball?'

Blake walked out of the door and 4 shadow clones appeared two shadow clones were grabbed by the others and launched by the other two. The first shadow clone exploded taking out the cannonball and the second one kept flying through the air.

Blake was looking out and could see a ship in the distance. It was a white flag with a blue plus sign with the sides of the plus with circles. The clone flew into the ship and exploded destroying the ship. A giant explosion was felt on the island with a large amount of water being blasted into the air.

Blake: "They just won't stop bothering us. Don't they understand that we can destroy them at any time and the only reason we aren't bothering them is that Shallot said it's not worth our time?"

Yang: "We could always go to their headquarters and beat them up if we want to. We should still have some cases of ice dust to deal with that magma bastard. Oh yeah, did you hear about that technique... I think it was called...


Blake had woken up before she could find out what Yang was going to say in the dream. Before she forgot she hurried and grabbed her scroll and started making a note of everything she saw in her dream.

Shallot saw Blake wake up when the ship landed and hurried to grabbing her scroll and typing something. He waited for her to get finished and then asked her what was the hurry. He was practicing working with his semblance and messing with the spatial ability to make a thin bubble around the ship. He was seeing how far the bubble could expand if he made it thin.

Shallot: "So, what was the rush, and what did you need to write?"

Blake didn't know exactly how to explain it so she showed what she wrote down on her scroll and Shallot went through reading it. He thought about it and thought about an anime he knew. Even from the limited amount, he knew he could guess that he figured out how to travel to another world and they will need a ship.

Afterward, it seems to be the world of One Piece but it required a lot of strength and it seemed that I had to recover and would need more time.

Shallot: "So I was planning on leaving as soon as I could make a tunnel to another world but maybe I should get stronger so we can skip that world."

Shallot was mumbling but Blake heard him and didn't agree.

Blake: "I would like to go there. It seems like a nice place to relax and the kids seemed to like it. Also, what is Super Saiyan?"

Shallot: "It's something that Saiyans can do. It's a transformation that increases the strength great but you need to be strong enough to achieve it. I wasn't planning on aiming for it specifically but I knew would reach it eventually."

Blake nodded her head and they could see that Ruby was also still sleeping against Shallot. She on the other hand seemed like she was seeing a nightmare. Shallot started rubbing her head with one hand and rubbing her head and the other one on her back.

Ruby started calming down and also woke up and started looking around.

Shallot: "It was just a nightmare Ruby."

Blake: "Maybe she saw something too."

Ruby looked at Blake while calming down. She breathed in then breathed out while thinking about what she had seen and the destruction that had happened. That monster that had destroyed the entire world. It was no Grimm and the Grimm seem cut compared to what it was capable of it.

Ruby: "I had a dream where this pink creature killed everyone in the world and had beat Shallot. It seems that Shallot was fighting along with some other people but still couldn't beat it before I was killed in the dream."

Shallot: 'That sounds like Buu. I should push my limits far more. Time to stop taking it easy and use this Saiyan body to its full potential.


[AN: I now have a pat.reon so if you want to see chapter as soon as they are completed check them out there since I don't have to worry about things being deleted there. You don't have to if you don't want to since chapters will be posted here

https://www.pat.reon.com/TGM_Productions. (remove the (.) if you didn't know)]

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