
Reincarnated as a Nightwalker

Check out my new novel: Damien Nightshade The Villainous Vampire Professor After reading a thousand light novels about reincarnation Zhang Xia finds himself in the same situation all those protagonists faced. This story is about a guy being reincarnated into one of the strongest undead in existence. A Nightwalker.

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72 Chs

Harleys Mission

Meanwhile back on planet Astra, 3 days had passed. Xia was reading over reports in his study. During these few days, he had been clearing up any loose ends before the humans from Earth arrived.

First, he had been worried about clearing out all the corpses of monsters left behind from the berserk monsters that had attacked Utopia city a week ago. Much to his surprise the second the attack was over, thousands of people rushed out to quickly dismantle the monster parts.

To Xia and the other powerful immortals, these monsters didn't mean much as they could kill them with a wave of their hands. But to the adventurers, it was a literal goldmine of monster parts and meat that could be sold at high prices. How often could an F rank get hold of dragon parts? Even if they didn't sell the parts they could make new armor and weapons.

The next issue was the famous yearly auction which would take place soon. Xia was still debating if he would allow Earthlings to attend the auction or not.

While deep in thought, Xia was interrupted as due to his enhanced sense of hearing he could hear some light footsteps outside the door.

Using his mana vision he could see the outline of a little girl standing on her tiptoes to reach the doorknob before turning it, she then seemed to compose herself and flatten out her dress before entering the room all proud.

Xia could only chuckle at his daughter's antics. He could even tell that she had activated her [Empress Aura III] to try and seem more intimidating.

"Father!" she shouted while pouting and pointing her finger at him

"Yes, cupcake?" Xia replied as if not taking her seriously.

"Wha- WHO are you calling Cupcake!"

Due to her anger, her five hidden S rank guards that she had subdued with her [Loyalty X] skill appeared suddenly.

The five men wearing black tuxedos, white shirts, and black masks quickly surrounded Harley as if they were a security team escorting a famous celebrity.

Xia was slightly surprised as even he hadn't noticed them. To be fair his guard wasn't exactly up but still…

"Are these your new toys, Harley?"

The little girl puffed out her chest with pride "YEP! They are totally loyal to me and look how coooooool they look!"

"Yes yes very cool-" Xia suddenly paused as he detected something unauthorized had gone through the portal to Earth.

Despite his mood change Harley continued speaking

"Anyways Dad I am booooored there's nothing to do in this lame castle, I want to go fight something!"

A smile appeared on Xia's face as he just found a solution to Harley's boredom and also a way to get her to stop nagging him. Mwahaha a perfect plan… he is truly a godly parent if he would say so himself!


Earth 6th August Year 2045, England, London < 9.00 pm>

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Ryan Jenkins could only rub his temples in frustration.

"Can you repeat that to me? I think I heard it wrong…" he said desperately hoping he misheard the secretary.

"Sir the President of the United States is on his way"

Everyone in the room let out a deep sigh, including the royal family.

They were stressed out enough without other countries poking their noses into the problem.

England was once a major superpower and controlled a third of the planet's countries. But since the collapse of the empire, it was a mere shadow of its former glory.

Now London heavily relied on being a financial center for the world's economy as it controlled the second-largest stock exchange in the world, after New York.

What made London the choice for many was its stability and political ties with superpowers like the USA. The appearance of this sudden threat in the center of London had thrown the stock market into major collapse as companies quickly sold shares and planned to flee the country.

So with the economy collapsing and people out on the street screaming about the end of the world, how could they want to meet the president?

The UK had already begun an intense study on the portal and really didn't wish to share any information with the USA yet. This could be a chance for the UK to return to its glory days!

Like hell they would give this opportunity to others!

"Tell him we are busy!" Ryan shouted but to his dismay, the door behind the secretary opened, and in walked an elderly tall man with blond hair.

The president casually walked in and ignored Ryans' annoyed face. He greeted the Royal family and they said hello back with stiff smiles.

After getting seated the president was all smiles "So my allies care to let me in on the situation?"


While the Prime Minister and Royals cried in silence the streets around Hyde Park were bustling with activity.

A middle-aged woman stood before a large camera with a whole team behind it. She anxiously waited before being given the go-ahead to start.

"This is BBC News, I will be your host Caitlyn!

Behind me, you can see the British Armed Forces stopping citizens from entering Hyde Park. If we point the camera towards the sky, you should be able to see an approximately mile-high crack in space.

I have been told that the Army has been battling monsters emerging from the crack in space for the last few hours…"

*BOOM* The ground trembled and the news reported almost lost her footing but regained her composure quickly.

"That was a shot from Britain's famous Challenger 3 tank. According to the Army, some of the monsters need multiple tank rounds to be killed!"

The News reporter was then interrupted when multiple tank rounds started going off.

"ENGAGE! FIRE!!!" A loud voice through a megaphone could be heard.


"It seems the Army is engaging a group of powerful enemies as we speak!"


The ground shook as a massive snake head appeared above the trees. In Hyde Park, the trees usually reach up to 30 meters… How big is this snake?

The reporter didn't waste a moment and began running. The film crew also ran but kept the cameras rolling and pointed at the monster.

Over a billion viewers from around the world were glued to their televisions as they watched something that seemed to come from a movie. Many took to Twitter to express their thoughts:

"Oh my god, what a massive snake! Not as large as mine tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

"Is this real or is the UK making this up for publicity? How can a snake be 25 stories tall? Look how small the trees and buildings are!"

"Comment above I can confirm this is real, I'm watching it live from my penthouse window!"

Massive explosions occurred on the snake's body as the Challenger 3 tanks got to work. Over 20 tanks continuously shot at it. Each round did damage to the snake's scales and green blood leaked out, but the wound quickly healed at a rate visible to the human eye.

"Holy shit what amazing regeneration skills! Can it even die?"

"What can the UK do? Rest in peace, I just hope the snake can't swim!" - French Twitter user

The BBC film crew continued filming the scene while running backward. The snake seemed annoyed from being attacked so the Godzilla-sized snake quickly dived down and smashed into the tanks.

Viewers watched in horror and the snake re-emerged above the trees with a 100 ton Challenger 3 tank in its mouth. It then closed its jaw and people watched as the tank was crushed into pieces.

Bits of the tank rained down to the ground, viewers could even see a man trying to escape the tank from the top hatch only to lose his footing and fall to his death, screaming on the way down.

True despair gripped the people's hearts. Would this snake even die to a nuke? Was London and possibly the whole of England doomed to fall?

Suddenly a wave of power washed over the people forcing them to their knees as if welcoming a king.

With great effort, some managed to raise their heads and what greeted them was even crazier than the snake.

A little girl stood still in the middle of the air, her long jet black hair fluttered in the wind like a majestic being. Her pink eyes seemed to glow with power as they calmly assessed the situation.

The cameras captured the whole event and caused a global outroar.


"Ohhh my god those eyes! I'm captivated!"

"Is she using magic? Does it really exist!"

"Why is everyone kneeling to a little girl HAHAHA"


Harley looked around in amazement. Dad had told her that she needed to kill a snake that had gone through a portal.

She looked around and saw thousands of people kneeling towards her. This city is so weird, she thought. The architecture was similar to Utopia but also different in many ways. The people also seemed to wear better-tailored clothes compared to the ones back home.

Was there really somewhere richer than her country Astral? She saw many interesting shops and could smell lots of different food. Exciting! Dad was right that this place would be cool!

First to get rid of this annoying snake…

[Finger of Doom]

Harley wasted no time and gathered the surprisingly pure mana around her into her favorite spell.

The mana violently surrounded her finger before shooting out in a purple beam that spanned 20 meters across.

The purple beam vaporized the 50-meter snake instantly and left a deep superheated crater in the ground. Steam shot out from the crater as an underwater pipe had been hit.

Everyone watching: "_"