
Reincarnated as a Saiyan in RWBY

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TheKonnan17 · Anime & Comics
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212 Chs

Chapter 100 - Arrival

Shallot was having a large number of thoughts going through his head. One thought was that his semblance can affect others and have them experience "dreams" or see what could possibly happen in the future. He will need to test that in the future and how to use it efficiently.

Shallot: 'I need to make sure that I have all the strength I can gain from purely training. I know that Saiyans reach a natural limit if they don't fight someone that can challenge them. Gravity training can at least get me to the point of Super Saiyan.'

While Shallot had thoughts going through his head he was also rubbing the back of Ruby to calm her. Yang came over to see what was wrong with Ruby. Blake explained to her that Shallot's semblance may have another effect on people which allows them to live through a possible future. Whether that future is good or not doesn't seem to be guaranteed.

Shallot could hear his stomach rumbling and was hoping that they would have enough food once they got back. He brought some compressed food in his bag. Each one held 3600 calories worth inside each compressed bag so he can still function without too many issues. As long as he ate 30 of them it would equate to a regular meal.

He brought at least a half cargo bay of them and was already through 90 of them. If he needs another day he may need to get more food by hunting if there are still any wild animals around Mountain Glenn.

Shallot: "So, Ruby. What you saw is probably related to my semblance and it may have affected you since you were sleeping. I'm still figuring out all the applications to my semblance. We also need to prepare since if what you and Blake are a possible future we can still prevent it as long as we have strength."

Ruby nodded her head and she calmed down. Yang was interested in this and wanted to see if she could also experience this.

Yang: "When we get back to the academy after the mission use your semblance around me while I sleep. I want to see if it works on anyone that sleeps or it is random."

Shallot thought about if it was a good idea but knowing about your ability is the first thing you should do.

Shallot: 'I should also make sure that I can go and figure out how to make a portal to other worlds. From what I read from what Blake wrote down it means that I would eventually succeed which means that it won't be a waste of time to start working on it early. I also need to make a spaceship for us to be in and maybe a way to store my ki inside it.'

Shallot looked at his hanging over his shoulder.

Shallot: 'Maybe I can use the bases of this to make the storage device. Maybe making things to play around with is useful in larger things.'

Yang was thinking about what should see if she could see visions about the future or possible futures.

Yang: 'If I can see into the future maybe I can figure out why mom is saying not to trust Shallot. He hasn't really hidden anything from us. He also is great in bed even if we may need to get some help if we want to be able to walk the next day. He told us after sleeping last time that the stronger he becomes the stronger his body and stamina is which means we need more girls or we need to get stronger.'

Ruby looked over at Velvet.

Ruby: 'We need to become stronger instead so we can last longer. I'm starting to not want to share Shallot and want to keep him for myself instead.'

Ruby had a blush on her face while thinking about it and decided that she would ask Shallot to up her training and that she wants to be able to catch up with Blake. She knows that catching up to Shallot will be tough since even while he is studying he would still be training by increasing the gravity around himself.

Ruby: 'He also has his healing ability but he has been using so much recently that the flower and plants have been dying around the place. He may need to go somewhere else to train or else the school will look like a wasteland after he finally stops training.'

The ship had landed on the ground and it was time for them to head out to the next location for what could give some clues to where Dr. Merlot's lab is. Everyone stepped out of the ship and Dr. Port was standing behind them.

Port: "Alright students you all are going to be looking for the old Merlot Industries building. It may have been an issue finding things in this area so we will be having Dr. Oobleck's assistance in directing you all here.

He is already on his way here on another ship in case we may need to be personally involved in this mission. Dr. Oobleck is also more familiar with Dr. Merlot as they seem to have some history together."

As soon as he was finished speaking they all could hear their comms picks up and Dr. Oobleck started speaking to them.

Oobleck: "Professor Port informed me that you found some old Merlot Industries technology - interfering with our secure network. It might be nothing... OR IT MIGHT BE EVERYTHING! Either way, I believe it should be worth investigating the Merlot Industries building in Mountain Glenn.

If my old maps are still accurate, it should be located somewhere near the center of town. Just do your best not to end up like the brilliant men and women who worked there..."

Team CFVY knew that the more of this mission they were going towards the more dangerous it was getting. Considering that they were even sending another teacher as a backup it could get even more dangerous. Even though she knows that Team RWBYS seems to be stronger than the average team... They should rely on themselves since they were the seniors after all.

Coco: 'After we get back for the two days I'm going to make sure that Blake can't go back until we are at least a little bit stronger than we are. By the time Shallot is finished training Velvet we should also be far stronger than we are now.'

The ship had let them out in a ruined area and they were ready. Blake and Ruby had calmed down and also exchanged information about each other's dreams.

Ruby: "So you and Neo had kids but I and Yang didn't have kids yet?"

Blake nodded her head.

Blake: "But things were going pretty quick and I'm not sure that everyone was there. It seemed like we were enjoying a vacation when were attacked but the me at that time was able to use my semblance differently than I could."

Ruby tilted her head hearing that.

Ruby: "What do you mean?"

Blake put her pointer finger on her chin in the best way she could explain it.

Blake: "I usually use my semblance for defense and ways of evasions but the future or alternate me was using my semblance as an attack-type semblance. I want to try to copy the way that the alternate version of me did."

While Ruby and Blake were talking Shallot had gotten everything he needed mainly some snacks just in case this will take a day and had a shoulder bag with more compressed food. Team CFVY was ready and Team JNPR had just finished grabbing their weapons and some tools just in case they may need them.


[AN: I now have a pat.reon so if you want to see chapter as soon as they are completed check them out there since I don't have to worry about things being deleted there. You don't have to if you don't want to since chapters will be posted here

https://www.pat.reon.com/TGM_Productions. (remove the (.) if you didn't know)]

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