
Reincarnated As A Plant Life

Lucius Mc. Conol, once the leader of a ghost division, is captured and killed on a mission. However, not all is lost as he finds himself reincarnated in another world... as a leafling? Join Lucius as he teaches lower leveled plant life human tactics, bringing to them new concepts and powers. *Ding* [You've leveled up] This is a kingdom-building, evolution story which sees Lucius encounter beings from different species, spreading his influence and 'mystical' powers. === This novel is more a cultivation novel than it is a system novel. The system just adds extra aspects to the cultivation trope, however, this is a cultivation novel at its core.

Kurai_Takahashi · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Eikthyrnir Compound [Mini-Arc] (4)

At the moment, absorbing the guard's core seemed like the most logical, and obvious thing to do

~No... this isn't right,~ Lucius thought to himself, fighting back his urges.

In fact, it wouldn't be too far-fetched for him to think that this was a sort of addiction he was beginning to develop.

~That much pain will definitely wake him up. And I'm not going to use such a cruel method to kill an undeserving opponent,~ he thought, almost as if he were convincing himself of his own reasoning.

In the end, he decided to absorb the life force of everything else in the room - which was quite a small amount in comparison, as most of the items here had already been severed from whatever life force they had been a part of in the past.

Still, the energy was enough to take off some of the fatigue that came from using his poison earlier.

~There's nothing of value in this room,~ he thought to himself, as he searched through the final pile of materials.