
Reincarnated as a Saiyan in RWBY

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TheKonnan17 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 183 - The Plan

Qrow had already left to get treated and Ironwood left to have his arm fixed. Ruby was looking around trying to see if there was anyone left around them. Shallot had taught them how to sense ki and the stronger it was the easier it was to find them.

She was trying to find out where the person has gone to but couldn't find anyone.

"I can't sense them anywhere. Either they know how to hide their ki or they have someone that can transport people." Ruby said while closing her eyes.

She wasn't as good Shallot with sensing for ki. She needed to calm down and feel the ki around her. Since she was more active it was difficult to do.

"What are you all doing standing here?" Pyrrha asked walking in with the rest of her team.

She saw the destruction of the room but it was only Yang, Ruby, and Weiss standing there.

Ruby turned hearing a voice.

"Oh, hi Pyrrha," Ruby said seeing Pyrrha.

"We were dealing with the people that came here. Ironwood and our Uncle already left." Yang said while walking over to Weiss to see what she was doing.

Weiss was hovered over Blake's shoulder looking at the crystal trying to figure out what it was. She was thinking about the different dust materials but she didn't know what it was made of.

Weiss pulled out her scroll to look through the information that she always kept on her about dust.

After looking for a bit she put her scroll away thinking that whatever it was was only partially dust.

"This is dust but not completely dust. It seems to be a mixture of dust and something else. It isn't unusual for us to mix different types of dust with gunpowder but I'm not sure what is mixed in with it." Weiss said coming to her conclusion.

"What isn't dust?" Nora asked peaking over Weiss's shoulder who was peeking over Blake.

"Ahhh!!!" Weiss jumped away hearing Nora next to her ear.

"Hahahaha!!! Hi Weiss!!! What was that about dust? Is it explosive or something!" Nora asked excitedly thinking about some ways to improve her weapon.

Weiss released a breath of exhaustion knowing that this was just how Nora was. We found this inside one of the people that came and attacked. It had the ability to break past someone's aura and shocking them after making contact." Weiss explained.

"That doesn't sound good," Pyrrha responded.

"No, it doesn't." A voice sounded out from behind them.

Everyone turned around and saw Taiyang. He was sweating slightly and had his weapon ready.

"What're you doing here dad?" Yang asked since their mom already left.

"I came after Summer but she was too fast for me to keep up with," Taiyang said.

Yang looked in the direction that their mom went.

"Ozpin was taken to the infirmary by mom so that he could be treated," Ruby said cutting into the conversation.

"Where's Shallot?" Taiyang asked.

A flurry of white petals flew into the room before dispersing revealing Summer.

"They said that Shallot left because Winter had some trouble and Ironwood wanted him to go and help them. I think someone is blocking the communications because the students and hunters haven't gotten a notification on their scroll." Summer explained.

"So what do we do now?" Pyrrha asked.

"We need to make sure that the others students are ok and check on the city." Summer said while having a look around at the office.

She wanted to check to see if there were any clues left around on who the person was that attacked and if they could be tracked by it. She continued looking around for a bit but couldn't find anything.

She thought it was strange since the person was injured in the fight but they didn't leave any of the clothes that they used. Summer looked for a bit more but all she could see was the blood that was spilled.

"Maybe some of their blood is here but we'll have to get a team to investigate it." Summer mumbled to herself.

"We'll go and check on the city to see if there is anything wrong going on," Pyrrha said while they were about to go and do that.

"That would be helpful. We just came to get some more help." A voice came from outside the building.

They turned around and saw that it was Velvet walking toward them. Coco was next to her and Fox and Yatsuhashi weren't far behind.

"There is chaos going on in the city and it was like the people have gone mad and started destroying things." Velvet said.

"That isn't what is going on though. It seems that someone is controlling the people to attacking. I could hear the heartbeat of the people and it's at the resting rate or just a bit higher. I think the people are being controlled because they aren't being responsive when they are taken to." Fox said.

Summer started to rub her temples thinking that this was getting out of hand at this point. All of this just so happens when Shallot leaves after making a large show to everyone not to mess with the schools. Someone is capable of setting something like this up and preparing a way to get Shallot away so they can do what they planned to do.

Ruby looked at the others and nodded her head."We'll also go... Blake, you should stay behind and watch the school since you can tell if someone is coming better than I can." Ruby said.

She didn't want anything to happen to Blake while they go even if Blake is the second strongest after Shallot. She wanted to see Blake's baby so she could play with them. She loved babies because they were adorable.

"Alright, I'll stay here and make sure that if they come back the school isn't targeted," Blake said while heading back to the room.

Blake wanted to head there so that she could rest some more. She also wanted to go and get Shallot's secret stash of sweets he keeps from Ruby.