
Reincarnated as a Rabbit

In a world of swords and magic, where gods and goddesses roam the land. Where heroes rise and ascend the heavens. A world where the strong eat the weak. The protagonist finds himself reincarnated into a rabbit. Nevertheless, he was able to adapt quickly to his new life trying to survive to live for another day. This is a story of a simple rabbit's rise to power.

PotatoYawn · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Wake-Up Call

"Oi kid, you up?"

When I opened my eyes, what greeted me is the gentle moonlight coming from the night sky.

I thought that I finally died, but somehow, I survived huh? But why are my surroundings kinda hot? Is this hell?

"Oi, kid you finally up?"

I guess it still isn't my time to go to the other side or on to my next life, maybe I will be reincarnated again.

"I see your eyes open, OI!"

If I will be reincarnated again this time, I want to be an armadillo or a hedgehog, then I will roll into a ball and become a living bowling ball.

That sounds good.

"If you don't get up now, I'll take you to the old man!"

"Fine, I'm up already!"

I've been trying to ignore this huge mountain of a rabbit near my face, but this guy still keeps on bothering me.

The cute face of a bunny partnered with a deep masculine voice and a muscular rabbit body full of scars makes me wanna vomit even though my body is physically unable to do so.

Where am I even? I just blacked out all of a sudden, I thought I would surely die from blood loss.

I noticed that I am in a ring of fire, the trees surrounding us are burning.

Gathered around me are Alpha Rabbit and a bunch of other rabbits in my surroundings. There were Greater Rabbits, Lesser Fire Starter Lops, and the three remaining Horned Rabbits that were with me. But the most inconspicuous of them all are two arctic rabbits with spiral horns and long tails.


[Sanandum Lop]

[A Sanandum Lop that lives in the forest of the Forgotten Sanctum]

[Leveled Up [Skill] Appraisal 2 > 3]

[Sanandum Lop]

[A Sanandum Lop that lives in the forest of the Forgotten Sanctum. Sanandum Lops are rabbit monsters with a gentle and docile nature. Passively emits a calming aura in their surroundings]

"If you're fine now then get up and say thanks to these two for healing you."

I got up and bowed toward those two. They gracefully returned my bow and hop away.

"Well, they actually served as the healers of the village you know, so you're quite lucky that they even came all the way here for you."

"How about the other Horned Rabbit that was with me, what happened to him?"

"He's back to the embrace of the gods."

I guessed that's that, with how weak rabbits are naturally, it is just natural for them to die in the wild.

Even I am not exempted from this rule, even with my evolved form I almost died to a common groundhog, and I wasn't even able to save one of my companions.

"But even so, he was still a tough rabbit, we know that we are one of if not the weakest ones here, that's why we strive to be better, strive to survive, fight until we can live."

So that's their mindset, I thought that they were just a naturally aggressive bunch. Still, the drive to survive as a member of a species of prey gives me the will to continue living.

Even though they know that they are weak, still, they continued to challenge others to improve themselves just to have a place in this world.

"And you, little one, you can be arrogant, you can do what you want, but remember that you must have the capacity to back that up, you escaped the clutches of death today, but mark my words, fight until you can no more.

"Then, shouldn't I just escape when I am in danger, why should I fight, you trying to tell me to commit suicide huh?!"

Ahhhhh, did I think too loud again?

"Look, I'm not saying that you shouldn't run, know when to run, and know when to fight. But know that someday you need to stop running and just fight them head-on you know?"

This guy… spouting some lines to sound cool, but hey, he's really making some points right now.

And this sweltering heat, those Pyromaniacs are at it again, sigh.

I saw some Greater Marsh Horned Rabbits trying to put out the forest fire. I don't know what happened but by this point, you can call them a terrorist for literally burning some of the monsters home to the ground.

Well, with all that said, I really need to start being serious in battles, I've become too complacent with just applying some flairs like ricocheting.

Just because I was able to apply some useful principles doesn't mean that I will become invincible.

Like those two groundhogs who risked their lives just to take me down with them, but unfortunately for them, I was able to survive.

In the face of a desperate struggle for survival, all you can do is brace yourself and fight with all your heart. But if an escape option is available then you can retreat and fight for another day.


"Well, now that you're okay now, you wanna come back to the village with us?"

He really does like to thump to gain your attention, at this point I think he's doing it unconsciously now.

"Hey… I'm not coming back with you."


His gaze, I knew it, he already knows what I will say.

"Because I don't think that I'll grow here."

"Huh? If you don't have something to barter for carrot seeds, I'll give you some, don't worry about it, kid."

"I'm not talking about growing carrots."

"Oh, then you wanna grow some grass? I can give it to you too."

This guy really gets on my nerves, shitty macho rabbit. He just wants me to say it out loud.


"I want to grow stronger."

"There you have it. If you can't be honest with yourself then I don't know how you will survive out there. Our lives are too short for hopping around our desires you know."


"But still, why do you want to leave? You can also grow stronger here, with the resources, assistance, and safety that we can provide. You can be sure that you can be guaranteed a chance to become strong."

"I won't get true strength in that place. It will just be artificial, using another person's power to make myself stronger."

I realized that since I've already been given a chance to reincarnate in a world full of magic, I want to become powerful through my own means.

Although some might say that it's a stupid choice to reject free food, to stand at the top I need to get there through my own means.

"Do you even have a destination in mind?"

"The west, I heard that in there it's full of monsters that have never been seen before. I heard it from the carrot shop lady."

"Well then, I won't take much of your time, come back whenever you want, all those who are from our kind are welcome."

Giving one last look, at the burning forest and the rabbits I started hopping away.


I suddenly stopped in my tracks hearing Alpha Rabbit's growls.


Damn you, can't you even let me make a dramatic leave. Come on just let me be cool this one time!

"I forgot to tell you, these four children want to come with you."

He gestured toward the horned rabbits but I only saw three.

"There's only three of them. Do you know how to count?"

"Nope, there's four of them."


The Alpha Rabbit gave a loud thump to the ground and a small Red-Eyed Lop appeared behind him, his figure was blocking my vision, so I was unable to see before.

"There she is, now you can see four of them."

"And so… why do they even want to come with me?"

"I don't actually know, they said that they just admire you, it's actually very typical for our kind to suddenly follow someone."

Huh? What does that even mean? Does he mean that they just follow you around no questions asked? It looks quite tiring I mean even though I don't actually need to care for them, I need to see if they're fine.

Which gives me more responsibility to look out for their well-being.

"Nope, I won't let them go together with me. I don't have the capacity to take care of a bunch of deadweights like them."

"Well, there you have it. He doesn't want you guys bothering him, so you'll be coming back with me."

The rabbits looked visibly disappointed with their heads hanging low, but still, I need to do this to be able to get what I want with my own power.

Although I don't want them to come with me, but I am getting consumed with guilt seeing rabbits a bit depressed because of me.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad.

"But don't worry, I'll visit you guys here when the time comes. I'll be back." I spoke.

The rabbits beamed at me and said their thanks that I was being so kind to such weak rabbits like them.

It's quite weird to say this but I think I will miss them a little bit. I mean they've been following me around for a while so this parting might get quite sentimental huh?

"Alright, we won't be delaying your journey, sun rise is already near it would be better if you can make a burrow somewhere to rest first."


The Alpha Rabbit signaled toward the other rabbits telling them that it was time to go. The Greater Marsh Horned Rabbit already controlled the forest fire that was spread by the Lesser Fire Starter Rabbits by the time we finished saying our farewells.

Seeing that it was really time to leave. I hopped toward the western direction and after a bit, looked back toward them.

This might be the last time that I will see them. I might die somewhere there without anyone even knowing.

I might just get caught up in a predator's trap, but still, I'll find a way to survive.

I'll make sure to come back here someday.

This is my pride at stake, as a rabbit that will survive and soar through the heavens with his own strength.

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